I think that since he came to Tang Town, the paper figurine Xu's momentum has recovered a lot, not to mention the broken arm, at least he doesn't look weaker than before.

I generally feel that Xu Changlin's influence was probably there before, which made his mentality close to collapse, and that's why he looked so weak?

Now his mentality tends to be normal, and maybe he has figured out other things, so he regained that aura!

I took a deep breath and told him to go back to the yard to rest.

When we are prepared, we are prepared!

After the paper figurine Xu entered the courtyard, I took a closer look at the things he arranged.

I found that at first I could see where the steel wires were, but now they were completely hidden in the night, and there was no trace of them at all.

After closing the door and entering the courtyard, the paper figurine Xu was already in the main room.

After I went there, I was about to take him to the guest room to rest, but I found that the paper figurine Xu was holding the parchment left by Zhu Xie.

"Yin Yang, where did you get this thing?" Paper figurine Xu's pupils constricted, and his tone was particularly dignified.

I truthfully told where it came from, and also explained that the pedestrian came to Zhu Xi because he wanted this thing.

Similarly, I also said that their habit is to kill people and silence them, so Zhu Xun didn't hand them over.

The paper figurine Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "They killed people, dug graves, and robbed graves. These things don't belong to them, they were stolen, and they wanted to kill people to silence them, so naturally they couldn't give them."

"Besides, this kind of parchment, Uncle Xu has seen a similar one!"

Hearing this, I was even more shocked.

I asked the paper figurine Xu where he had seen it, and the paper figurine Xu had a rather complicated expression, and then he said: "Back then, my master got such a piece of parchment, and said that there was a feathered corpse hidden in the map on the paper. He assembled a lot of people to search for the corpse, but there has been no news since then."

"These two pieces of parchment should not be the same thing. I don't think this one is very old, so it should be a rubbing."

My pupils constrict even more.

Not only what the paper figurine Xu said, but also the feathered corpse he said...

Among the corpses, there are broken corpses, living corpses, and transformed corpses.

And the broken corpses are making trouble, the living corpses are still dying, and the evil corpses are full of resentment.

But there is also a kind of corpse, which is extremely rare, and its name is Yuhua!

Just like the water of the three yangs that I tapped on the acupuncture point before, that place may give birth to a corpse.

The princes and generals of all dynasties sought to become immortals after their death.

Feathering corpses are so rare that I have read the travel notes of the six local geographers of successive generations of Mr. Yin and Yang, and there is more or less information. No one has really seen a feathered corpse.

The biggest difference between the feathered corpse and other fierce corpses is that the corpse has white feathers, and its heart is the kindest.

It has a steady stream of vitality, its breath has never been cut off, and it has no resentment, it is completely supported by vitality!

Therefore, I also have a strong curiosity about it.

What does the feathered corpse bred by the ultimate Feng Shui land look like? !

"Yinyang, Uncle Xu never asked you for anything. When you are about to leave the Xianglu, if you don't get in the way, you can go with Uncle Xu." The paper figurine Xu breathed out, and his eyes fell on me.

I nodded and said, "OK."

Paper figurine Xu's eyes suddenly showed joy and relief.

I arranged a guest room for him, and Xu, the paper figurine, went to worship in front of the mourning hall, and roughly said a few words to make Mr. Jiang not surprised.

The paper figurine Xu also admires and respects my master from the bottom of his heart.

After he went to rest, I also went back to the room and went to bed.

I didn't wake up until mid-noon the next day, and the paper figurines in the yard hadn't come out yet, and Zhu Xun was cleaning the yard.

As for Lao Huang, he didn't leave the Xianglu today as if he knew something.

I took a manuscript and sat in the main room to study it. At the same time, I also read Zhaijing and bone phases to deepen my yin and yang skills.

The day passed by in a blink of an eye.

When it was getting dark, Zhu Xun went to the kitchen to get some food, and the three of us sat inside the house to eat.

At this time, the courtyard door knocked softly a few times.

Zhu Xun got up, I gave him a look, and he sat down again.

I walked to the courtyard door and opened a small crack.

It's just that I just happened to be standing at the door, and people outside wouldn't see much inside.

Standing in front of the gate is the mayor Tang Song, and behind Tang Song are three people.

The leader was wearing a blue-black robe, a square hat, a dust whisk and a bronze mirror on his waist.

The two people next to him are fat and thin, and they are both wearing Tang suits.

The thin one has a compass around his waist, and the fat one has something like a tortoise shell hanging on it.

My face was calm and there was no change in my expression.

Tang Song cupped his fists respectfully, and said, "Mr. Li, these three guests want to see you, please do divination."

Obviously Tang Song didn't know the purpose of these people.

But I could tell at a glance that they must be looking for Zhu Xie.

But they may not know that Zhu Xun is in Xianglu.

Because Zhu Xun never showed his face in front of outsiders in Dixianglu.

Probably, they couldn't find Zhu Xie's person and wanted to ask me to help.

In my thoughts, the huge Mr. Yang Suan cupped his hands with a smile on his face and said: "Everyone in the Yin and Yang world knows that Mr. Dixiang lives in Dixianglu. When I came here, I realized that Dixianglu is in Tang Town."

"I didn't even expect Mr. Geographer to be so young. My junior, He Dongming, would like to ask Mr. Divination to help us find someone."

He Dongming bowed deeply, becoming more respectful and humble.

The Taoist priest behind him and the other Mr. Yin Art also bowed to salute.

My expression didn't change, but Tang Song showed joy on his face.

Apparently, Tang Song felt that these people were respectful to Xianglu and me, and he also had some face.

"I don't plan to make a fuss recently, and I don't have a relationship with the three, please go back." I said calmly.

Obviously, He Dongming's body froze, and Mr. Yinjutsu and the Taoist priest behind him also froze for a moment.

"Mr. Li, this junior came here with sincerity." He Dongming immediately glanced at the two people behind him. The Mr. Yinshu immediately found a small cloth bag. After he opened it, it turned out that there was a A thick stack of banknotes.

He stepped forward respectfully and handed me the cloth bag with both hands.

He Dongming said seriously: "We came to look for that person and killed many people! His hands were covered in blood, and he even killed a friend of ours and took away one of his items!"

"If he stays in Tang Town, he will definitely do a lot of harm to people! The younger generation also made a divination, but in Tang Town, the divination is always chaotic, because this place is your boundary, I can't figure it out."

"If Mr. Li can help us figure out where he is, we will handle this matter ourselves and won't let him bring trouble to Tang Zhen!"

"I also know that if you want to invite the Prime Minister to do something, you need to prepare enough remuneration. Here is a bank note of [-] yuan. Please accept it with a smile, Mr. Li!"

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