This woman appeared here, there is a problem!

And she actually recognized the Tongqiao Fenjinru!

She is also a Mr.Is it Mr. Yin Yang, Mr. Feng Shui, or Mr. Yang Suan?

I looked even more vigilant, since it was impossible for me to agree to her so-called guest.

"Your Excellency and I have never met before, so there is no need to be a guest." I said in a deep voice.

The woman smiled charmingly again, and moved forward.

"Then sir is leaving?" She said softly, getting closer to me.

I turned sideways, took a sudden step to the right, and didn't answer her again.

"Sir, you are so impolite. The little girl is talking to you." The woman suddenly flicked her long sleeves, and a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards her face.

I just felt uncomfortable all over, and goosebumps kept falling down.

A woman in her thirties and 40s kept calling herself a little girl.

There is also this fat powder smell, which also makes people's head hurt...

Immediately, I was terribly frightened, and secretly said something bad, and quickly held my breath.

She raised her hand, and her slender five fingers directly grabbed my throat!

It was still an understatement, but it was extremely tricky!

Without any hesitation, the Tongqiao Pointing Ruler instantly rose from bottom to top, hitting her wrist directly.

With a painful groan, the woman stepped back a few steps, and her complexion suddenly became filled with resentment.

"Mr. is not only disrespectful of manners, but also hurt others. It's unreasonable. I will force you to enter the temple!" She stopped suddenly, but her body suddenly rushed towards my face like a catapult.

I bit the tip of my tongue hard, and immediately woke up a lot.

With the golden ruler in my right hand across my chest, I immediately pulled out the divination knife with my left hand, and stabbed towards her face in the same tricky manner!

I'm ruthless, but I have no intention of killing anyone.

It is even more impossible for her to rush to the tip of my knife!

Sure enough, the woman stopped suddenly, but she suddenly flung her hands out, and two white silks shot out from the cuffs!

My complexion changed in shock, and I stepped back again.

As a result, the white silk entangled my left hand together, and the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler together!

She leaned back and screamed!

A great force came from Tongqiao Fenjinru and his left hand!

I staggered from being pulled, and nearly threw myself on the ground.

With a muffled grunt, the veins on my forehead swelled up, and I forcibly straightened my body, but I couldn't let the Tongqiaofenjinru get out of my hand!

This woman is extremely cunning, if she just entangles my two hands, I can break free with a divination knife.

With her posture now, she just wants to take away the golden ruler of Tongqiao points!

My pupils tightened and I quickly analyzed the countermeasures.

Her skills are not simple, and she appears here.

There is a great probability that she will come out of the temple of the bird star.

It's hard to balance Mr.'s skills and ability to see things. More than [-]% of her is not the person who designed this Feng Shui bureau, so there must be someone around here!

I fight alone, I am definitely not an opponent!

And... my eyes froze and my pupils constricted, and I thought of a possibility.

This is what I've always wanted to do as well!

Taking a deep breath, I yelled: "Second Elder!" In my voice, I also used the skill of the whistle that the corpse hunter usually communicates on the surface of the water.

The voice was so sharp it almost made my own eardrums sting.

Similarly, because the voice was too forceful, I broke my strength and was dragged forward all of a sudden.

Even so, I did not let go of the golden ruler.

In an instant, I was dragged and flew in front of that woman!

She shouted again, pulled her arms back, and at the same time leaned her body backwards, she kicked towards my chest with one leg!

The end of this foot is uneasy and kind, I must be seriously injured, or my ribs are broken!

There was a hard look in my eyes.

With barely controllable strength, he moved his body, replacing his abdomen with his heart!

Kicked in the center of the mouth, I might die.

But Mr. Yin Yang's fate protection will only appear at the moment of death!

I've been wanting to experiment for years.

It's just that I found that I couldn't make that decision if it wasn't a really dangerous moment.

When facing Jia Sheng, I still can't bring up my heart, and Guo Tianyu's fate protection failed to save his life, so I have a deep-seated fear of Jia Sheng and life-stealing .

As for the woman who suddenly appeared now, I have to be more sure!

In an instant, her foot was about to kick my heart!

She looked very stunned, and said in a low voice: "You are crazy!"

Obviously, it was too late for her to stop.

But just at this moment, I felt like there was a hard object pressing against my chest.

It's as if my action just now changed the position of the things I wore next to me.

Her foot kicked my heart.

I feel a hard pain!

But it wasn't that she kicked me, it was like a thin stick that pressed against my chest.

A shrill scream almost pierced my eardrums.

Tongqiao divided the golden ruler and the pulling force on the left hand, and it disappeared instantly.

The woman's feet lost all strength, instead they shrank back abruptly, and she fell heavily to the ground.

During the screams, the whole leg was bent, and it seemed to be struggling in extra pain!

I was breathing heavily, and when I looked down, I realized that the clothes on my chest were also torn.

A gleaming carving knife with the pointed end facing outwards, covered with dark red blood drops.

My heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of my throat.

After a brief silence, what rose from the bottom of my heart was ecstasy.

But I didn't get too distracted, and my eyes fell on the woman in an instant.

She stood up tremblingly at this moment, but she dared not touch the ground with one leg.

The right foot was dripping with blood, obviously pierced by a carving knife!

The way she looked at me was full of fear and incomprehension.

"You're a lunatic..." She gritted her teeth and squeezed out the words.

I didn't answer her, my face was indifferent, but my heart was more calm and determined!

Stepping forward, while I approached her, I raised the golden ruler.

I didn't want to kill her, but to disable her other leg.

When this woman appeared, she wanted to take my things and even take me down.

She has something to do with the Feng Shui Bureau here, and more likely has something to do with that green corpse, so I can't let her go!

Seeing the distance of half a meter.

I know how to divide the golden ruler and I will smash it down.

She suddenly leaned forward towards me, and when she fell down, her thin lips parted slightly.

There were a few soft swishes, and a few silver lights flashed.

My complexion suddenly changed.

It's just that the distance is too close, and I can't dodge it.

There was a tingling pain and itching in her chest, and the woman ran away from me in embarrassment with one leg.

I only had time to get my head around and hit her with a golden ruler, which seemed to hit her on the back.

It's just that my movements were too slow, and I barely turned around, but saw her rushing directly to the shore, jumping into the water, and disappearing...

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