Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 660 He Will Kneel At My Feet To Die

A chill grew in my heart.

Did something unexpected happen to Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng?

This Lu Su is from Zhou Jingyi

I didn't make the slightest sound and was not noticed by Lu Su.

Now my physical condition is bad, and I am too passive to fight with Lu Su. .

Even if I rely on the protection of fate, I am afraid of other variables.

After all, my destiny hexagram is to wait

I can't judge whether this place is fulfilled in the hexagram, so I can't take risks

Soon, Lu Su approached Zhou Jingyi. Obviously, he found Zhou Jingyi!

After a while, Lu Su came to Zhou Jingyi.

He looked down at Zhou Jingyi, and suddenly frowned.

"It's safe to say, but you were pushed down by your son and fell into this half-dead state."

"Then what about the conditions you promised?"

"I want to come down to save you, you are going to die, how can you save your life?"

Obviously, Lu Su's tone was not pleasant.

Zhou Jingyi on the ground was still trembling.

His injuries were too severe, and he was on his deathbed, unable to make a sound.

Lu Su's body squatted down, and he bent down in front of Zhou Jingyi, and said in a low voice: "I can take you up there, I'm not sure if you can live, but I want what you promised, give it to me first."

My eyelids twitched wildly.

There is a difference between a coffin maker and other low-level people. At least the coffin maker has the ability to cut life and death with an axe, which is considered a superficial physiognomy.

Zhou Jingyi can't completely instruct him, and cooperation is also conditional

What did he promise Lu Su? !

I didn't dare to look directly at Lu Su for too long, but when I glanced closely at Lu Su's face, I saw his pupils were bulging, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

This is a murder

He wants Zhou Jingyi's life!

Even if Zhou Jingyi gave him something, he would die!

The next moment, Lu Su suddenly turned his head to look around, and said vigilantly, "Who?!"

When I was startled, I immediately hid my head and went back without looking at him again.

The silence lasted for a long time, I kept breathing calmly, I didn't hear footsteps, and Lu Su didn't go anywhere else.

Carefully look out again.

But I suddenly found that there was no one around Zhou Jingyi.

Lu Su, are you missing? !

The next moment, I just felt my hair stand on end!

There was a whistling sound from the side, and the sharp wind cut towards the ears!

Horrified, I pushed the boulder violently, and with that recoil force, I rushed forward obliquely!

After rolling several times in a row, I vented my strength and stood up abruptly.

I saw at a glance that Lu Su was standing behind where I was standing just now, and the ax in his hand slammed on the rock fiercely.

The gravel burst and splashed around.

I looked at Lu Su in amazement, and the sweat almost dripped from my forehead.

"How did you find out I was there?!"

Lu Su squinted his eyes slightly, with a bit of disdain on his slender face, and said, "You Mr. Yin and Yang, you seem to be very arrogant. Do you think everyone else is idiots except you?"

"Zhou Jingyi's body has been searched, it must be you who searched, and your injury is not serious."

"Based on your hatred for him, can you stay far away from him?"

"Probably just heard me coming, just hiding by the side."

Lu Su's words made me choke.

But what he said is true, I actually ignored the details I just rummaged through

"It seems that what I want should be on you." Lu Su looked at me coldly.

I frowned, shook my head and said, "I didn't take anything from him, what you want is not with me."

Lu Su said with a sneer: "If you take it or not, you will die. You and I must have a life or death."

"It's just that Mr. Yin Yang, who is good at geology, actually kneels down to his enemies, which really surprises me."

Lu Su's words immediately made me feel depressed.

He sneered again: "This enemy is also your biological father. You are such a poor man. A tiger does not eat its own child, but you will be plotted against by your biological father."

As he said that, Lu Su pulled out his axe and rushed towards me with strides!

His movements of opening and closing are extremely full of momentum.

The next moment, Lu Su raised his ax and slashed hard at the top of my head!

Originally, I wanted to rely on fate to protect me, and planned to use divination knife to attack Lu Su's vital points.

But suddenly, a trembling voice was heard in my ear.

"The coffin axe, you can see the fate"

This voice was actually shouted by Zhou Jingyi!

I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body

Suddenly dodged to the right.

Lu Su swung his ax to nothing!

My back was covered in cold sweat, and my clothes were about to get wet.

If I stood still just now, wouldn't my head fall to the ground now? !

Lu Su's face was extremely gloomy, he stared straight at me, and suddenly looked to the side.

He said sharply: "This Li Yinyang wants to kill you, and you want to kill him too. Will you help him?"

A strange scene happened suddenly.

Zhou Jingyi actually sat up straight from the ground.

A ray of moonlight shone on him, his eyes became pitch black, and the faint aura between his chest and abdomen seemed to be fixed

In addition, his Yintang was completely cracked.

The corners of Zhou Jingyi's mouth were full of blood, as if he was injured and vomited blood just now

A cold breath was condensing on him.

This feeling is exactly the same as when I saw those living corpses!

I just feel my scalp tingling.

Zhou Jingyi really couldn't hold on anymore, but he couldn't swallow that breath, and wanted to turn evil into a living corpse? !

Dry voice squeezed out of Zhou Jingyi's mouth.

"If he wants to die, that's my business. If he dies, he will kneel at my feet and die."

"Geographical geology is the son's generation, and the two gods of zero and positive are heavenly people."

"My name is to be publicized on the ground!"

Zhou Jingyi's voice was too hollow, and there was no trace of anger in it!

The next moment, he suddenly stood up straight.

The moonlight in the sky seemed to be all shining on Zhou Jingyi's body, the blood became pitch black, and the black air flowed more

The corner of Zhou Jingyi's mouth outlined a stern smile.

On his face, blood-colored fluff gradually spread

I was even more horrified.

Directly melt blood? !

"You killed yourself by biting your tongue? You want to be a bloody corpse!" Lu Su was also horrified.

He raised the ax violently, and was about to cut off Zhou Jingyi's head!

At that moment, I was struggling with my thoughts.

Zhou Jingyi hadn't finished transforming his evil spirits yet, Lu Su beheaded his head with a knife, and he was out of his wits!

It's still Lu Su and I fighting for our lives!

He came down, must have used the rope, I can go up!

But Zhou Jingyi's ability to become a living corpse is also an opportunity to escape

I have no time to think about it.

Suddenly he pulled out the divination knife from his waist.

Throw it fiercely at Lu Su's back!

With this knife, Lu Su must either dodge, or he will cut Zhou Jingyi, and I will kill him!

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