Obviously, Zhu Xun just picked up this hat...

My complexion changed.

This hat looks like the eaves of a boat, layered on top of each other, the red and white are very eye-catching.

This brings back my not-so-good memories, when I was in the Li family mansion, I met the coffin bearer Wang Gang!

He snatched Miao Guangyang's body, and I clashed with him again, and finally he brought the coffin-carrying Eight Immortals to deal with me. If my mother hadn't acted, I'm afraid I would have become the dead soul of their subordinates.

"The coffin bearer." I let out a heavy breath, squinted my eyes slightly, and my expression became much sharper.

"That's right, the coffin bearer." Zhu Xun said with a more serious expression, "It's not just an ordinary coffin bearer, it belongs to the orthodox Wang family."

"Mr. Li, look." Zhu Xun pointed to the brim of the hat, where a king character was embroidered with gold thread.

My face suddenly changed again!

Obviously, the conversation between Zhu Xun and I made Zhou Xingzu and the coachman beside him afraid to speak.

Zhou Xingzu also brought a carriage of people, and those people also waited respectfully and carefully.

"Mr. Li, you know the coffin bearer, but you don't know the Wang family?" Zhu Xun asked me again.

He obviously had more to say.

I pondered for a moment, then said: "I know a coffin bearer surnamed Wang, but I really don't know the Wang family."

Zhu Xun nodded cautiously, and then continued: "Corpse hunters, watchmen, witches, coffin bearers, executioners, shaved pickers... In a series of low-level factions, each faction has a leader!"

"The dog family, like a corpse hunter, lives in the Xuanhe area. What is the witch's main line, this coffin bearer, the most authentic inheritance is the Wang family's coffin bearer."

"Boat brim hat, Robpa, black clothes and white shoes, and dragon bars and snake sticks with you. When you travel, you must be a consul with the Eight Immortals!"

Zhu Xun's voice was very dignified, he paused for a moment, and he continued: "There is no coffin bearer in Tang Town, and neither does Hongyuan County. A town with a coffin bearer must be at the entrance of the town. A copper coffin on the edge of the wall."

"In a place where there should be no coffin-bearers, it is strange that Wang's coffin-bearer's brim hats appeared. Besides, there are not many people who are interested in corpses. Except for the paper-binders who are good at peeling, the only ones left are The coffin bearer..."

Zhou Xingzu on the side was dumbfounded, and he murmured: "I haven't seen the dug grave yet, but with this hat, I know who did it?"

Zhu Xing frowned, but he didn't explain to Zhou Xingzu.

And Zhu Xun's words kept me silent for a long time...

Because there was also a missing female corpse in Hongsong County back then, and there was Wang Gang there!

In this world, where are there so many coincidences? !

I immediately asked Zhu Xun in a deep voice, how could he know so many things about the coffin bearer?

This really made me curious, because when I met Wang Gang with He Zhi, she already knew the lower class very well. She didn't even know that the Wang family, the coffin bearer, still had such a preference...

Zhu Xie smiled wryly and said that he also had grudges against the Wang family. Many years ago, in the provincial capital where he was staying, there was a high-ranking personage.

In order to let the little concubine rest in peace, the big man invited a Mr. Yin and Yang to decorate the tomb and carry out the funeral. He also invited the orthodox coffin bearer of the royal family. The dragon's cave is made of golden nanmu coffins.

In the end, the members of the Wang family had the audacity to switch the corpse, which was figured out by Mr. Yin Yang.

The big man was furious, and directly sent soldiers to capture the group of people!

Although the Wang family's coffin bearers were fierce, they were all arrested when they met the muskets.

After interrogation, I found out that their Wang family has a habit of using murderous corpses to town their houses.

The family likes to give birth to males and has a large population. Once the males in a family have enough Eight Immortals Consuls, they will be let out to form a family.

After the separation, you have to build your own house and find the corpse of the town house by yourself!

For the Wang family, the best murderous corpse is actually not a male corpse, but a female corpse.

The consul will marry the female corpse of the town house, the female corpse is the official wife, and the house is under the house, and the woman married by the consul will be Xiaofang!

At this point, Zhu Xun spit out a foul breath, and continued: "At the beginning, that group of people was a branch of the royal family. When they saw the concubine of the big man turned into a murderous corpse, they didn't restrain their greed. Instead, they stole the bones. Afterwards, they When he was asked to be beheaded, I carried out the execution with a knife, and I also sent the consul's head to the Xianglu."

I heard these words carefully and clearly, but I just felt cold in my heart.

Marriage between the living and the dead, using murderous corpses to fortify the house... The method of the coffin bearer is really unexpected...

And I also thought of a detail. When Wang Gang used the Eight Immortals to crush the corpses to kill me, he also said that I have a special physique.

And from what he said back then, he wanted to use Mr. Miao. I robbed Mr. Miao, so he wanted to use me.

For a moment, the thoughts in my head became a thread.

The loss of the female corpse in Hongsong County was probably caused by Wang Gang and his party, but they haven't found a suitable corpse yet?

I have met Mr. Miao's living corpse all the time. He is Mr. Yin and Yang, and he is also a corpse of transforming evil spirits. He must be better than ordinary corpses.

The Wang family didn't necessarily want female corpses. After Wang Bang decided to want Mr. Miao, he stopped stealing corpses. That's why Dong Feng came to inquire about the news, and the corpse-stealing team disappeared.

After that, my mother rescued me, Wang Gang and others escaped with their lives, and I didn't care about the disappearance of the female corpse in Hongsong County...

My eyes narrowed, and I suddenly thought, could it be that the Yuanjia Road is narrow, and I met Wang Gang's group, or that the one who stole the female body near Hongyuan County was another branch of the Wang family? !

I didn't speak, Zhu Xun was waiting respectfully aside.

Zhu Xun doesn't know about my experiences, and he doesn't have time to explain them clearly to him now.

After a while, my thoughts settled down, and I asked, "Only fighting alone, can you beat the Eight Immortals of the Wang family and a consul?"

Zhu Xun pondered for a while, before he said unnaturally: "Mr. Li, if you are not here, I can beat you; if you are here, I can protect you."

All of a sudden, I understood what Zhu Xi meant.

The Consul of the Wang family added the Eight Immortals who carried the coffin, fighting alone is not Zhu Xun's opponent.

But if there is me, I will become a flaw, and Zhu Xun must protect me...

My eyes fell on Zhou Xingzu, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zhou, we can basically determine who the people who stole the corpses are. I found where they are. Can you get a team of people with guns?" .”

Zhou Xingzu looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he nodded cautiously: "Although I have been dismissed, I still have face. If the Zhou family pays a sum of money, someone will help me."

I nodded, without further words, and walked straight towards the gap between the two peaks...

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