Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 589 For the Fortune Stars

With the brim hat of the coffin bearer of the Wang family, plus Zhu Xun's understanding of the Wang family, and my encounter with Wang Gang, I can trust what he said about the Wang family!

By accident, we confirmed the identity of the person who stole the woman's body as soon as we arrived.

They may not be Wang Gang's party, but the degree of danger will not be lower than Wang Gang.

I won't make a big fuss, just take Zhu Xun and deal with them.

It is the safest way to follow the method Zhu Xie and the others have used.

But it is not so easy to find them...

I also want to confirm how much the Zhou family's grave has been damaged, and make simple repairs first.

Soon, I came to the raised flat ground, and there was a path on the side for people to walk up.

After I went up, I realized that the place is extraordinarily flat, with grave mounds lined up neatly.

People standing here, on the contrary, have a warm feeling.

It's just that the current warmth is mixed with a trace of cold wind...

I looked up at the two peaks on the left and right.

Immediately, I was stunned.

Previously, when I looked at these two peaks from a distance, I felt that this was a truncated dragon vein!

Broken dragon body can't have good feng shui, but it's a place of murder!But it is impossible for my master to give the Zhou family a bad place, and the Zhou family will not make a fortune.

Now I can see at a glance that the feng shui here is a very special Yangwa point!

One mountain needs to form two peaks, and the two peaks need to be flat-topped, sloping left and right, looking at the cave in the center!

These two peaks are also called Xuanwu Wangyan in Fengshui.

The eyes mentioned are the central acupoints!

There are several kinds of caves recorded in the Zhaijing, the first one is the dragon cave, which is hard to find, and often buried the man of destiny!Moreover, there are many types of dragon caves, and it is impossible to explain them clearly in a few words.

The second is the concave wind hole!

The Aufeng Cave is formed under the mountain behind the Lijia Village, and the third most taboo is the Aufeng Cave.

Yangwa point, in the ranking of simple points, belongs to the third place.

This kind of acupoint is the best for accumulating wealth. As long as the feng shui of the tomb is not broken, the fortune will last for a hundred years.

There is a saying in the Zhaijing, Yangwa acupoint, happy for the stars of heaven and wealth!

This kind of acupoint can be encountered but not sought, and often misfortune and good fortune depend on each other. Most people who are protected by Fengshui acupoints will also encounter some bad things.

Those who can face up the tile point will not.Therefore, it only has the effect of accumulating wealth and gaining little power, and it can also rank third among the acupuncture points.

Looking back, I scanned around again, and soon saw a ruined grave mound.

After walking over, I realized that the grave was dug carefully, as if the grave digger knew exactly where the coffin was, and just dug a hole in a square shape, just in time to pry off the coffin lid .

The coffin is empty...

Zhu Xun and Zhou Xingzu followed me, and there were a few servants of the Zhou family beside me, obviously waiting for orders.

I looked at the excavated grave, where there was a tombstone with the name of Zhou's daughter-in-law on it, her name was Huang Ru.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "Ru Zhongkou, it's Dui Gua, Dui is a dispute, landslides, ground cracks, damage..."

With the deepening of my yin and yang skills, the application of the gossip method is completely different from before, and I can fully grasp the inner deduction.

It is even more able to analyze the relevance of each hexagram...

There was nothing in the coffin, and there were basically no clues.

However, I don't want to find all the clues in this one stolen tomb.

After contemplating for a while, I took out the eight copper pieces of the town object talisman and threw them into the coffin at eight positions.

Then, I ordered Zhou Xingzu to arrange for someone to cover the coffin and build up the tomb temporarily.

There is no corpse in the grave, although the anger and yin energy are temporarily disordered, but with the town object talisman, the feng shui in the field can be stabilized for a short time, and we can just find the corpse.

Zhou Xingzu obviously couldn't fully understand, but he still immediately ordered his servants to do it.

I stepped back a little, out of the way of them.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Xun asked me if I could do divination and figure out where the coffin bearers were as soon as possible.If it takes a long time, those people should go.

I nodded, indicating that Zhu Xun should not worry, I have my own judgment and control.

It didn't take long for the servants of the Zhou family to restore the grave, and the vitality flowing in the air regained its balance, and the trace of cold air disappeared completely.

Zhou Xingzu murmured: "It's strange, it seems that something has changed, but I can't tell."

"Patriarch Zhou, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. I still need you to do a few things and get in the car first." I signaled Zhou Xingzu to leave.

Stepping down first, we arrived at the carriage.

During this period, I actually paid close attention to my surroundings. Zhu Xun clearly saw my movements and was also cautious.

After getting into the car, Zhou Xingzu immediately looked at me with a hesitant expression.

I explained a few things to him, for example, after returning to the county seat, I asked him to spread the word that I had already left and was not in Hongyuan County.

Secondly, ask him to find out the names of the other households and women who lost their bodies.

The third is to prepare as soon as possible. I asked him to prepare the manpower.

Fourth, I also want a map of Hongyuan County, and a local snake who knows Hongyuan County very well.

After a short pause, I said again, the local snake must know the streets and alleys of Hongyuan County, even if it is an abandoned house, he must know it clearly!

Zhou Xingzu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Second and third, I understand that this local snake must be known by one person? Also, why did you pass on the news of Mr. Li's departure? People in Hongyuan County are panicking now. If you are here, Mr. Li, and solve this matter, it will be a great thing for your reputation. It will also stabilize the hearts of the people in Hongyuan County..."

"Mr. Jiang used to do things, he put the people's hearts first..."

Obviously, when Zhou Xingzu said this, he was a little afraid.

I frowned slightly, saying that I did these things, of course I have my intentions.

This coffin bearer and his group are no different than others. Since they are active around Hongyuan County, they will definitely observe carefully the movement in Hongyuan County and the people who threaten them!

They must be more vigilant if I am here, and they will naturally relax when I am not here!

As for reputation, I don't care, and my master certainly didn't care about reputation back then. Every time he does something, he must have a corresponding judgment.

Zhou Xingzu was thoughtful, but his eyes suddenly flickered, and he whispered: "I understand, Mr. Li."

Then, he stepped back respectfully and got out of the car.

There were only me and Zhu Xie left in the car. Obviously, Zhu Xie's face was not very good-looking.

He frowned and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, he..."

Zhu Xun moved his eyes and gave me a signal.

I shook my head and said calmly: "The Zhou family's respect for Master is beyond doubt. I know what Zhou Xingzu's intentions are, and it will not harm us."

"This..." The doubt in Zhu Xun's eyes still couldn't be dispelled.

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