Zhou Xingzu also asked me if there were enough staff.

I nodded to show that enough was enough, and then said: "Get a carriage over here, let Xiang Lu drive the carriage, and take me and Zhu Xi over there first. You take people, and keep up at a distance."

Ancestor Zhou Xing changed his face, and said anxiously: "Those are all desperadoes, Mr. Li doesn't need to put himself in danger, can't we just send people to surround them?"

I immediately shook my head, saying that they brought a team of people over there, and they must have scared the snake away.

We only went to a carriage, no one showed up, so naturally it would not affect.

Zhou Xingzu looked embarrassed, Zhu Xie frowned and said, "You can do what Mr. Li says. Can you know what to do better than Mr. Li?"

Zhou Xingzu showed embarrassment, he didn't say much, but told the servant to go to work.

Not long after the servant left in a hurry, he brought a carriage and parked it outside the courtyard.

Then Zhou Xingzu and Xiang Lu explained, let him take a route to go through a certain place.

He told me again, let us wait half an hour before going out, and he is going back now to get ready for everything.

I naturally knew Zhou Xingzu's intentions.

After he goes back and is ready, we will pass by again, and he will be able to lead people to follow up according to the time and distance.

Zhou Xingzu's thinking is also not imprecise!

I said no problem, anyway, we have to wait for the weather to be a little later, so the time is just right.

Zhou Xingzu and the servant left the house.

Zhu Xun opened the rice tray that the servant brought us, which was filled with a lot of food.

While eating, I called Xiang Lu.

He was obviously very dutiful and well-behaved, and he stopped moving after a few chopsticks.

Xiang Lu is not familiar with us, so I didn't greet him too much, so as not to make him feel restrained.

Looking at the time on the pocket watch, it was almost 08:30, and the time requested by Zhou Xingzu had already passed.

The reason for waiting until now is also because it is darker now and most people will fall asleep.

I got up and signaled Xiang Lu to catch the car.

Leaving the courtyard, Xiang Lu drove the carriage slowly and walked along the city.

I don't know Hongyuan County, and I don't know where Zhou Xingzu and Xiang Lu are talking about.

After all, we walked around the city for a long time, and there was a slight sound of water flowing outside the car window.

I looked out the car window and saw a sparkling river flowing westward.

"Mr. Li, we're almost at the haunted house." Xiang Lu's voice was timid and uneasy.

"Don't be afraid, when you get to the gate of the house, get off the car and run back." I said calmly.

Xiang Lu's tone revealed a bit of surprise, and he said a good word.

The road was exceptionally quiet, at least from the car window, without the slightest human voice.

In this case, we certainly didn't cause any trouble. The coffin bearers, who didn't know it at all, were already under my watch, and I was still close!

Zhu Xun turned his head sideways, looked at the rear more, and told me in a low voice that Zhou Xingzu's people should follow us a distance of one mile, and only half a cup of tea can reach them.

Obviously, Zhu Xun also looks confident.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and whispered to Lu that it was here.

The next moment, the carriage shook, and what was heard was the sound of hurried footsteps, obviously running towards Lu.

Zhu Xun and I got out of the car. There were many cracks on the ground. Behind us was a river, and the bank of the river had collapsed.

Of course, only the width of three or four meters collapsed, and the front and rear ends were all neatly repaired bricks and stones.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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On the other side, there is a dilapidated old yard. Obviously, no one has lived here for a long time. The lanterns hanging at the door have been damaged and covered with spider silk.

With vigilance in Zhu Xun's eyes, he walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

With my hands behind my back, I followed a few steps and stopped under the threshold.

Dong dong dong, Zhu Xun knocked on the door.

At the upper right position, there was suddenly a burning sense of staring.

My pupils constricted, and I turned my head to look at the upper right position.

It was a locust tree with dense branches and leaves, which happened to grow in this yard.

At this glance, I saw nothing but pitch-black leaves.

But I know that the people in the yard have already spotted us!

At this moment, the courtyard door suddenly creaked open.

However, no one appeared behind the door

Zhu Xun looked vigilant, he raised his hand to press the beheading knife on his back, and walked towards the courtyard.

Still with my hands behind my back, I followed Zhu Xie forward.

With Zhu Xun's skills, it is impossible for the people here to touch me, and I don't need to do it.

Zhou Xingzu and his men were also nearby, and Zhu Xun and I attracted the attention of these people, so they would not have time to find those men.

In a moment we were in the courtyard.

The cold and lonely courtyard was extremely dark at first.

The next moment, the faint candlelight was lit up.

Amidst the rustling sounds, people quietly came out from various dark places.

Especially in the main room at the front, people came out from behind the dark door.

This person is short, but extraordinarily strong, with a square face with Chinese characters, and a bit of femininity amidst his sternness.

Black cloth clothes, white cloth shoes, a white handkerchief wrapped around his waist, and a red and white hat with the brim turned up several times on his head.

With a groan, Zhu Xie pulled out the beheading knife on his back and held it horizontally in front of his chest!

My pupils constricted a few more times, and then my face became calm and composed.

"I thought I met another group of coffin bearers who stole the woman's body, but I didn't expect that we would run into each other because of fate with Consul Wang." I said calmly.

The person standing in front of the main room is indeed Wang Gang!

The moment my voice fell, Zhu Xun turned his head slightly, his eyes were surprised, but in an instant, he showed a look of enlightenment, and he didn't ask me more, but became more vigilant.

The rest of the people who came out from the shadows were all dressed like Wang Gang, except for one without a hat.

Each of them holds a long bamboo pole with red and white rope tied to it.

Wang Gang's bony and princely face was filled with sternness and astonishment.

The eyes of the rest of the coffin bearers were also full of surprise and uncertainty, and the rest were panic and resentment.

"The road to Yuanjia is narrow, Li Yinyang, you are here, you are here to look for us?!" Wang Gang said in a low voice, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his hand.

Those Eight Immortals approached us one after another, forming an encircling circle, as if they were about to attack!

Zhu Xun said coldly: "You look like Mendun, and your brain is not very bright. Didn't Mr. Li say it just now, but I was looking for another group of people, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Immediately, Wang Gang's face turned black and red like a pig's liver.

His hand suddenly pulled from the shadow beside the door of the main room, and a huge dragon bar was directly pulled out by him, and it hit the ground fiercely!

"You bastard, are you scolding me?!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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