The moment I raised my head, thoughts raced through my mind.

In an instant, a ton of information comes to mind!And it has been deduced!

When I came in just now, I always felt that there was something wrong with the last mural.

I have never thought about where the problem is.

Now when the feathered corpse makes the same action.

I didn't think about it until we were surrounded by everyone kneeling down to worship Mr.'s corpse...

He is not Guan Xiantao at all!

Guan Xiantao is a headless person.

He was not born so tall and burly, let alone a vile corpse.

Besides, Guan Xiantao is in the tomb, so how could he worship someone again?

We were led here by the parchment.

Treating this coffin as Guan Xiantao's, he opened it with joy!

Except that I, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng have other purposes.

The rest of the people will feel that they are about to achieve their wishes, and this is the time when their vigilance is the most relaxed!

Everyone thought they wanted to see Guan Xiantao, but in the end they released a mouthful of feathered corpses...

The purpose of the parchment is this! ?

All those who died around him probably died because of it!

While my thoughts settled down, I had already seen something diagonally above.

It was a fresco on the edge of the dome of the tomb.

On the altar, the tall corpse is no longer kneeling, but holding some thin people in its hands.

Those people have Mr.'s thing on their waists, and they have no resistance...

Below him, there are still a large number of villains representing Mr. fighting each other, and countless people were killed or injured on the ground...

On the top of the mural, there is a line of seal script.

"The remaining five Jedi books and ten astrology techniques should not be handed over to the incompetent."

"This place is a dead end. Those who break it will see my true face."

"The loser will be counted in the Ascension Tomb."

Those few words were extraordinarily glaring, as if they jumped out and were engraved into my heart.

I stared at those words, and clenched my hands into fists.

I think there are definitely not many people who can see this line of words!

If I hadn't studied the murals before, I would have been skeptical about the parchment, and I could see through the identity of the feathered corpse.

Otherwise, you will never see this line...

I even think that people in the past years died in the hands of the feathered corpses without discovering this line of words...

Then Guan Xiantao really wants to accept disciples?

But now, I don't believe him at all...

I think that since he guided all of this, I am afraid that every predictive thing, or hidden forecast, may be calculated by Guan Xiantao in advance, just letting us walk on his road step by step...

There was a soft swish!

Followed by another scream!

Shocked, I turned around abruptly.

I just saw that the paper figurine Xu controlled the four green corpses and rushed to the face of the feathered corpse.

Two paper bundles were wrapped around the neck and shoulders of the feathered corpse.

The other two paper bundles seemed to be sent forward, and they fell weakly under his hands.

The head was even just touching the palm of his hand.

Liao Cheng raised his head, his gaze was similar to mine just now, and he was also looking at that line of writing.

And his legs trembled slightly, and big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

At this time, he actually seemed to be kneeling down.

I didn't have time to take care of Liao Cheng, because the paper figurine Xu Dan was holding a large string of steel wires, and he wanted to pull all the green corpse paper back.

But he obviously doesn't have that ability...

Even, he was still slowly moving towards the altar.

He didn't take the initiative to approach the feathered corpse, as if he was being pulled by an invisible force!

"Uncle Xu! Let go!" I growled and walked directly towards the paper figurine Xu!

When I got to his side, I wanted him to let go of the wire!

As a result, the paper figurine Xu’s eyes were wide open, he was short of breath, and growled, “Master’s paper tie is gone, if you let it go, we will have no chance, you shouldn’t have touched him just now, pull back the paper tie, and deal with it.” Clear, we can go out!"

"Although this evil corpse is fierce, he relies on people to bump into him. If you don't get close to him, you won't be in danger!"

What the paper figurine said made my heart beat wildly.

My mind is much clearer.

The feathered corpse came out just now, the crowd was too chaotic, and two Taoist priests were bumped into, which directly messed up our position.

Now it seems that, apart from Shangqing and Dongyang being bumped into, there is actually no other danger? !

Of course, except for the current situation of Paper Doll Xu...

Sweat dripped from my forehead as well.

I wanted to reach out to help the paper figurine pull the wire, but I immediately gave up.

Fighting with a mouthful of evil corpses?It's just a fool's dream.

I have to at least find a way to suppress it, so that the paper figurine Xu can get out of trouble, and we can deal with Shangqing!

But we can't leave!

I think that if you leave, you will fall into some kind of calculation by Guan Xiantao again!

Leaving aside the possible guidance of that line of writing.

If we want to leave here and achieve our goal, the only way is to get rid of all dangers.

This feathered corpse bears the brunt!

In my thoughts, I immediately felt two things!

One is the golden ruler for opening the orifices, and the other is the gossip tiger head mirror...

In the next moment, I put away the mirror and held the golden ruler tightly in my hand.

Taking a step, I walked directly towards the feathered corpse.

In a blink of an eye, I was in front of the altar.

With a leap, I climbed onto the outer edge of the altar, and then I reached the center of the altar very quickly.

The sweat on my forehead dripped down one by one.

The closer I got to the feathered corpse, looking at his face full of black feathers, feeling the oppression he gave me, I felt like I was about to stop breathing.

When I was only the last two meters away from him, the thin black mist had already lingered over me, as if it was about to penetrate into my body!

My head seemed to be buzzing, and there seemed to be a cold voice in my ear, saying, "Kneel down!"

Gritting my teeth tightly, I glared at him angrily.

Raising the golden ruler in my hand, I yelled: "Wealth, righteousness and official auspiciousness, sickness and robbery! Yangru suppresses murderous corpses!"

The moment the voice fell, I directly slapped the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler on his seal!

There was a soft chirp!

A large amount of black mist crazily grew from this feathered corpse!

The cold voice in the ear seemed to have turned into a painful wail.

The black mist above the altar almost enveloped my whole body...

The fear in my heart spread rapidly, but I can also feel that there is a huge pulling force on the golden ruler in my hand, as if it is clinging to the forehead of the feathered corpse, being absorbed by it...

I immediately bit the tip of my tongue, and a sharp pain came, and I spit out a mouthful of blood, which landed on the golden ruler!

The blood splattered, and the copper color reflected a burst of blood red!

There were a few rustling sounds.

The paper bundles wrapped around the feathered corpse's neck, as well as the paper bundles under his hands, suddenly came loose!

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