"You are the descendant of the Dixianglu, you should believe in the Dixiang, not Tianyuan!"

Zhu Xun's words are clanging!

The moment the voice fell, the coffin suddenly trembled!

The joss sticks in the mourning hall burn even more fiercely!

The flames of the white candles rose, and the white smoke from the incense sticks lingered around the entire yard...

I have learned Yin art very deeply and thoroughly.

This scene is the embodiment of the joy of the dead!

I opened my eyes wide and looked straight at the spirit position.

Above the spiritual seat, there seemed to be a layer of dense smoke...

A lot of goosebumps gradually appeared on my body, and the throbbing in my heart was not a blockage, but a beating heart...

The authorities are confused...but the bystanders are clear, and the bystanders have to be people who have nothing to do with this matter, so they can be called clear by the bystanders!

Zhu Xun was right, I was shaken several times...

What he said was even more correct, Mr. Earth Physician, how could he believe in Mr. Tian Yuan's fate? !

Besides, Potian, my master Jiang Yihong is famous all over the world, let alone the slightest stigma, although he died for me, but it is also his calculation, for the sake of geography!Use life as a means to change my fate!

Guo Tianyu is far different, no matter in terms of reputation or means, although he is protecting his weaknesses, he is also very small.

Moreover, because he moved my master's calculations, he was backlashed, first he was blinded and weak, and then he died immediately.

Although the old man's methods were vicious, but he moved Guo Tianyu inexplicably, this is also the retribution of fate...

From this point of view, Guo Tianyu is not as good as my master Jiang Yihong.

Since he is not as good as him, I believe his words, then let Brother Jiang face the unpredictable fate alone, which completely violates the master's intention...

The giant octopus bone is already a lesson, how can I commit another crime knowingly? !

After thinking about this clearly, I leaned down and kowtowed three times to the spirit seat!

Old Huang mooed under the courtyard wall, and his voice seemed to be full of joy.

I stood up, clasped my fists and bowed to Zhu Xun again.

Zhu Xun was taken aback and quickly dodged away.

"Mr. Li, if you are like this, I'm afraid I will lose my life. The little life I just made up will be gone soon." Zhu Xie smiled wryly.

I finally had a smile on my face, and said in a deep voice, "Of course not, I should do this ceremony."

Immediately, Zhu Xun's face became more joyful, and he said, "You understand?!"

"I figured it out." I nodded and said solemnly, "But I can't leave now. I'm too impatient now. I still need some time to do the right thing and let the Yin Yang technique deepen."

"At that time, I will leave the Xianglu, look for Brother Jiang, and bring him back to worship the master! During that time, I will trouble you, Old Zhu, to guard the Xianglu."

After speaking, I clasped my fists again.

My name is Zhu Xing. Although it is reasonable, it has too much identity gap.

If I call him Mr. Zhu, he can't bear the courtesy, so it's more appropriate to call him Old Zhu.

Zhu Xun nodded again and again, with a very solemn expression on his face, saying that I must rest assured!

At this moment, my heartbeat stalled for a while, I clutched my heart, and felt a strong sense of dizziness.

Zhu Xun hurried over to help me, he helped me to sit down in the main room, and brought me food.

I ate and finally felt better.

Zhu Xun sighed and told me not to do this in the future. Ordinary people will die if they don’t drink or eat for three days. I have survived for almost two days, and I will lose my vitality.

I nodded and said thank you.

Then, I went to the room to rest.

In the next few days, I continued to study yin and yang techniques and drawing symbols as normal, and I also studied the parchment and the white jade.

Almost two months later, I changed into a clean and refreshing Tang suit, stepped out of the Xianglu, and went to the residence of my second uncle.

As a result, I went to the courtyard, and after knocking on the door, there was no one in the courtyard to respond...

After contemplating for a long while, my eyelids were half drooped, and I was deducing in my heart.

Turning around, I walked in the other direction of the town.

Only then did I realize that there were a lot fewer townspeople on the road, but the whole town exuded a sense of peace and joy.

It wasn't until I got to the destination that I was going that I saw crowds of townspeople there.

There are also many children forming a circle on the ground, singing and dancing.

Surrounded by the townspeople is a newly built house!

The house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, so festive!

There were two people standing in front of the house, one was the second uncle with a bald head and a scar on his face!

The other person is Bai Shuangqin in new clothes!

Behind them, a plaque was hung on the gate of the house, with the words "Liu's house" written on it!

The second uncle looked solemn, waved his hand very high, and said in a deep voice: "I, Liu Gui, have accepted the kindness of all the villagers! After cutting the color of Liu's house, you should go to Mr. Li's new house!"

The crowd suddenly became more noisy and surprised!

The main attention of the townspeople was on the front, and I stood at the back, but they didn't notice me.

After the second uncle finished speaking, he pulled Bai Shuangqin and walked in one direction, and the townspeople followed suit.

I was also in a much happier mood. In just two months, the townspeople not only got to know Second Uncle, but even trusted him a lot!

I figured it out right away, it must be my second uncle He Zhi, and the paper figurine promised them to do a lot of things for the town!

At that time, the second uncle and the paper figurine wanted to keep He Zhi, the purpose was to do trivial things for the town, so that I could concentrate on my art.

I walked behind the crowd, and a few townspeople found me when they turned around.

Their expressions were shocked at first, and then surprised!

I made a booing motion, and those few townspeople became cautious immediately, and even stopped the rest of the people who wanted to turn back, pushing them, not letting them turn back!

I have more smiles on my face, and feel more cordial to these townspeople.

Not long after, the townspeople stopped in front of another house!

This house is bigger than the house that Second Uncle and Bai Shuangqin had before!

At this moment, the door of the house is closed tightly, and a red cloth is hung on the door, and the plaque on the top is also covered by a red cloth.

The second uncle at the front raised his hands and pressed down!

The noisy townspeople suddenly fell silent.

Bai Shuangqin took out a pair of scissors from her waist, smiling.

The second uncle made a gesture of invitation to the crowd, and said, "Mayor Tang, I invite you to cut the ribbon!"

Immediately, one of the townspeople stepped out, and it was Tang Song, who was tall and tall. He was obviously very nervous, and he looked flattered!

Many townspeople are obviously envious.

The few townsfolk who knew I was coming from the back glanced back at me from time to time, and they quickly looked ahead again.

Soon, Tang Song cut the red cloth on the door and knocked the door twice.

The courtyard door was pushed open, and two people came out, one of them was He Zhi, and the other was the paper man Xu.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

I was fascinated by it.

Today's He Zhi is too bright and charming.

She was dressed in a white gauze skirt and a white fluffy shawl. After applying a little makeup, those peach blossom eyes were like spring pools.

It's really like the fish falling into the wild, the wild goose and the birds startling, the shameful flowers closing the moon and the flowers trembling with sorrow...

Holding a slender bamboo pole, He Zhi raised his head and poked at the plaque above.

The red cloth covering the plaque was lifted off immediately, revealing the words "Li's House"!

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