Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 55: Has the paper shop changed its boss?

The second uncle went straight into the water, and after three or two strokes, he swam to the center of the pool, followed by tying Miss Meng's body with a rope, and dragged him towards the front yard.

During this period, there were no more accidents.

It wasn't until after Miss Meng's family was brought ashore by him that I saw that she was tightly holding a half-decomposed baby in her arms.

And on top of her heart, a few chicken tail feathers were firmly inserted.

I also saw that one end of the three chicken tail feathers was held in the hand by the vagina.

Suddenly an answer popped into my head.

The vagina was severely injured by my killing technique, but it was not killed in one blow. This may be related to the first time I used it, and it also has a lot to do with my own level.

It's just that, even if it doesn't directly lose its soul, it will definitely die.

As far as the female fetus is concerned, if the mother evil cannot keep it, then it is the mother evil, and it is the person it hates.

At the moment of death, is it counterattacking and taking Miss Meng's family on the road together?

Immediately afterwards, I discovered a little detail, the back of the pregnant woman's hand was actually held down by Miss Meng's family...

At this moment, I was completely stunned.

Looking at Miss Meng's face again, she had a ferocious and fierce face before, but now her dead face only remained expressionless and calm.

The second uncle muttered in a low voice, and asked me a few words, what's going on?

While speaking, he pointed to the chicken feathers on Miss Meng's chest.

I shook my head, couldn't say it in a low voice, and then kept silent.

At this moment, I feel very uncomfortable. At this moment, Miss Meng and this womb exude only silence and coldness.

At dawn, Meng Qiu also woke up. With the help of her servants, she came to the front of the corpse, crying out of breath.

I didn't like it very much, so I advised her a few words, telling her not to be too sad, because the dead cannot be brought back to life.

Meng Qiu's tears still kept falling.

It was the servant next to her who asked me and my second uncle cautiously, what should we do with this corpse?Would they still be haunted and make the house uneasy?

The second uncle shook his head, and said directly: "The dead and the womb are gone, what's going on? They are rotten and smelly, but if you are worried, you can send them to the crematorium by the city, and just burn them."

Immediately, the faces of those servants looked much better, and there was obviously uncontrollable joy in their eyes.

The second uncle gave me a look and motioned for me to go to the main room and sit down.

Only the two of us entered the main room, Meng Qiu didn't follow, and the servants also followed her.

The second uncle patted me on the shoulder and told me that it is true that the lights go out when people die, but it is impossible for Meng Qiu to mourn the death of a man and his daughter. We will just wait for her to cry. We will get paid and leave People become.

After speaking, the second uncle found a place to sit down, took out the wine bottle, and drank it.

After I sat down, my head was still dizzy. Only now did I understand what it means to affect the soul of life.

This kind of drowsiness feels like people are about to pass out, and their thinking is becoming more and more dull...

The whole person has been in a trance, and I don't know when I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, my second uncle called my name, and at the same time, my second uncle's hand was still patting my face.

I opened my eyes in a jerk, and felt that my consciousness was not so dull, but I still had a headache, which still made me gasp.

"Yin Yang, come on, it's done." The second uncle's face was flushed, obviously very happy, and his eyes were also full of satisfaction.

Only then did I realize that a lot of time had passed, and the sun outside was already glaring. Just now, I was in a daze after five o'clock in the morning at most, and now I'm afraid it's almost noon.

I didn't see Meng Qiu, but I found that there were a lot more servants in the Meng family. They should be the ones who were scared away before, so I called them back.

There are two more coffins in the yard, the servants are busy, and some people are hanging white silk, as if they are going to arrange a funeral.

"Why are there only two coffins?" I asked subconsciously.

"Ms. Meng's mouth, Meng Liang's mouth, who else should I give it to? Mr. Shenzhu was taken away by the police. Meng Qiu is quite sober after crying." The second uncle explained to me.

At the same time, he waved his hand in front of me, and I saw two shining little yellow fishes.

At that time, my eyes were straightened, and the second uncle stuffed it into my hand, and said: "Hurry up, before it gets dark, let's go to the paper figurine Xu's place to stay, and we have to find a gold shop by the way, and then exchange three small yellow croakers." Son. You don’t want to stay at the Meng’s house for the white seats, do you? Besides, Mrs. Meng doesn’t welcome us right now.”

Once I started with gold, I immediately felt no headache, no body fatigue, and my whole body was full of energy.

After getting up, the second uncle went out.

At this moment, I also realized that he meant that he was not welcome.

Ms. Meng's family was so frightened by us that she couldn't even be reincarnated, how could Meng Qiu keep thanking her?

It's just that there is no way to do this. My second uncle and I can't control this kind of change.

Leaving from Meng's house, servants came to see them off, but at this time, they also seemed a lot colder, and didn't even say any polite words.

Meng's house is in the city of Jiuhe County. After we left, the second uncle was very familiar with it. It didn't take long for him to lead me into the bustling streets of the city.

We first found a gold shop and exchanged the cash on our bodies for small yellow croakers. I put a total of six small yellow croakers close to my body, and then my second uncle took me to another restaurant.

He ordered a table of dishes, and I was hungry, so I stuffed my stomach with food, and finally my belly was round.

The body that felt empty recovered a little bit.

After a meal, my second uncle led me to find a rickshaw and went to Funeral Street.

By the time we reached Funeral Street, it was already mid-afternoon.

Knocking on the door of the paper figurine Xu's shop, the paper figurine Xu didn't even look at the second uncle, just looked at me with a smile, nodded, and said that Yin Yang came again.

His eyes reveal a bit of emotion that I can't tell, is there joy in his eyes?

I'm not stupid. I've understood a truth since I was a child. The most difficult thing to change is the eyes. People in the village hate me, so no matter what their expressions are, they must look at me with disgust.

The paper figurine Xu likes me, I'm afraid it's just like what he said, he thinks I'm a good young man, my life is dark, he can learn the paper tie technique, and he wants to take me in as his apprentice.

The paper figurine Xu led me into the yard, and he sent me to the door of his son Xu Changlin's room, and let me go in to rest.

Then he whispered something to the second uncle, and the two went to another room.

Originally, the sun outside was so hot that it was so hot that people were in a trance, but the paper figurine Xu's house was cool and comfortable.

Of course, when we left Meng's house, we didn't take off any of the things we should have brought.

I put the big black wooden box connected to the yin and the corpse hunter's things in a corner and put them away, including opening the back basket containing the old chicken. It was still slumped, but it was a little better.

In fact, I was full, and I was always sleepy and groggy. I lay down on the bed and fell asleep soon.

This time, he really fell into a deep sleep.

Some time ago, it was actually okay. After I fell asleep, I started to dream in a daze, and the dream was messy. After all, I felt like there was someone beside the bed...

That feeling is so obvious that it can't be dispelled.

I don't know how long I struggled, but I finally woke up...

What comes in through the window is already moonlight.

it's dark……

The old rooster was sleeping next to my pillow. When I opened my eyes, its neck also lifted up.

Obviously, adequate rest also rejuvenated it.

I rubbed the space between my brows, feeling a little more awake.

Subconsciously, I glanced at the door.

What made my heart skip a beat was that there was a gap in my door.

In that gap, why does it seem that there is a person standing there sideways, peeping at me?

I shivered suddenly, my eyelids twitched slightly, and I called out, "Second Uncle?" The people outside didn't respond...

I called Uncle Xu again?But he still didn't move...

I was taken aback immediately, turned over and got out of bed quickly, and when I reached the door, I opened it directly.

Amidst the creaking sound, both doors were opened by me.

Standing at the door of my room was a pale paper-stitched man...

This paper piercing has no nose and eyes, but its shape is really the same as that of a real person. It looks like a paper piercing, but it feels like someone is sticking here.

Just because there is no nose and eyes, it gives people a sense of trance, as if they can't see it clearly.

My eyelids twitched slightly, it's strange that the paper sticks here.

I walked out of the room sideways and looked at the door of the second uncle's room. It was still the same as before, the door was tightly closed, but there were bursts of snoring from inside. It was obvious that the second uncle was still sleeping.

Originally, I wanted to move the paper bundles, but I felt that the paper bundles here were very weird, so I didn't dare to touch them casually.

It was even colder in the yard, I shrugged my shoulders and went to a hut.

After the convenience, the whole person was completely awake, not in the mood to go back to the room to sleep, and seemed to hear someone shouting in his ears, as if it came from the shop in front, asking if there was anyone.

My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately listened.

The voice was much clearer, and it was indeed asking if anyone was there.

I was stunned for a moment, where is the paper figurine Xuren?Open a shop, but not in the shop?

Subconsciously, I left the yard and entered the front shop through the partition door.

Candles were lit in the shop, and the candlelight was faint.

Only now did I realize that the paper doll Xu's shop was emptier than usual.

Before, there were quite a few paper-made people on the left and right sides, but today, there was not a single paper-made person.

And the paper figurine Xu is not here either.

What's even weirder is that just now someone was clearly asking if there was anyone.

Right now, the shop door is empty, not a single ghost is there...

I rubbed the center of my eyebrows, muttered a few words, and turned around subconsciously.

As a result, there was a person standing behind me. This person's face was white and frightening, the bags under his eyes drooped to the cheekbones, and a pair of dark eyeballs stared straight at me.

I was so frightened that I let out a loud roar, and I backed up abruptly, hitting my head on the wooden table with my whole body, which was excruciatingly painful.

Likewise, I was terrified too.

This is inexplicable, the person appeared on my back! ?

People are scary, they want to scare people to death!

"Zhizhapu, has the boss changed?" the man said dryly.

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