It was as if the paper figurine Xu had dragged him.

But in the next moment, the feathered corpse leaned towards me and fell down.

Because of this, his arms straightened, and he was about to thrust towards my neck!

What made people's scalp tingle even more was that his eyes were wide open, as if the eyeballs were about to protrude!

He just opened his eyes normally before, and those dark eyes that were as deep as ink were enough to make people frightened.

Now the eyeballs are about to protrude, and the pressure is even stronger to the extreme.

The Tongqiao sub-gold sticks to his forehead.

I grabbed the body of the ruler and didn't let go, which is equivalent to me pulling him to fall towards me.

Those black mist are more like countless hands, pressing my body in place, almost unable to move.

In an instant, he was on top of my body.

I dodged extremely quickly, and my neck almost flashed past the stretched palm.

It ended up with my head between his arms.

He was about to pin me to the ground completely.

At this moment, a low growl came from the side: "Brother Yinyang, get out of the way!" A strong force came from his waist.

When I realized it, I saw that it was Liao Cheng who hit my waist with his shoulder all of a sudden.

At the same time, he violently pushed the chest of the feathered corpse with both hands!

I was shocked, but it was too late to tell Liao Cheng not to touch him.

The moment Liao Cheng pushed him, the feathered corpse fell backwards.

I also let go of the golden ruler and was knocked into the air.

With a bang, the feathered corpse fell to the ground first, and I hit the coffin heavily.

There was a muffled sound from the coffin!

Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely weird sound, as if echoing from a certain hollow...

There was a sharp pain in the shoulder, as if the entire shoulder was shattered.

Enduring the severe pain, I struggled to get up from the ground.

Liao Chengchu was trembling on the spot, he seemed to be struggling, and his eyes showed pain.

I can clearly see that there seems to be that black current flowing on his body, and his eyes have also started to turn black like the Taoist Master Shangqing...

My complexion has changed, if Liao Cheng is bumped into, it will be even more troublesome, I'm afraid we really have to stay here!

I kicked my legs hard and rushed straight to Liao Cheng. I took out the gossip tiger mirror in my hand, and I pressed it on top of Liao Cheng's head without hesitation!

Immediately, Liao Cheng's body trembled, and intense pain flashed in his eyes, but the blackness in his eyes disappeared...

There was a chirp, mixed with the hum of copperware!

"Be careful!" Liao Cheng shouted, he immediately pressed my shoulder and pulled me back.

I turned around in surprise, and what I saw was the golden ruler flying up and down.

While humming, it directly plunged into the dome at the highest point of the tomb.

The feathered corpse stood up straight again.

The surrounding temperature has become very strange, it is obviously warm and full of anger, but now it has turned into a hot, special temperature with a hint of cold, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The chest of the feathered corpse suddenly heaved a lot...

The feathered corpse originally contained a mouthful of [-] essence, and with its strong vitality, the [-] essence lingered.

Why do you say that you can become immortal and live forever?

Holding breath in front of the chest for a long time, isn't it immortal?

It's just that they are sleeping almost all the time...

Apparently, the feathered corpse just now still had the instinct to bludgeon.

But now, he seems to be awakened by us...

"Brother Yinyang... I'm afraid I'm going to make a mistake..." Liao Cheng's forehead was dripping with sweat, and beads of sweat were almost the size of a bean, rolling down the corner of his forehead.

There was also a boulder pressing on my heart, my feet backed up involuntarily, and my hands pushed Liao Cheng back at the same time.

Only then did I think, if there were a Great Elder on this road, I'm afraid we would never be in such a mess now.

Those who can really fight corpses are still Taoists.

The two Taoist priests, Shangqing and Dongyang, bumped into each other the first time they met, and instead became a force to limit us.

As for the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler, I used the dead body, and now I really feel helpless...

There was a bang bang behind him, and the rustling of a steel wire.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that it was the paper figurine Xu who was doing it.

He just stunned Daoist Shangqing!

Immediately, no one blocked the tomb passage!

Jiang Pan roared in a low voice: "Everyone escape first! Let's talk after we get out!"

There were only eight Mr. Yinshu and Yangsuan left, and they rushed towards the tomb in panic.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Pan turned around and was about to rush towards the altar.

I didn't say let him escape first, I know, it's useless to say...

But at that moment, I noticed that the faces of those Yinshu and Yangsuan who escaped coincidentally showed some dead faces!

Just now, they didn't have that face...

In the past, they deliberately blocked their faces, and I couldn't see through them.

Now I can see clearly that those are indeed violent deaths!

"Stop everything! Don't go out!" I yelled.

But where does anyone listen to me?

On the contrary, a Mr. Yinjutsu responded to me in fear: "Li Yinyang! You have great abilities in heaven and earth, and we are just ordinary Yinjutsu and Yangshu! When the wind is tight, we will naturally scream! You take care of yourself!" At the same time, the rise and fall of the feathered corpse's chest became more powerful.

The altar under his feet suddenly trembled.

We stood in this circle of altars, and they turned around as if they were organically expanded!

And it does not rotate as a whole, but clockwise on the outside and counterclockwise on the inside.

The inner and outer coffins have no influence in the very center, Liao Cheng and I are outside, and the immortal corpse is inside.

In a split second, we were being moved by the altar at the same time.

We are fast approaching the feathered corpse!

Surprised, Liao Cheng and I rushed towards the center of the altar.

After the two left the outer edge of the rotating altar, they landed in the center of the altar in embarrassment. The next moment, the feathered corpse passed by where we were standing just now...

My heart was pounding, and I managed to stand still.

Liao Cheng's whole body was tense, and his hands were bent, as if he was about to attack.

The feathered corpse was pulled counterclockwise along with the altar around the inner circle.

This scene is extremely weird...

Everything happened too fast, and at the same time, those yin and yang calculation masters just rushed to the exit of the tomb.

Jiang Pan and the paper figurine Xu came to the bottom altar almost at the same time.

Hum!From the other side of the tomb...

A splash of blood!The Mr. Yinjutsu who rushed to the front was actually pierced by a huge crossbow arrow!

A big hole appeared in his chest, and the crossbow arrow shot directly in our direction!

"Be careful!" I shouted in surprise: "Get down!" Liao Cheng and I lay down on the ground at the same time!

The crossbow arrow shot from the center of the altar, hit the opposite wall, and broke with an overwhelmed buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, three more crossbow arrows were shot from the other end of the tomb passage!

This kind of crossbow is as thick as a forearm!

It is clearly a mechanism in the tomb passage!None of us know when it was triggered...

There is even a possibility that if someone leaves, it will be triggered.

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