"Mr. Li...I..." Zhu Xie's chest was heaving up and down, and he still wanted to speak.

I directly interrupted his words, saying that if he wanted to tell me the background and skills of the pedestrian, he could tell me.

If he wants to say something else, don't say any more.

Zhu Xun stared blankly at me for a long time before he put the wooden box back under the mourning hall.

He knelt down in front of the mourning hall again, and kowtowed three times to the altar!

What I didn't expect was that he didn't get up, just knelt, moved his knees, turned around, and knelt in front of me!

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xun bowed his head again, and his body fell to the ground.

"Zhu Xun, I didn't save you by asking you to kneel to me." I frowned, trying to help Zhu Xun up.

As a result, Zhu Xun's strength was not small, and he didn't even move when I supported him.

Zhu Xun didn't get up either, his forehead was pressed against the ground.

His tone was low and hoarse, every word was extremely firm!

"Mr. Li, Zhu Xun should die today. That pedestrian is quite capable, and he came here to kill me."

"Sir, benevolent, protect my life. This life belongs to your husband." "The beheading knife will no longer behead people in the future, but will only kill those who are harmful to you and want to murder him!"

"Zhu Xun, who is lucky enough to survive, should guard the hut for the local minister until his death!"

After he finished saying this, he kowtowed twice again!

Then, Zhu Xun got up, and the deep part of his eyes showed extreme respect!

The incense candles in the mourning hall seem to be more vigorously lit, and the white smoke is also more lingering!

I looked up at Master's spiritual tablet.

Is this also Master's arrangement?

If he accepts Zhu Xun, there will be one more guard in the Xianglu?

I let out a heavy breath, and I didn't say anything else to dissuade me.

If I said so, Zhu Xun would probably leave directly, and Di Xianglu really needs someone to guard it.

"Tell me about the background of those people." I made a gesture of invitation and walked towards the main room.

After sitting down in the house, Zhu Xun explained the origin of the group of people.

It turned out that the last villain Zhu Xun killed was Cao Jian, the leader of a gang who specialized in digging graves!

The man was greedy, not only digging tombs and stealing money, he even went through some villages, captured the guides, and finally murdered people in order to hide the news.

He led a group of gangsters under his command, including a few gentlemen who were proficient in wind and water, and a Taoist priest who could fight fierce corpses.

On weekdays, when digging graves and inquiring about news, almost all of them are masters and Taoist priests, and the rest are disguised as servants!

I immediately thought of that wicked head brought by Zhu Xun!

Without interrupting him, I nodded to show that I was listening and signaled him to continue.

Zhu Xun carefully took out something from his bosom.

It was a slightly damaged sheepskin picture.

"When I beheaded Cao Jian, he begged me for mercy and threw out this thing, saying it was enough to save his life and let me do it with him."

"His head was designated by the government to fall. On the execution ground, he has no chance of surviving."

"After he died, I took the sheepskin figure and took the head away."

"Afterwards, his subordinates approached me and expressed their desire to get the head back, and also paid a lot of money to buy the sheepskin figure back."

"When the officials arrested people, they figured out their methods. These people are ruthless. If I gave them a picture, they would be silenced. They didn't achieve their goals, so they spoke to me."

"After I procrastinated, I left quietly."

After a slight pause, Zhu Xie told me that he did not expect to be chased to Tang Town, and he was already very careful along the way.

I told him that it is useless for him to be careful. Since there is Mr. Yang Suan in that group of people, as long as he knows some information about him, he can make a divination and calculate the direction where he left. Such a group of people can find him no matter what. Some clues!

After contemplating for a moment, I took out the golden ruler.

During this period of time, apart from the application of Yin-Yang, I have deepened a little bit, and I have confirmed another method in the other Mr. Yin-Yang's manuscripts.

That's the way I used to beat people and hurt their bones!

If you break the corresponding bone phase, you can break the corresponding fate!

It's just that my yin and yang technique is far from perfect, and I can't trigger the protection of fate at all.

Be careful with that group of people.

I signaled Zhu Xun to boil the medicine and take a rest after taking it. If there is anything wrong, I will deal with it when the pedestrian comes to the door.

Zhu Xie was more convinced of me, he left the parchment on the table, and then got up to leave.

I sat in the main room for a while. After thinking about it, I really couldn't make any pre-preparations. I could only wait for the group of people to arrive before making any plans.

Just as he was about to go to his room to rest, there was another knock on the courtyard door.

I frowned. At this time, who is here?


I got up and went to open the courtyard door. What surprised me for a moment was that the person standing outside the courtyard door turned out to be the paper figurine Xu.

The slender body of the paper figurine Xu stood upright, with a square pannier on his back, his empty arm, and the sleeves were tied to his body.

"Uncle Xu... why are you here?" After asking, I almost knew the reason.

"Gou Lv came over and said, someone has entered Tang Town, let us pay attention to safety. I also noticed the pedestrians, they were murderous and smelly, and they looked like Taoist priests on the outside, but in fact they must be killing people and digging graves." trick."

"Gou Lv doesn't want to say more, but your second uncle, He Zhi, and I know that this matter should be related to you. Your second uncle and He Zhi don't intervene. I can help you a little when I come to you. "The paper figurine Xu looked serious and serious.

He added another sentence, saying that he didn't want to disturb my retreat, but they would definitely not let me deal with it alone in this situation.

I let the paper figurine into the Dixiang hut.

"What about the executioner?" the paper figurine Xu asked again.

Obviously, He Zhi should have said a lot about Zhu Xie.

"He's fine, but Uncle Xu, even if you don't do anything with him, I'll send that pedestrian away."

After a pause, I said again, after all, this is Dixianglu.

The paper figurine Xu didn't relax too much, saying that he would arrange some things outside the Dixiang Hut later.

We sat in the main room for a while, discussed some things with the paper figurine Xu, and he took out several paper bundles.

Among them are He Niangzi's, mother and son Xuesha, and even some paper bundles that I have never seen before.

But as soon as he took it out, there was a special atmosphere and atmosphere in the Dixiang room, which made people feel extremely oppressive.

Even Lao Huang, who was resting on the courtyard wall, stood up, staring at the paper figurine Xu unkindly.

Xu Zacai, the paper figurine, immediately put the paper away and walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

I watched the paper figurine Xu at the gate of the courtyard. He pulled out a lot of steel wires from the opposite roof and the treetops on both sides of the road.

Moreover, he arranged most of the paper bundles under the treetops and under the opposite eaves.

Especially He Niangzi's paper tie, he put it in the branches and leaves of the old tree next to Dixianghu...

After everything was arranged, it was late at night.

Xu Cai, the paper figurine, told me that, in fact, most paper-making craftsmen play tricks instead of using paper in the open.

It's easy to hide a gun, but it's hard to defend against a dark arrow!

He hides in the dark, and if those people come to you unkindly, don't blame him for being rude.

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