I gasped heavily, touched my chest, and pulled out the silver needle that had pierced my body.

The needles were black and obviously poisonous.

I can still move, the toxicity is not too severe.

Reluctantly turned around, I want to walk in the direction of return.

Hasty footsteps came from ahead.

Liu Chixin appeared at the end of my sight, and I was even more relieved.

When he got close to me, the cross lines on Liu Chixin's forehead became much deeper, and he looked around severely.

"Mr. Li, what happened?!"

Obviously, Liu Chixin got nothing, but he also supported me and saved me from falling to the ground.

The sluggishness of the body has become more serious, and I have to concentrate hard to stay awake.

I simply said what happened just now, and at the same time, Liu Chixin helped me to walk back.

When I returned to the open space under the cave mountain, I happened to see Jiang Pan returning from the guard mountain on the left. His eyes were disappointed, and it was obvious that he had returned in vain.

Liu Tianqian and Liao Cheng were not there.

Only then did I understand why it was Liu Chixin who came to look for me, not Liu Tiangan.

Liao Cheng also sat cross-legged on the ground before, as if sensing something.

Lingzheng Ershen's yin and yang skills are different from our normal yin and yang skills. Maybe he also discovered something?

The sense of dullness and fainting became more and more intense.

Liu Chixin supported me to sit down, counted lightly on my chest with her fingers.

Then, he took out another medicine bottle, opened the stopper, and poured out a pill for me to take.

Jiang Pan came to me, his expression suddenly became more anxious, and he called my name.

I closed my eyes in a daze, and fell backwards.

When I was about to lose consciousness, I realized that the poison was not as easy as I thought

I don't know how long I was in a coma, but when I woke up, it was completely dark.

A bonfire burned beside him.

Liu Chixin stood by my side, and Liu Tiangan meditated a little further away.

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan were opposite me, Liao Chen frowned, but Jiang Pan was full of worry.

I gasped heavily and let out a muffled grunt.

Liu Chixin immediately helped me up, and my mind became clearer, but my body was still a little weak.

There was joy in Jiang Pan's eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Yin Yang, you are awake."

Liao Cheng obviously breathed a sigh of relief, he frowned and said in a deep voice: "This place is weird, brother Yinyang, it's lucky that there is medicine from the head of the Liu family, otherwise we will be in trouble."

I paused for a moment before finally coming back to my senses.

With a forced smile, I asked how long I had been in a coma?Then I asked, why didn't they help the second elder to check the geomantic omen of this place first?

Jiang Pan's eyes fell on Liao Cheng's body, obviously indicating to Liao Cheng to say.

Only then did Liao Cheng open his mouth and said: "The anger on this mountain is a bit weird. According to the theory, the Qi in the cave flows down and rushes to the birds and stars in the distance, which is also where the sparks fall into the river." Chi Xin should have told everyone what I said.

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan also visited Qin Xing's place.

I didn't interrupt Liao Cheng's words.

Liao Cheng also said: "The bird star was used as the foundation of the altar and ancient temple, and a temple on the water was built. The vitality that flowed past and should have spread to the surroundings was all sucked away by the temple, and the mountain was gradually drained."

I nodded again, Liao Cheng was right, and it was exactly the same as my analysis.

At this time, Liao Chengcai paused for a moment and then said: "This is the problem. At first, I thought that She Qing Sha had something to do with that temple, and it might even be the murderous corpse they raised, but I found that's not the case."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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There was surprise in my eyes.

Liao Cheng squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the cave mountain behind, and said: "On the contrary, She Qingsha is a corpse on this mountain. It is sucking away vitality and fighting for that temple. If my analysis is correct, this living corpse Sheqing Sha, it was supposed to sleep forever in a tomb in the mountain, but the mountain was about to be sucked dry, so it woke up with a fake corpse."

"Those missing villagers are probably the source of vitality, barely maintaining the mountain's dragon veins."

"After I noticed this during the day, I asked Elder Liu to take me up the mountain to have a look."

Finally, Liao Cheng said that he couldn't find it, so he could only wait at night.My complexion suddenly changed, not just to say that Sheqingsha and the temple are two opposite existences.

What Liao Cheng said is that the last life is actually provided by humans? !

At this time, Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "The villagers living around this mountain have been influenced by the anger of this place since they were young, and they share the same origin. Now I don't know how many people have been injured or injured, but there should be some people who are still alive."

"We didn't go to investigate the feng shui immediately because Elder Chixin said that if you are in danger and fighting with others, Elder Liu must be with us to ensure safety. Leaving you and Taoist Chixin, there are too many variables."

I nodded, and then I understood the meaning.

I tried to stand up from the ground while propping up my body, but Liao Cheng handed me a piece of warm dry food.

My stomach was indeed empty, and I ate quickly, drank water, and finally regained more strength.

After my thoughts became clearer, I touched my chest subconsciously and touched a raised hard object.

Recalling the process of fighting with that woman before, I had a preliminary understanding of the protection of fate, and I was a little bit poisoned, which was already regarded as a trivial matter by me.

"Find the location of She Qingsha first, after all, there are still villagers alive, and then go to the temple on the bird star, see the people there, and what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd." I said in a deep voice.

Liao Cheng shook his head and said: "I just talked with Brother Jiang, Elder Liu, and Taoist Chixin. There was no fierceness or resentment in the temple, which means that no one was harmed there."

"All over the world, geomantic treasures are often occupied by gentlemen or other people. We don't know there are people here. If we check the geomantic omen of other people's houses, conflicts will naturally arise."

"If it is not absolutely necessary, you should not go to that bird star again."

Jiang Pan's words made me stunned.

What he said is indeed well-founded. To put it simply, it is determined that the other party is harmless, so we don't care too much?

I frowned, I don't know if it was a preconceived notion, I don't think that woman is a good person.

But seeing Jiang Pan nodding his head, Liu Chixin and Liu Tiangan had no objections, so I didn't say anything more.

Jiang Panzhai was kind-hearted, and the Taoist priests of the Liu family hated evil like a vengeful enemy. If they thought it was okay, then it was probably really okay.

Liu Tianqian stood up, and he said: "Find out where that She Qing Sha is, take him in, save the person, and then we will leave."

I put away my thoughts.

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan nodded at the same time.

A group of five of us approached the foot of the cave mountain, while Lao Huang mooed and followed behind us.

In the silent night sky, the moo kept echoing.

Jiang Pan took out a large compass from the package on his back.

The bottom of this compass is a square, and the top is a disk.

The disc looks very similar to a fixed compass.

The square plate below is much larger than that of the fixed compass.

I took a few more glances and was about to take it out and set the compass.

Liao Chengcai said: "Brother Yinyang, you are still ill. Brother Jiang will search for the dragon on this mountain. I will do acupuncture, and you can just watch."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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