
I originally felt that although everything was under control, it was inevitable to be vigilant, so that I was expressionless.

But Zhu Xun's words, and Wang Gang's reaction made me laugh out loud.

Zhu Xun frowned, looked at Wang Gang like a fool, and said, "It is said that your brain is simple and your limbs are well developed. I don't think your limbs are well developed, and your brain is not very good."

"It's much worse than the consul of the Wang family I killed before, and I don't know where the Wang family separated you."

Zhu Xun spoke in a very serious tone.

It was this earnestness that angered Wang Gang even more.

Wang Gang scolded in a low voice: "You are looking for death!"

"And Li Yinyang, I've wanted to settle accounts with you for a long time, and there is nowhere to find you! You are really bold, and you just bring such a bastard with you, and dare to meddle in our Wang family's affairs!"

Wang Gang strode out of the house, he pulled the dragon bar diagonally, and with a whistling sound, the dragon bar directly hit Zhu Xie!

"Jie Eight Immortals crushing corpses! Take down Li Yinyang!" At the same time, Wang Gang let out a low growl.

The Eight Immortals around me stepped forward at the same time, raised the bamboo poles in their hands, and under the staggered, they pressed down on me head-on!

Zhu Xun's movements were extremely fast and fierce, he suddenly raised his legs, and kicked his legs towards the attacking dragon bar!

With a muffled bang, the dragon bar was kicked back and hit the king bar just in time.

At that moment, Wang Bang crossed his arms in front of his chest, while blocking the dragon bar, he was directly knocked into the main room!

The bamboo pole of the Eight Immortals pressing the corpses above the head fell, and before it touched me, Zhu Xun hit the ground and swung the beheading knife.

Amid the whistling sound of piercing the air, the tops of the bamboo poles were cut off in unison.

"With me, Zhu Xun, you clowns dare to touch Mr. Li?! A bunch of trash!" Zhu Xun looked around contemptuously.

Those coffin-carrying Eight Immortals also had red eyes, wishing they could skin Zhu Xun!

Wang Gang cursed from inside the room: "Kill this executioner first! Li Yinyang can't escape!"

It was only now that I realized that Zhu Xun was deliberately provoking them, delaying the time when he did it, and just let these people only target him!

In this way, these coffin bearers will pay more attention to us, and they will not notice that there will be people coming outside!

"Mr. Li, dodge carefully." Zhu Xi lowered his voice, and his expression became several times more vigilant.

At this moment, there was a muffled whistling sound, and the dragon bar charged out of the main room again!

It's just that at this time, it's not flying out of nowhere, the king bar is pushing behind it!

The rest of the Eight Immortals, holding a shorter bamboo pole, staggered their figures, and drew towards Zhu Xun!

Executioner Zhu pushed my shoulder with one hand.

Pushing me softly, I dodged a few steps back, just avoiding the battle.

He, the Eight Immortals, and Wang Gang fought together in an instant!

The yard is not big, and it becomes chaotic in an instant!

The Eight Immortals suffered from the severed bamboo pole, so they avoided the beheading knife at this time, and the bamboo pole was bound to hit Zhu Xie's body.

Wang Gang held up the dragon bar, and the momentum of the attack became more fierce.

But Zhu Xun did not lose the wind in the slightest!

Every time a bamboo pole was about to hit him, his beheading knife would deftly change direction, and the blade would meet it directly.

After several fights, the bamboo pole in Eight Immortal's hands became pieces of broken bamboo on the ground.

Rao is the dragon bar of the king bar, which is full of scars and scars!

At this moment, suddenly one of the Eight Immortals took out something in his hand, and he threw it fiercely into the air!

A large piece of powder was scattered in mid-air!

Everyone held their breath at the same time!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All works on this site are reprinted works, and all chapters are uploaded by netizens. The reposting to this site is just to promote this book for more readers to appreciate.


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Ordinary people may not be able to see it at a glance, but I have been looking at their faces for too long, and I can see the changes in their faces!

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I was suddenly startled.

"Zhu Xun! Be careful of these powders, don't inhale!" I growled, and Zhu Xun immediately covered his mouth and nose with one hand.

The Wang Gang obviously grasped this flaw, and the Long Gang directly attacked Zhu Xie's weak spot.

Zhu Xie was not in a hurry to dodge, and was hit directly. With a bang, he was sent flying several meters, and hit the courtyard wall heavily.

The Eight Immortals showed ecstasy, and rushed directly towards Zhu Xun!

Wang Bang's face was cold, but he looked at me, and said viciously: "Li Yinyang, your eyesight is very poisonous, so you have the strength to be courageous, this executioner is really skilled, in another place, we are no match for him."

"But now he wants to worry about you and stop us, he will have to die."

As he spoke, Wang Gang dragged the Long Gang and walked straight towards me.

Zhu Xun on the other side of the courtyard wall looked terrified and growled, "Mr. Li, be careful!"

The Eight Immortals who rushed up had already fought with Zhu Xun, and Zhu Xun obviously couldn't get close to me.

However, my complexion remained unchanged, and I even kept my hands behind my back, without taking out the golden ruler.

When he got close to me, Wang Gang suddenly stopped again, his expression became more gloomy, and he didn't dare to go forward for a while.

"Li Yinyang, what tricks are you playing?!" Wang Bang's eyelids twitched wildly, and he stared at me with a frown.

I smiled calmly and said, "A trick?"

Obviously, it was my immobility that prevented Wang Gang from stepping forward.

Wang Bang's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

The next moment, he actually raised the dragon bar high and wanted to hit me head on!

I narrowed my eyes slightly, staring at Wang Gang's face sharply.

In fact, when he approached me, I had already noticed his face.

His eyes were yellow and his eyebrows were straggly.

And the whole face gives people a bloated pig face.

He used to have big bones and thin face, this bloated appearance is also a change of appearance.

There is a saying in bone phase: dizzy eyes, yellow eyebrows and messy, wounded by fighting.

Shaped like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, many soldiers died!

The fight between Zhu Xun and them had already lasted for more than half a cup of tea. I was standing close to the gate of the courtyard, and I had already heard a slight sound coming from outside the courtyard, but Wang Gang and the others had been fighting all the time, and there was no sound at all. Just discovered

My thoughts are only in the blink of an eye.

The dragon bar swung by Wang Gang seemed to hit me!

It's just that his eyes were even more suspicious and uneasy. Obviously, it was my mother's appearance last time that gave him too much psychological shadow!

The next moment, in the cold night sky, there was a gunshot!

Wang Gang raised Long Gang's hand, and a cloud of blood burst out!

He let out a miserable scream, and the dragon bar was thrown out of his hand, and fell heavily on the ground.

He clutched his arm and looked at the high place behind me in horror!

Amidst the rustling sound, there was another thumping sound!

A few people dressed as militiamen landed beside me. They were all holding guns, and their eyes were extremely sharp.

The sound of chaotic footsteps continued, and more than ten people rushed in from outside the courtyard.

One of the leading "militiamen" shot directly at Wang Gang's leg.

There was another scream, and Wang Gang fell to his knees with a bang, half of his body was covered with blood.

The Eight Immortals were so frightened that they all stopped in place, not daring to move!

The militiaman at the head shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone put their hands on their heads! Otherwise, they will be killed on the spot!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All works on this site are reprinted works, and all chapters are uploaded by netizens. The reposting to this site is just to promote this book for more readers to appreciate.


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