After I finished speaking, Jiang Pan had no words.

After a long time, he finally said, "I hope Brother Liao will keep his heart."

After that, Jiang Pan finally stopped talking about Liao Cheng.

In order to make him think about other things, I mentioned Jiugong Dojo and Zhou Jingyi's corpse.

And I mentioned to him that the most important reason why I restrained the feathered corpse and was able to escape from the catacomb was because of the escape talisman!

That Five Sacred Destiny Talisman, and the 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman!

When Jiang Pan heard the words, he showed a look of astonishment, and said immediately, how is this possible?

In fact, when I left Tang Town, there were many people talking about it, so I never mentioned about Dunkong giving me the talisman.

Now I have no reason to hide the truth. To tell the truth, Dunkong used the essence and blood, as well as the earth branch pen and the sky dry inkstone.

Jiang Pan nodded complicatedly and said, "I see."

He pondered for a moment, and then said: "I have seen my father use the Dizhi brush and the Tiangan inkstone. In a critical situation, he used his own blood to hook the evil spirit charm, or the Hekui corpse-killing charm to suppress the murderous corpse in front of him."

"The old man once mentioned that if you use an earthen brush to cast talismans, the effect will be even greater, but it's a pity..."

I naturally knew that Jiang Pan said it was a pity, but where was the pity.

Master does not have the comprehension and talent of talisman, only the basic talisman.

Master and I are also similar.

It's just that if Master can use this method, so can I?

Today's geography talismans, except for the Hekui corpse-cutting talisman, which is included in the talisman art, the rest of the talismans are not included.

Its level is far inferior to that of Talisman.

When Dunkong was young, he could already draw some talismans that Jiang Pan and I couldn't draw at all, and it could even come in handy at critical moments.

But if you don't compare it with talismans, geography geography talismans are already extremely powerful in the face of other yin and yang arts, and corpses that are weaker than feathered evil corpses!

I calmed down my thoughts, nodded and said, "I will think about this trick."

However, Jiang Pan reminded me that in the future, Dunkong cannot be allowed to use blood essence to draw symbols like this, at least not at this age.

Drawing big talismans hurts the soul, and it takes a long time to cultivate.

When the words came to this point, Jiang Pan showed doubts again, and said: "There is something wrong, Dunkong came to see us off that day, I have never seen him exhausted from the fatigue of the soul..."

For a while, Jiang Pan frowned and fell silent.

I froze.

But of course I can't tell him that the other part of the escape is in Li Cang's wife's stomach, and the two must make up for it.

Two souls raise one person, there will definitely be many benefits that ordinary people do not have.

After a long time, Jiang Pan was still thinking.

I interrupted him and said that we should go to the front of the restaurant to meet everyone.

Now I have to leave Yuncheng and hurry to Longshan Nine Palaces Dojo.

Jiang Pan just nodded, but he shook his head again without speaking.

We left the yard and went straight back to the restaurant.

As soon as we entered the restaurant, another servant stepped forward and led us away.

Soon I arrived at the place where I drank yesterday, where there was a big table for eating, and all the yin and yang calculations were there.

Including the paper figurine Xu, Tang Ding and his servants are also there.

Tang Ding immediately stood up and asked me to sit down with Jiang Pan, but he also asked in surprise: "Sir, where is Mr. Liao? He arranged a banquet early in the morning. Why hasn't anyone been seen or come out with you?"

Everyone didn't move their chopsticks yet, they looked up at me and Jiang Pan inquiringly.

Jiang Pan turned to look at me, but I sighed endlessly.

During this period of time, Liao Cheng seemed to be the leader among the crowd, with great prestige.

Everyone naturally doesn't know how many things are in Guan Xiantao's tomb, Jiang Pan and I can't tell.

Now that Liao Xian is leaving, it will make everyone feel sad.

I can't keep this matter a secret, and I was about to speak up.

There was a yelling sound from behind, saying let's make way, and the big dishes are served!

Jiang Pan and I immediately stepped aside, and two cooks came behind, carrying a huge tray with a roasted whole lamb among them.

Beside him stood a man in a brocade robe.

He smiled and asked us to sit down.

After Jiang Pan and I were seated, the man cleared his throat, clasped his fists at us and said, "I am the owner of this restaurant. I was entrusted by Mr. Liao this morning, and I am bothering you gentlemen to get up early for a banquet. Mr. Liao entrusted me Let everyone know."

"He made a divination last night. There was an accident related to the disciples, so he had to leave overnight. He also taught gentlemen not to worry about him! We will meet each other if we are destined!"

I froze for a moment, and Jiang Pan also showed deep thought.

Finally, the owner of the restaurant looked at Jiang Pan and me, and respectfully said: "You two are Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang. Mr. Liao still left some money, let me hand it over to you two."

"He also asked me to tell Mr. Jiang...if you go out alone in the future...don't be greedy..."

With that said, the owner of the restaurant stepped forward and placed a money bag between me and Jiang Pan.

Everyone's mood was a little low, but now it has improved a lot.

Someone got up to toast and said that although everyone hadn't practiced it for Mr. Liao in person, it's not too late to toast now.

Jiang Pan was about to get up, but Tang Ding pulled Jiang Pan and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang, why don't you replace wine with tea?"

But I can see some details from Liao Cheng's final arrangement.

Including the title of Jiang Pan in his letter, in fact, his complaints about Jiang Pan have long since dissipated.

Leaving money behind and reminding him not to be greedy in public may have some intentions.

After everyone drank a cup of wine, Jiang Pan drank all the tea in the cup, and after he sat down, he sighed.

After saying a word, Jiang never touched his glass again.

Many yin and yang calculation masters looked at Jiang Pan in astonishment. They discussed with each other, but they didn't come forward to talk more.

I just took a shallow sip and replaced it with tea.

After a meal was almost finished, Jiang Pan got up again. He told everyone about our upcoming itinerary and that we could not return to Tang Town immediately.

It is necessary to do business in a mountain range sixty miles away in Hongyuan County outside Tang Town.

In the tomb of an Eight Luminaries evil corpse, the corpse of Mr. Yin Yang was pulled out!

Although the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse was also an Emerald Corpse, it was no more dangerous than the one in Guan Xiantao's tomb.

If everyone wants to go, let's go together.

Those who didn't want to, after a short stay in Hongyuan County, split into two routes and went to Tang Town to wait for us to come back.

What Jiang Pan said was completely a discussion.

But immediately a gentleman got up, his cheeks were rosy, he was a little drunk, but his voice was not low.

"Mr. Jiang, don't you have a prejudice against us?!"

"Actually, when I was waiting outside, I also regretted it. It should be the same as Mr. Zhou. I heard that it is possible to die in the evening, but you have already gone far."

"Right now, except for Lao Dun who is on the road, everyone has no energy at all. On the contrary, they can share the inheritance of Mr. Suspected Dragon for no reason!"

"This is because Mr. Jiang is benevolent and trustworthy! We must not shrink back when we have something to do!"

"Many comrades have seen the evil corpse, but I haven't seen it, and I want to see it!"

"Besides, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Li already have experience, and there are not many dangers. How can we be afraid?!"

The man drank a lot, and his speech was already a little unclear.

The rest of the people also responded one after another, but for a while, the atmosphere became much higher!

I couldn't help thinking, did Liao Cheng also have such intentions for this banquet?

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