On the first day before the Waking of Insects.

I lived in Li's house, and He Zhi was taken to the courtyard arranged by Tang Song.

Tang Song prepared a lot of people for me, and arranged Li's house in a very festive way, with lanterns and festoons everywhere, and big red happy words pasted on it.

There is also a woman who combs my hair about 60 years old. She wants to comb my hair on the day of my wedding.

This is the rule of marriage.

One thing is, I want to carry eight big sedan chairs to take He Zhi back to Li's house.

After worshiping and getting married, He Zhi can justifiably become a family with me!

If she lives directly in Li's house and we get married, then it will break the rules.

Secondly, not only women need to comb their hair, men also need to comb their hair before they get married.

This should have been done by the oldest elder in the family.

My father passed away, He Guipo passed away, and my second uncle and Bai Shuangqin had to get married today, so this matter can only be left to the hairdresser.

The night before, Li's residence was still full of banquets.

In the early morning of the next day, I was woken up by the hairdresser and began to arrange my clothes and appearance.

The paper figurine stood by my side for a while, and then told me that today my wedding was full of people, and it was lively enough, so he wouldn't be here to watch it. There were not many people at my second uncle's side, so he had to go and watch it.

I have no other opinion.

Regarding this matter, Tang Song actually arranged it.

In every household, a member of the family will go to the second uncle's wedding banquet, so it will never be deserted.

The combing lady carefully shaved my face, trimmed my beard, and even simply powdered it. Finally, she combed my hair.

When combing her hair, her tone was particularly clear and loud.

The most important thing is, one comb to the end, two combs until the white hair is even with the eyebrows, three combs until the children and grandchildren are all over the floor, and four combs until the four silver shoots are all standard!

It was all done, and it was past noon.

I went to the main hall, ate the porridge and soup that was simply prepared for me, and the rest was to wait until it was almost dusk to pick up my relatives.

During this period, the combing lady didn't follow me all the time.

Li's house was not deserted at all, it was very lively right now.

Today is the day, the dignitaries, gentlemen, Taoist priests, and townspeople who came to attend the wedding came just after dawn.

They all sat in their seats and chatted with each other.

I noticed that there are actually people from the Gou family.

It was Gou Qian, the Patriarch of the Gou family, who came!It's just that he didn't come to greet me, he just sat in a corner with Gou Lv and didn't show up much.

Some gentlemen also took this opportunity to talk to me, most of them congratulated me first, and congratulated me on getting married at a young age.

In addition to the conversation, they also asked me about some Feng Shui aspects.

Obviously, this is spying on my ability.

If I compare it with a few months ago, I will pale in comparison, but now I can answer many things with ease, and it makes these gentlemen think deeply.

Of course, this is not because of my profound skills, but because of the handwriting of successive generations of Dixianglu, which have given me too much experience!

Time passed quickly, and the sun above the head was no longer so blazing.

Suddenly someone shouted in front of the gate, "The auspicious time has come, the bridegroom gets on his horse and gets up in a sedan chair to welcome the bride!"

The combing woman came out from nowhere, with a festive smile on her wrinkled face, she urged me to go.

I tidied up my clothes and looked back at the back of the main hall.

There are three spirit seats there!

On the left and right are my father's and He Guipo's spiritual seats, and the one in the center is my master Jiang Yihong's, but it is a blank spiritual seat.

Jiang Pan has not returned, the master cannot be buried, and the spiritual seat cannot be engraved.

Leaving Li's house, the big red flower ball hanging outside the house is a big horse of the Qiang nationality!

The hairdresser went to the back, and the one leading the horse in front was a well-dressed middle-aged man, obviously the master of ceremonies.

Eight people followed behind the horse, carrying a big boxy sedan chair, and Soupa came to the front of the sedan chair.

Starting from Li's house, we arrived at a mansion in Tang Town not long after.

There were also lights and festoons there, and there were many children running back and forth at the door, all wearing festive red clothes.

The master of ceremonies arrived at the door of the mansion and knocked on the door.

Soon the door opened, and a young woman walked out, holding a red umbrella in her hand.

She opened the umbrella first, and then slowly walked out of a woman under the red umbrella.

She is wearing a red hijab and a wedding gown with Xiapei, she is He Zhi!

Rao He Zhi still covered his head and face, but I was still fascinated by it.

"The auspicious time has come, please get on the sedan chair!" The master of ceremonies shouted loudly.

The woman helped He Zhi into the sedan chair.

I felt a breath of air poured into my chest and abdomen, and instinctively, my back straightened a lot!

Reflected by the afterglow of the setting sun, I couldn't see my face, but I knew that my face must be full of red light at this moment.

From the corner of the eye, I watched the bridal sedan chair being lifted behind me, the suona of the welcoming team was playing, and the master of ceremonies continued to lead the way ahead. The whole team was more lively than before, joyful!

We didn't go back to Li's house directly, but the master of ceremonies took us around Tang Town for a long time.

Finally, he returned to the front of Li's house.

In accordance with the rules of marriage customs, the brazier passed through the door, and finally, amidst the festive congratulations of the guests, they arrived in the main hall!

I stood up straight, and He Zhi was three steps away from me, and the woman supported her.

The master of ceremonies first stood in front of the main hall, and shouted in a deep voice: "Bow to heaven and earth!"

He Zhi and I turned around at the same time and bowed to the outside of the house.

Immediately afterwards, the master of ceremonies shouted again loudly: "Second obeisance to the high hall!"

Turning around again, He Zhi and I worshiped the three spiritual tablets at the same time.

During this period, He Zhi's shoulders were trembling slightly. Obviously, she couldn't control her emotions anymore.

I feel more and more pity.

The master of ceremonies took a deep breath, and with a clearer tone, he shouted: "Husband and wife pay respects!"

I turned around, and the woman supported He Zhi, and bowed to me.

He Zhi's trembling became even more severe, after the ceremony this week was over.

Outside the main room, there was thunderous applause.

The master of ceremonies brought up a red plate with two wine cups in it.

"Invite the groom and the bride to have a drink." The master of ceremonies was obviously very happy.

I held up the wine cup, and the woman also helped He Zhi to hold up the wine cup.

We crossed our arms, and He Zhi lightly lifted a little bit of the red hijab, and drank a cup of wine.

I saw her incomparably delicate half face, and the tear stains that kept falling down.

Immediately, I felt more feelings in my heart, and my distress and pity were several times stronger than before!

As soon as I put down the wine cup, I took He Zhi's hand from the woman.

He Zhi's slender fingers are holding my palm tightly!

Taking a deep breath, I put the index finger and middle finger of the other hand together, pointing obliquely at the sky.

"Li Yinyang is still that young man from Li Family Village."

I murmured word by word, but my voice gradually became more solemn and serious.

"Today, the ghost woman of the He clan has a daughter, and she will marry me, Li Yinyang, as his wife."

"Li Yinyang swears to the sky! Many guests witnessed!"

"There are many unrighteous things in troubled times, but Li Yinyang has always!"

"If there is any betrayal, the sky will be thundered!"

The moment I finished speaking, He Zhi was already sobbing...

She choked up and replied: "Sir, I swear, the little girl will die together."

[The author has something to say]

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