It is an extremely terrifying thing for a vagina to open its eyes.

It is recorded in the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng that the evil of a yin fetus comes from its previous reincarnation and its birth. It has not seen the light of day, and it is only a fetus, not a real body.

And it has never been famous.

When you die without a name and surname, there is no place in the world, and there is no name in the book of life and death!There will be no possibility of reincarnation.

Connecting the Yin woman to the Yin, the cat bone pottery is used to cover the corpse, and the real body is given to the father. The father takes the name of the taboo and makes offerings for one year, so that the body can be reincarnated.

If the vaginal fetus opened its eyes before this, it would see its current situation.

It was pressing down on Meng Qiu before, and it was most likely put on it by someone, probably the dead Mr. Magic Stick.

But now if it opens its eyes, it won't know how fierce it is, and I will definitely be bumped directly!

My thoughts were in a flash, and because of this sudden panic, my eyes became hotter and redder.

I immediately gave up my plan to use killing techniques against Meng Qiu!

The hand has already been raised to the highest point.

It seems that there is a hot current flowing from the fingers, and the chicken tail feathers are more like a red-hot soldering iron, which makes my fingers tingle extremely.

My chest and abdomen seemed to be filled with anger, and when I opened my mouth, I roared hoarsely: "The vicious corpse, heaven forbid!"

"The killing technique is here, the life of the soul is broken!" While roaring, I still kept falling, all of which didn't even take a breath!

Slap it down hard!

laugh!a soft sound.

Followed by a snap.

The chicken tail plume sank into the forehead of the female fetus first, and then my palm hit the female fetus' head!

In an instant, the sternness and chill emanating from the womb disappeared.

The restlessness that was growing in my heart suddenly disappeared completely, and was replaced by emptiness, and I couldn't even control my body. I wanted to use my legs to finally hook the railing, but I couldn't do it, so I fell into the pool with a plop among...

The coldness of the pool water made me shiver.

I woke up instantly, held my breath, and didn't choke on water...

And I swing my limbs to adjust my shape in the water and keep my balance.

During this movement, I saw the female fetus fall slowly in the water at the same time, it fell irregularly, but there were three chicken tail feathers inserted on the top of its head between the eyebrows, and the sharp parts of the tail feathers were completely submerged in the skull Among them, what is even more weird is that the iron-blue color of the womb itself has disappeared...

From the wound where it was pierced by the chicken tail, it seemed that the skin had begun to rot, and even the white bones were exposed...

Its eyes have not been opened, and now, I am afraid that there is no possibility of opening them again...

I reached out subconsciously and grabbed the vagina directly, and then I swam towards the surface of the water.

As soon as I poked my head out, I suddenly felt a gloomy and cold flash by beside me. I had to raise my hand to get out of the water.

As a result, there was a sharp pain in the wrist.

I gasped in pain, and even my eyes turned black.

"Yin Yang, come up!" Second Uncle's growl made me wake up suddenly.

I came back to my senses, and quickly lifted my hands out of the water.

What made my heart skip a beat was that the vagina I was holding onto was gone...

And on the position of my right wrist, there is a dark scar, as if it was held tightly by something, forming a mark.

At this moment, I also discovered that the second uncle is not in a stalemate with Miss Meng's family...

Meng Qiu had already been pulled ashore by him, and she was lying unconscious on the ground.

Where's Miss Meng's?

Suddenly, I thought back to the coldness just now, staring at the scar on my wrist with sweat on my forehead.

"Why are you in a daze, come up quickly! That thing is even more fierce!" The second uncle's low growl interrupted my trance. In fact, I was also climbing up, but the movements were not so sharp.

Because of using the killing technique, the indescribable sequelae made me quite dull...

Just half of his body came out of the water, but suddenly his body sank, and the position of his ankle seemed to be pulled by a strong force.

My complexion changed suddenly, and I fell down with a muffled grunt.

The second uncle had quick eyesight and quick hands, he jumped straight to grab my arm, yelled sharply, and pulled me up!

This time, I felt like my leg was going to be pulled off.

"Fuck!" The second uncle's eyes widened with anger, the veins on his forehead were all bulging, and all the spittle was sprayed on my face.

I snorted, and tried my best to pull my legs up, and struggled hard...

It's just that the ankle seemed to be clamped by steel pliers, and it was impossible to break free.

Sweat dripped from my forehead in pain,

But at this moment, the old chicken suddenly jumped onto my shoulder, its claws were tightly hooked on my shoulder, almost caught in the meat, and then it croaked sharply towards the surface of the water.

The sound almost pierced the eardrums, it was extremely fierce!

Cockscomb's blood overflowed, penetrated into its blood-red eyeballs, and then flowed out, a few drops fell to the surface of the water!

The blood droplets spread on the water surface, forming a blood flower.

Suddenly, the feeling of being grabbed by the ankle disappeared suddenly...

The second uncle suddenly pulled me up to the railing...

I used my strength to turn over, and when I landed, I felt severe pain. I couldn't stand still, and my whole body collapsed on the ground. The lacquered handprints are even a little dark red.

I'm afraid that if I wait a little longer, my ankle will be directly broken...

When I landed, the old rooster also landed on the railing, and now it is not as majestic as before, its combs are a little drooping, listless...

The second uncle quickly stepped back to my side. He frowned and stared at my ankle.

There was also sweat on his forehead, and he looked terrified.

Immediately afterwards, the second uncle asked me, was that a killing technique just now?The female fetus on the surface of the water was so fierce at a glance, but once the chicken feathers were pricked, there was no reaction?More importantly, after he saw me pierce the head of the vaginal fetus with chicken feathers, the fierce Miss Meng family also suddenly fell into the water.

I barely stood up from the ground, my chest was beating and I was still a little off balance.

I waited for a while before nodding, and then I told my second uncle that the mother would let go only because the womb was destroyed, and she just snatched the womb away.

While speaking, I opened my palm and looked at it, and there was still a bit of black air in my palm.

The second uncle narrowed his eyes slightly, and he stopped talking.

I lowered my head to look at Meng Qiu, she was breathing weakly at the moment, but at least her life was safe.

It's just that when I turned my head to look at the water pool again, I felt even more chills in my heart.

The womb is gone, so Mu Sha will be easier to deal with, but she is still in the water, if she is not cleaned up, she will definitely die.

The difficulty is here, she is in the water, we can't get it out, once in the water, my second uncle and I can't fight her...

I looked at it for a while, and then asked my second uncle, what else can I do?

The second uncle didn't answer me for a while, he suddenly frowned and stared at the center of the pool.

I was shocked, and immediately cast my gaze over.

As far as the eye can see, in the middle of the pool, there is actually a female corpse floating up...

Take a closer look, isn't this the corpse of Miss Meng's family!

And when he fell down, he didn't continue to stand upright, but floated...

My heart almost jumped out of my throat.

What kind of moth is this? !

The second uncle's face was also full of surprise and uncertainty, and his brows were even more tightly wrinkled into a word...

However, after a while, I smelled an unpleasant smell...

This stench is the stench of corpses, mixed with the stench of corpse oil of many water ghouls.

Logically speaking, if a ferocious corpse has grievances, it must not rot. This sudden rot... Could it be that the grievances have dissipated? !

It's just that my second uncle and I didn't go into the water, so this guesswork is guesswork. If it's some weird trick that this dead man made, we'll have to explain it when we go down.

As time passed slowly, the yard began to stink, and Meng Qiu still hadn't woken up.

But from the corner on the other side of the main room, three servants of the Meng family walked out unsteadily.

I recognized these three people at a glance, weren't they the same people just now?

Just now when my second uncle and I came out, I saw Meng Qiu jumping into the water. I thought these people had escaped...

But looking at their faltering steps and dazed expressions, they probably ran away, most likely because they bumped into a stranger, and passed out in the corner of the courtyard...

My second uncle and I looked at each other, and the second uncle said unnaturally: "I really saw a ghost..."

The servants came to the yard, and now they regained their composure a little bit, and looked at me and my second uncle in a panic.

Before they could speak, the second uncle asked them in a deep voice what happened just now?

One of the servants said a few words and said it quickly.

It was roughly that we entered the backyard. They originally wanted to help the wife to the main room and leaned first.

As a result, he suddenly saw the young lady halfway out of the water.

Then they didn't know anything. When they woke up, they were curled up against the wall together, as if they had hit a ghost...

The second uncle glanced at me again, his brows did not relax, but he said: "Wait until dawn, if the corpse does not sink by dawn, then her grievances have dissipated, she is not dead, but an ordinary floating corpse. "

I nodded quickly to express my agreement with the second uncle's statement.

Then the second uncle asked these people to carry Meng Qiu to the main room to rest.

Then he led me to the backyard again, and got the unlucky Mr. Godstick who was lying on Meng Qiu's bed to the front yard.

Together with Meng Liang, the two corpses were placed side by side.

During this period, Miss Meng's body was still intact, still floating in the middle of the pool.

I couldn't hold it anymore, my body was so empty that I wobbled into the main room and sat down.

The servants didn't dare to leave, but they kept holding their noses and retching from time to time.

To be honest, the stench is really hard for me to hold back.

The corpse rotted, just like dead fish and rotten shrimp, the smell hit the brain.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The night before dawn is the darkest, and it can be said that you can't see your fingers.

But after that moment, a white belly and a wisp of purple air appeared in the sky.

Its daybreak.

In the pond, Miss Meng's body remained motionless...

Resentful corpses must enter the water at dawn, and death is even more resentful. Those who do not enter the water at dawn are normal drowning corpses.

Her resentment, is it really gone? !

The second uncle got up, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll pick it up and see what's going on." After saying that, he walked directly towards the pool.

I was also puzzled, and followed him to the railing.

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