I am more silent, and my anxiety is heavier

What the paper figurine Xu said is correct, I have encountered this kind of day more than once in thunderstorms.

In the dark, Feng Shui has its own definite number.

It was a coincidence that there was a thunderstorm at this time, and dark clouds blocked out the sun.

Or is it that the feng shui of this place has changed drastically, and a murderous corpse has been unearthed, so that the monstrous Yin Qi has triggered a change in the feng shui bureau? !

Lowering my head, I took out several items.

He handed over the Tongqiao Fen Jinru to the paper man Xu, and handed over the gossip tiger head mirror to Zhu Xie.

Both of them were at a loss.

Against the wind, I growled and explained, saying that the changes in Feng Shui here will bring us great danger!Changes in feng shui will lead to changes in fate, if our fate is not hard enough!I'm going to die here!

This feng shui is probably due to the change of Pan Yu, and if Pan Yu is really immortal, he will come to us to settle the score!

Mr. Yin Yang's things can dispel evil spirits and ward off evil spirits, and suppress fate!

They brought these two things, more or less, for protection.

At that time, the paper figurines Xu and Zhu Xun both wanted to return the items to me, and Zhu Xun shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Li! Don't be foolish! I've been beheading my whole life, how can my life be hard enough? If you take the life-saving something was given to me"

The paper figurine Xu almost had the same attitude, and his complexion was even worse.

I interrupted Zhu Xun, and Shen Sheng explained to them that I carry the inheritance of Geography Gemyu on me, and these things are no lighter than the objects in their hands!I took more, and it didn't work!

My explanation obviously made the paper figurines Xu and Zhu Xie calm down a bit.

Just then, two whistles sounded from the side!

The sharp whistle almost pierced the gale.

I immediately raised my head and looked diagonally behind.

At a glance, I saw on the choppy water, a corpse boat was breaking through the waves and punting towards our shore!

Zhu Xun and the paper figurine Xu also turned their heads, both of them were overjoyed!

"Go!" The paper figurine Xu growled and walked forward.

We stood on the shore where the waves kept beating, and Gouju also pulled the boat over!

After boarding the boat, the swaying corpse boat became a little more stable due to its weight.

I immediately took out another thing, it was a white whip from He Dongming's body, I wrapped the horse around my body, and used it for self-defense if I encountered any sneaky things later!

Gou Ju's eyes were full of gratitude, and he immediately started to punting.

I quickly glanced over the corpse boat and found the spare bamboo paddle. I immediately picked it up and started punting!

Zhu Xun was going to come to help, but I told him in a low voice, before I became a husband, I learned the art of picking up corpses for more than 20 years, and I know how to let us out just like Gouju!

The two of them punted, and the corpse boat was obviously faster. We braved the wind and waves, and quickly left in the direction we came from!

It's just that waves came one after another faster.

We just punted out for more than ten meters, and the waves were astonishingly big, and the water level was also rising crazily!

And when the water next to it began to pour into Liujianshui Jiangxinzhou, it formed a huge suction force, which would make our boat be sucked over!

The veins on Gouju's head popped out, and he tried his best to push the boat, even trembling and growling.

I understand, he is yelling Ai Gong bless

I'm also punting like hell, but we can barely keep our balance

Jiangxinzhou is about 20 meters away from Liujianshui. In other words, we haven’t left at all. This place is still a tributary surrounding Jiangxinzhou. It takes us at least half an hour to punting out!

But looking at the situation now, it is impossible for us to punting and leave

The water level is getting higher and higher, and the waves are getting more and more crazy!

The sky is getting darker and darker!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All works on this site are reprinted works, and all chapters are uploaded by netizens. The reposting to this site is just to promote this book for more readers to appreciate.


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There was a bang of thunder, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky!

The dazzling white light flickered, and a thick smoke rose from the other direction of Jiangxinzhou!

As if the lightning was a signal, the rate of water rise continues

What makes me terrified is that the place where it strikes seems to be the position of Tianjian water and Renjian water in the position of Liujian water.

Ghost Jianshui is the core of the dead land, Tianjianshui and Renjianshui are the places of great auspiciousness

I don't know if the water on my forehead is sweat, river water, or sparse rain.

And my heart gradually raised fear and uneasiness.

Because I think I'm afraid I won't be able to get out

The water level has reached a frightening limit.

It's like a huge vortex with a depression in the middle, and we are at the edge of it!

The water in the vortex kept gathering towards the center!

This degree of elevation can already be seen in the opposite direction, cutting off the Jiangxin Island on the side of the main stream of the Xuanhe River

The roaring sound came from the bow!

It was Gouju who was yelling in despair: "Mr. Li, it's about to die and I can't stand it!"

My arms are also completely numb, and the next moment will be unbearable!

Once we relax, the boat will immediately slide down the current and rush into Liujian Shui Feng Shui Land!

"Just go over there! We can go up to the Jiangxinzhou mountain range on that side, or turn over to the main stream of Xuanhe! Fengshui changes, it's just a change, the entire Xuanhe Dafengshui has not moved!" I yelled again!

Gou Ju was almost crying, he tremblingly said: "Mr. Li, I can't make it through! Unless a god comes, how can we row the boat across!"

His tremolo blows away in the wind.

The faces of the paper figurines Xu and Zhu Xun also kept changing.

Both of them stared at the Jiang Xinzhou in the distance I mentioned.

In fact, we are not far from there, only 30 meters away!

It's just that, the 30 meters in a river, under such a swift and violent water, is simply harder than climbing to the sky!

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu suddenly said in a low voice: "Zhu Xun, let me use your beheading knife!"

Zhu Xun was surprised and puzzled, and the paper figurine buried his head in Zhu Xun's ear to speak.

I don't know what the paper figurine Xu thought of.

I was even more anxious. If it was another gentleman, would there be a way to break the situation in this situation? !

If my master were here, what would he do?

Or, he will remain calm because he is protected by Mr. Yin Yang's fate? !

I clenched the bamboo pole and oar tightly, but I was annoyed, but there was nothing I could do. I went back to Di Xianglu, just wanting to achieve great success in yin and yang.

But Pan Yu and his group had to get rid of them too.

Or should I not use Feng Shui?

I'm not capable enough, and I always have to be backlashed by myself, so that I have problems other than these calculations? !

"Mr. Li, you just ask for blessings, I can't accompany you to die!" Another trembling voice dissipated in the wind.

The next moment, the bow was out of control

I saw Gouju, he let go of the oar suddenly, plunged into the water, and swam desperately towards Jiangxinzhou, which cut off the tributary at the other end!

Zhu Xun yelled: "You bastard who is greedy for life and afraid of death! I will chop you up!"

There was no echo, and the corpse boat was about to slide down with a whoosh!

The paper figurine Xu quickly handed the beheading knife to Zhu Xie!

Zhu Xun roared again, and he swung the beheading knife violently!

The heavy knife, almost the size of a person, was thrown out by him with a whistling sound!

A spray of blood sprayed out from the arm of the paper figurine Xu!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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