Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 576 It's Dawn, It's Not Dawn

The Jiangxin Island in Liujianshui, where we are located, is a round pit that looks like a circle, but is sunken from the outside to the inside. It only has a tall edge, but the middle is getting deeper and deeper!

Guijianshui has not yet reached the deepest part of the center, and through the deepest part, you can reach the side of Tianjianshui and Renjianshui, which is where our entrance is.

It didn't rain, and there was no stream in Jiangxinzhou, so the water was the hanging river overflowing from the edge of Jiangxinzhou!

The more I think about it, the more sweat drips on my forehead, and I feel cold and flustered

Once the hanging river water overflows in, this Jiangxinzhou will sink, and we have no chance to leave

Looking around quickly, a few steel wires were pulled between the two bamboos, and the paper figurine was lying on it to rest.

I didn't see Zhu Xie's person at a glance, but I saw a dog foal a few meters away, and he was also sleeping on the ground.

"Uncle Xu, Gouju, get up, we have to get out of here quickly!" I yelled in a low voice, and quickly walked towards the edge of the bamboo forest.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the paper figurine Xu and Gou Ju standing up, Gou Ju was puzzled, but the paper figurine Xu frowned.

When I got outside the edge of the bamboo forest, I saw Zhu Xie sitting in front of a bonfire.

A few pieces of meat were stuck on a few wooden sticks, and the meat was sizzling on the raging flames, but the wind was not blowing towards the bamboo forest, so I didn't smell the smell just now, and I don't know what he roasted Meat.

"Mr. Li, are you awake? Some beasts ran over just now. I caught a rabbit. I haven't eaten for a day. I'll call you when I find it." Wipe your hands.

I took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "It's time to go, something happened in Jiangxinzhou!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the paper figurine Xu and Gouju followed.

Zhu Xun's eyelids also twitched a few times, and he said solemnly, "Is it Pan Yu that old man?"

I shook my head and pointed to the ground.

In the turf, the water was flowing slightly, and even gathered into small streams in some places.

Zhu Xun frowned and said, "When the sky just dawned this morning, some water suddenly appeared on the ground. I thought it was dew at first, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Why is there so much?"

In Gouju's eyes, there was finally anxiety and fear, and he said uneasy: "Once the terrain here is submerged, we will not find any place to stay, and the corpse boat will also be washed away. There are all small Jiangxinzhou around. We have nowhere to go"

"Rao my water skills, I can't get to the shore, we really have to go quickly"

I hesitated for a moment, then turned my head to look in the direction of the cave hole, and gave up the idea of ​​leaving from there.

He took out the compass, determined his bearing, and walked in another direction.

Gouju, the paper figurine Xu followed behind me, and Zhu Xun stepped back a little.

In the process of walking out, there was a constant sound of pattering under the feet, because there was too much water on the ground, and the soil became sticky.

As I walked, I discovered the subtle differences

The feeling of gloom, dissipated

This dense forest near Jianshui was cramped and gloomy even when we came in during the day yesterday.

Even if it is less than the hole, when it is on the outer edge, there is not much sunlight that can shine in.

But now we have not reached the outer edge, and the sunlight penetrating the leaves is much more!

In a land of heavy yin, only when the feng shui starts to collapse will abnormal things appear.

The Dujie Ghost Mountain at that time, as the vitality dissipated, the mountain reorganized!

But Jiangxinzhou, where Gui Jianshui is located, is flooded with water, and the water is also angry!

Death is filled with anger, is it because death is broken? !

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Thinking of this, I felt a sudden chill in my heart.

To break the feng shui here, you have to break the core holes of Guijianshui.

Could it be that Pan Yu didn't die, but broke the female corpse in the coffin? !

A lot of goosebumps suddenly appeared on my body, I turned my head suddenly, glanced at Gouju, paper figurine Xu, and Zhu Xie, and said hoarsely, "Go! There is a big problem here! Pan Yu may still be alive"

The moment I finished speaking, the paper figurine Xu looked shocked, and Zhu Xun was also puzzled.

The speed under my feet began to increase, I was almost running!

A quarter of an hour later, we reached the outer edge of the woods.

The sun just shone down and covered the whole body.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and thunder, and the perfectly sunny day suddenly became overcast with clouds!

Bean-sized rain, scattered and crackling

It's not raining heavily yet, but it may turn into a torrential rain at any time

The wind is very strong, whistling and whimpering, like ghosts crying and wolves howling!

The terrain we are standing on is already not low. This position is the place where the water surface is about two meters away from the shore when we first entered the Guijian water position.

But I saw at a glance that the water had almost reached the edge of the shore, and as the wind blew, the waves splashed onto the shore one by one!

Along the sloping depression, the river flows down.

Look to the right, that's where we landed, it's low and completely submerged by the Hanging River

"Mr. Li, wait for me here, I'll go find the boat!" Gou Ju's eyes were full of anxiety, he said something bravely, but half of the words disappeared in the wind.

The next moment, Gouju walked quickly towards the right.

After the corpse boat was pulled ashore by us, Gouju put it in the woods on the shore.

In this case, we must have a boat to leave

The billowing thunder resounded endlessly, and the sky became even more frighteningly cloudy, as if the day had turned into night.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, making it difficult for people to stand still, and there is even a whistling sound in their ears

"Yin Yang, what's going on?"

"Pan Yu, doesn't he know Fengshui? What else can he do to change the whole place?" The paper figurine Xu came to my side against the wind, his face trembling unceasingly.

Zhu Xie drew out the beheading knife, he walked to a position in front of me, the knife pierced the ground to fix it, and helped us to block the wind

He was looking at me, too, with blank eyes.

I closed my eyes and recalled everything last night before I spoke hoarsely.

As a result, the wind was too loud, and my voice was too low, almost a low growl, to hear clearly!

I have almost made it clear that it is not only Mr. Feng Shui who wants to destroy the feng shui of a place.

There are holes in the land of Fengshui!The core of the hole affects the balance of the entire geomantic omen!

I used the corpse in Guijianshui cave to deal with Pan Yu, thinking that Pan Yu would be wiped out.

But once there is a problem with the murderous corpse, it is equivalent to disturbing the feng shui of the entire Guijian Water Land.

The river water is poured into it, which belongs to ghost construction. The water dies away, and the anger gathers!

If you disperse your dead breath, it means something happened to the murderous corpse!The only possibility is the trouble caused by Pan Yu!

Zhu Xi gritted his teeth, and he shouted: "See you again, I will behead him myself!"

The paper figurine Xu's complexion kept changing, he looked up at the sky, his lips twitched, and said uneasy: "It's so cloudy, this thunderstorm day, I'm going to see the ghosts, it's dawn, it's not dawn yet"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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