Obviously, there was dissatisfaction in the eyes of the second uncle.

I smiled wryly, shook my head and said that I didn't mean that, it was also for the sake of his fate and heirs.

Awakening of Insects is the day of Maoyue Mao, and the hexagram of the moon in mid-spring is in the shaking position, which is the sign of the growth of all things!

This is great for continuation offspring!

Although I helped him change his face a lot, I still had to take advantage of Shi Chen's situation to avoid accidents.

Then I explained that in the high hall, I plan to place the spiritual seats of my father and He Guipo.

After a short pause, I said in a complicated way: "I have to let my father see me getting married, and I want him to see that I am not the one who lost him now. Come to think of it, what ghost wants to see us get married even more."

After I finished speaking, Second Uncle was taken aback, and he said in a low voice, "That's right, I won't argue with Eldest Brother, but Yin Yang, Second Uncle has to tell you one more thing first."

I nodded and let my second uncle say it's okay.

The second uncle told me that although he believed in me, he was still afraid that he would be useless. If he still failed to have a son and a half daughter, he would have to let He Zhi and I have another child, and it had to be a son. , adoptive to him.

When the second uncle said this, he was extremely serious.

I was taken aback for a moment, and then, I immediately told him.

There is really no need to worry about the issue of heirs. Even if there is a problem, I will immediately find a solution.

The second uncle was even more serious and told me to agree to him.

Just when I was thinking about how to continue to reassure my second uncle, He Zhi and Bai Shuangqin just entered the house again.

She immediately came behind me, tugged on my sleeve, lowered her head and whispered, "Second Uncle, Yin Yang and Pheasant have agreed to you, just don't worry."

The second uncle suddenly smiled.

After that, he took Bai Shuangqin and left the yard, saying that he was looking for Tang Song.

Now that the wedding date has been set, more preparations must be made immediately, and the invitations that Tang Song is going to send should also be printed with the date.

After the second uncle left, He Zhi bit his lower lip slightly and looked at me.

For a while, I didn't know how to speak.

I am very grateful for He Zhi's performance, she is becoming more and more well-behaved and sensible.

At this moment, He Zhi glanced cautiously at the paper figurine Xu at the side, and gave me another look.

I immediately understood He Zhi's intentions, she was almost the same as what I thought.

"I still have to tidy up the room." He Zhi said softly, and left the main room again.

I took a deep breath, paused for a while, and then called Uncle Xu.

The paper figurine Xu didn't answer me for a while, as if in a daze, he looked up after a few seconds and said, "Yin Yang, what's wrong?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Xu, let's talk."

The paper figurine Xu looked calm, he shook his head: "No need, I understand what you mean."

"At my age, I have already seen through it. Changlin is not filial, but when times are troubled, he is cruel. On the contrary, I think that maybe he can live longer and stand more stably."

"He didn't shoot at the beginning, he could have killed me, but he didn't kill me, and he didn't go back and take all the paper bundles."

"If you really want to help Uncle Xu, I want you to do a fortune teller for Changlin to see his fate, so that I can rest assured."

What the paper figurine said made me stunned.

What he said was indeed true.

In troubled times, purely good people will not live long, how stupid a good heart is!

Relatively speaking, real villains are prone to retribution, but being cruel doesn't mean they are evil.

If Xu Changlin didn't kill his father, then he attacked me out of jealousy.

He is decisive and doesn't procrastinate, but he can survive in troubled times very well.

Thinking of this, I nodded and said a good word.

The paper figurine Xu had a smile on his face, and he immediately told me Xu Changlin's birth date.

I immediately took out the golden abacus and made a divination, but what surprised me was that.

I didn't even figure out Xu Changlin's hexagram!

The abacus is chaotic, completely forming a chaotic hexagram!

This means that Xu Changlin's current situation, or his future situation, is beyond my calculation, and there are too many variables!

The paper figurine stood aside, looking extremely eagerly looking forward to it.

I can't lie to him, I can only tell the truth.

The paper figurine was taken aback for a moment, and he said again: "Then what about safety?"

I shook my head and said that I can't count, but if you become a chaotic hexagram, you won't die so easily, but your life is hard.

The paper figurine Xu breathed out, then nodded, and said, "That's good."

Before he finished speaking, he told me not to worry, he is not that fragile.

He is waiting for me to succeed in Yin Yang, and he still wants to go to the grave where the parchment is!

And during this period of time, he still needs to take in another disciple to pass on the craft of paper piercing!

Hearing what the paper figurine said, I immediately felt more relieved.

Afterwards, his energy was obviously improved a lot.

At night, when the second uncle and Bai Shuangqin came back, they were even more happy.

After we had eaten, I didn't stay in Li's house, but went back to Xianglu.

This time He Zhi wanted to see me off, but I didn't let her go out.

After returning to the stove, I knelt down in front of the mourning hall for two hours, and didn't go back to my room until midnight.

In the days to come, I will go to Li's house at noon, and I will have dinner with my second uncle, He Zhi, and paper figurines.

In the rest of the time, I continued to study Yin-Yang in the Dixianglu.

About seven days before Waking of Insects, many guests began to come to Tang Town.

Almost every day, someone would come to the Xianglu to greet each other.

There are some dignitaries and even Taoists among them, sir.

The Taoist priests come from the ashram within a hundred miles of Hongyuan County, and the master is similar. Most of them have received the favor or guidance from my master, similar to Mr. Miao.

The most important gift from the rich and powerful!

But I said that no money or things will be charged. They heard the news and came to my wedding not because of how powerful I am, but because of the reputation of my master, because of the reputation of the local prime minister. Lu.

What I didn't say is that I know they must ask more or less of me.

I took these gifts, so I must be short-handed.

As for Taoist priests, they gave nothing more than talismans.

The talisman paper is considered a small gift, and I also returned some talismans for town houses, town objects, and evil spirits.

Besides I received a lot of gifts, Lao Huang also received a lot of gifts. Some Taoist priests recognized Lao Huang as Liu Tianniu's mount, and even invited their elders overnight...

Those old Taoist priests exaggerated a lot. They actually sat around Lao Huang in meditation. They came in the morning and left at night, and it didn't affect me.

This made it impossible for me to chase people away. Lao Huang was obviously a little irritable, and he often flicked the oxtail, and some old Taoist priests who got too close were slapped on the head.

Afterwards, those old Taoist priests asked me if I could invite Liu Tianniu and Daoist Liu?

To be honest, I really want to invite him, but I have no idea where Liu Tianniu will go, let alone invite him...

Although I have the summoning order of the Liu family on me, once released, the nearby Liu family can come, but I think it is too unreasonable to go to Liu Tianniu because of my marriage. He is also chasing and killing Qiu for the Qiang people. Tianyuan...

In the end I gave up on this plan...

Time, day by day, finally arrived at the Jingzhe...

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