Turning my head, I looked in the direction of the line of sight, but I felt that the feeling of being stared at came from the other side.

The throbbing in my heart is getting more and more

Zhou Jingyi's life may be difficult to save, so I have to save my life.

If he is really dead, no one will be able to control the Sanyang Conformity. As long as there is a sufficient distance between him and Dunkong, there will be no problems after Dunkong.

But if I die, He Zhi and he will become orphans and widows.

I can't die under this cliff

Thinking of this, I immediately took out the fixed compass and carefully observed the direction of the pointer on it.

The compass shows a rotating needle, and the speed is gradually increasing.

I moved around a little bit, and determined that the one with the strongest yin and resentment is the West.

There is indeed a murderous corpse in this place, but I don't know how fierce it is.

Then, I took off the long wooden box on my shoulder and took out the golden abacus.

Master said, you should spy on your own fate as little as possible.

The more you look, the more changeable it will be.

But now, I have to count on myself

I want to give myself a chance!

The heavy golden abacus is slightly cold.

Flicking the beads with my hand, I closed my eyes, and my thoughts calmed down.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, I placed the golden abacus on my knees.

With his eyes closed, he moved a bead with his fingers, deducing the horoscope of his birthday in his heart.

The beads made a crackling sound.

After I hit it firmly, I immediately moved the next one!

The beads are cold at the beginning, move to the back.

I don't know if it's an illusion or other reasons, I began to feel that every abacus is extraordinarily hot,

The last bead is dialed and finished.

There was a soft humming sound in my ears!

Opening my eyes, I looked down at the hexagrams on the golden abacus.

This hexagram stems from the bottom to the top of the ridge, and the clouds go up to the sky, which is the required hexagram!

I murmured: "The world is above the water, the appearance of water in the sky, the sky is full of clouds, and it has never rained, so we need to wait and save."

I frowned tightly, and my brows were all wrinkled into a pimple.

Because this hexagram is too weird

If I want to count as a chance of life, I naturally count as my own destiny.

But this hexagram of fate is actually waiting?

The six lines of the hexagrams, the nine lines at the beginning, need to be in the suburbs, use them constantly, and there is no blame.

This line is waiting in the suburbs, you must have perseverance, wait for a long time, and there will be no disaster.

The ninety-two line needs to be in the sand, there is a small word, and the end is auspicious.

This is waiting in a sandy place. Although you will be criticized, but wait patiently, there will be good results in the end.

There are changes in the ninety-three line, because the need is in the mud, the disaster is outside, and the self-inflicted bandit is also undefeated with respect and caution.

This line means that the disaster is outside the waiting place, and it does not harm you, but you will also attract robbers. You must be careful everywhere to avoid danger

And the sixth and fourth line is more dangerous, "needs blood", so listen to it.

Those who respond to the hexagram will be in a pool of blood. They must adapt to the current situation and resign themselves to their fate in order to wait for a turnaround

Until the ninth and fifth lines, it is necessary for food and wine, Zhenji.

When the hexagram comes here, there will be no crisis. It is to prepare food and drink to entertain the guests. The guests need divination, and the hexagram will show good luck.

Then go to the upper six lines, enter the acupoint, and three uninvited guests come, respect them, and finally auspicious.

The last line is that the person who answered the hexagram fell into the cave, and three guests came uninvited.

Treat them with respect and courtesy, and you will get auspicious results

Thin sweat dripped from my forehead, and as I stared at the golden abacus, the sweat gradually turned into beads of sweat.

Looking around again, at least I can judge that this place is definitely not a place of gravel.

So is this in response to the ninth line of the first day, or the third line of the ninth day?

Recalling the things I encountered before, I can't fully recall for a while, whether I have experienced the gravel land.

However, no matter whether it is the first ninth line or the ninth third line, you have to wait

I put away the golden abacus.

Try to keep your mind calm and steady.

It was getting darker.

Looking down at Zhou Jingyi, his breathing became weaker and weaker, and the blackness on his face became stronger and stronger, and he kept pouring it into his mouth.

His life is becoming more and more difficult to save

All I have is silence and complex emotions.

I stood for about a few breaths, then moved my tingling body, and sat down on a flat place beside me.

Leaning against the rock just now, I put the fixed compass on my knees, and looked up at the sky in the tree hole obliquely above.

I don't know when, there was a full moon hanging in the night sky.

A cool moonlight just came out from the tree hole.

The cliff, I really can't go up.

And there is no exit from the place where Duanlong Yin died. This is a sunken mountain cliff, surrounded by only cliffs.

There was really nothing I could do but wait.

Also, there are vicious corpses in this place, if I move around rashly, maybe when I get to a certain position, it will be triggered

The hexagrams will definitely come true, and there is this hexagram of fate, as long as I follow the hexagrams, nothing will happen

Unless I destroy the hexagram itself and turn it into a chaotic hexagram, there will be unpredictable consequences.

As time passed, I paid attention to the compass. The resentment here has not increased, which means that the corpses in the land of the dead have not changed much.

But the sky is getting darker and the temperature is getting colder

I clenched my hands into fists and hugged my knees with my arms, barely able to maintain a little warmth.

Similarly, I am not waiting, I am also considering the source of vitality.

Without Zhou Jingyi, after such a long time, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng must have wiped out the low class, and there is no other danger.

They will definitely come after me!

Tianyuan physiognomy plus Lingzheng two gods, it must be calculated that I am under the cliff.

In this way, I should be waiting for Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng? !

I have settled down a lot, I just hope that Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng will come sooner

Before Zhou Jingyi dies, use the lock god method to stop his life

After waiting for too long and the temperature was too low, I shivered and felt like sneezing.

This temperature is almost as good as winter

Zhou Jingyi, who was in the bushes, was trembling slightly, as if he was also struggling.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the rustling sound, as if someone was walking

I was overjoyed and was about to stand up straight away.

But suddenly there was a sense of weightlessness in my heart, and there was a strong throbbing

Mr. has a sense of crisis instinct.

indeed there are people

But this person is in danger? !

I quickly put away the fixed compass, turned sideways, and instinctively dodged behind the rock where I was sitting.

I hid in the back, and then slightly poked my head to look forward.

Probably in the south, in the dense bushes, a tall and thin figure actually came out

This person's figure and expression are extremely vigilant.

Not only that, he even had a hatchet pinned to his waist!

In addition, there is a copper ruler!

That's a golden ruler!

The person who came was not Jiang Pan, nor Liao Cheng, but the coffin maker Lu Su? !

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