I suppressed the throbbing in my heart, and began to carefully analyze the composition of this hexagram!

The hexagram of the loss of the mountain, the overall implication is that the water erodes the foot of the mountain as a warning to stop its anger and stop its greed!

The six lines of the hexagrams are explained, and the ninth line of the first day is a sacrificial event. Participate as soon as possible, so that there will be no disasters. The abundance of sacrifices can be reduced as appropriate!

Nine-two line is to hurt others, but it is beneficial to the enemy. It is necessary for a gentleman to keep his heart, and it is best not to hurt others.

Sixth and third lines are three people walking together, so differences of opinion are inevitable, one person will be isolated, and in the end there is only one person left, lonely and helpless, so he wants to take the initiative to find friends.

The sixth and fourth line is to eliminate diseases and disasters, visit everywhere, and finally get the opportunity to be relieved.

The six and five lines symbolize good luck and fortune, and the tortoise shell is bestowed by God, and the tortoise shell is used for fortune-telling.

The last line on the ninth line means don’t lose, don’t gain, maintain the status quo, stick to your heart, and you can be safe and sound.Once you want to get something, you must become a single slave, a homeless dog...

After reading and explaining the overall hexagram, I am more sure that this hexagram is for Jiang Pan!

The tortoise shell in the sixth and fifth lines refers to Jiang Pan!

Firstly, Jiang Pan needs to sacrifice to my master Jiang Yihong, and secondly, there is Guo Tianyu...

As long as Jiang Pan is sacrificed, can the damage be reduced?

The elimination of disasters in the sixth and fourth lines is probably the problem of Jiang Pan's wife and daughter...

As for [-], [-], and [-]th, I have a lot of clouds in my heart.

Jiang Pan is a kind-hearted person, how could he hurt others at will?

The hurt here must refer to revenge!

But his revenge, on the contrary, will hurt himself and benefit the enemy...

This means that he cannot go to the old man who killed Guo Tianyu!

In addition, he will travel with three people, and the three people here should be Mr. Yin Yang just like him.

Their opinions will diverge from each other, one person will be isolated, and in the end there will be only one person left, and that person is Jiang Pan...

Does this line mean that Jiang Pan made a wrong decision?

Will it lead to being single and leaving both friends?

Looking at Jiuyao again, it made me silent.

For this line, Jiang Pan needs to be kept still in order to be safe.

This is equivalent to putting aside all hatred, even the safety of his wife and daughter?

Don't talk about Jiang Pan, if you put yourself in your shoes, I can't do it!

But once you struggle and resist, you will definitely become a lost dog...

I feel like my head is buzzing right now.

This hexagram is the hexagram of life and destiny, and the hexagram is very dead...

The only flexibility in the hexagram seems to be flexibility, but in fact it is to punish the heart...

I sat at the wooden table for a long time, my eyes were sore and sore from looking at the golden abacus, but I still couldn't look away.

I was thinking of a way to decipher it, but the hexagram image needs to be deciphered. Except for the first and last hexagrams to make things right, I can only find vitality in the hexagram itself!

This hexagram has clearly given life to it.

That is the last line of accepting the status quo, regardless of everything...

However, Jiang Pan is impossible to accept...

A day has passed.

Zhu Xun asked worriedly from outside the house: "Mr. Li, you have been sitting for a whole day without drinking or eating, are you okay?"

Although I read for a long time on weekdays, my diet is normal.

It is also reasonable for Zhu Xun to ask me.

But I didn't answer Zhu Xun, I still looked at Jin Abacus without saying a word.

It was slowly getting dark, and as the moonlight set, the cold wind poured into my neck, and I shivered.

I still didn't think of a way to break it, but I thought of the worse changes that this hexagram would bring about, which made me even more distressed.

I took the golden abacus, got up and walked into the yard, and knelt down before the mourning hall.

I put the golden abacus on the ground, and I stared blankly at the blank spiritual tablet.

"Master, what should I do?"

"Brother Jiang can't break this hexagram, and he can't accept it... But if he doesn't accept it, he will become a homeless person. Homeless, isn't it possible for him to have no future?"

"How should I help Brother Jiang? Guo Tianyu said that my fate is that if I get too close to Brother Jiang, I will harm him."

"But in this situation, if I don't help him, who else can help him?"

When I said this, it felt like a needle was pricking my heart.

Lowering my head, I stared blankly at the beads again.

I'd love to get some more guidance, obviously, this is all in my head...

After kneeling for a whole night, Jin Abacus didn't even move.

Zhu Xun also kept watch next to me all night, and also put a lot of food beside me.

I have no appetite and no energy.

Finally, Zhu Xun couldn't bear it any longer, and asked me in a low voice, did I encounter any spell problems that I couldn't learn?

He also said, in fact, I am already a talented person, so I don't need to be too stubborn about a single technique, it won't work in a short time, I can learn it slowly for a long time.

I shook my head and told Zhu Xi that it was not the case.

Zhu Xun looked surprised, and after hesitating, he said again: "Mr. Li, if you don't understand anything else, maybe you can talk to me. If I am not suitable, you can find someone else. There is a saying that the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. "

I frowned slightly and didn't answer.

Zhu Xie pointed to the sky with both hands, and he said with a serious expression: "Mr. Li, you can trust me. Zhu Xie has already said that this life will be given to the land minister in the future, and he will never reveal any secrets, otherwise there will be five thunders from the sky." Boom! There is no dead body!"

I was trying to stop it, but it was too late.

Thinking about it further, Zhu Xun's words made some sense.

So I told him about the matter between Jiang Pan and me, and the explanation of this hexagram!

After Zhu Xun listened, he squatted on the ground with a frown, and his face was thoughtful.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and it gradually reached midnight.

In the dark night sky, the moon is round and the stars are even brighter.

Hunger and exhaustion made my head dizzy, and my body was shaking and I was about to fall down.

Reason tells me that kneeling and being confused cannot solve the problem.

Master also said that when you can't solve the problem, you are not good at learning!

I don't believe that there is no way to solve this hexagram!

Just as he was about to get up, Zhu Xun raised his head to look at me first, and said hoarsely, "Mr. Li, I have figured it out."

My heart froze, and I immediately asked Zhu Xun to speak.

Zhu Xun paused for a moment and said, "Mr. Li, you don't believe Mr. Jiang."

I was taken aback by what he said, and I frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Jiang asked you to find Jiang Pan to change your bones, but you never did. You listened to Mr. Jiang's words and went to find his master, Mr. Tian Yuan, which caused a lot of changes. You also learned from Mr. Tian Yuan that, You can't get close to Mr. Jiang."

Zhu Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was solemn: "But how do you know that Mr. Jiang didn't count the so-called fate? This hexagram was also shown to you by Mr. Jiang secretly."

"He can have this calculation after death, so he must have had it before he was alive, but he didn't explain it! He just asked you to go to Mr. Jiang, not only to let Mr. Jiang help you, but also to help you after your bones are perfect. Mr. Jiang!"

"I think this is Mr. Jiang's original plan!"

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