Her drooping head seemed to be stiff.

He Zhi frowned, and she reached out to pat the pregnant woman's shoulder.

"Don't touch her, she's dead." I whispered.

He Zhi's complexion changed again, her eyes fell on the bruises on the pregnant woman's cheeks, and her complexion changed several times.

"Living corpse?" He Zhi murmured uneasily.

I hummed, and said: "But this is a bit strange, she has started to rot, and has not transformed into evil spirit."

Turning my head, I could see the coffin outside the house.

There are several types of living corpses. The most basic living corpses, after death, hold a mouthful of obsession across their chests, and they will not die.

And hatred turns the living corpse into evil, white evil, black evil, blood evil, green corpse evil.

Miao Guangyang is almost a living corpse blood demon, and my mother is a living green corpse demon, as time goes by, the breath becomes harder to swallow, and her resentment deepens.

A living corpse without evil spirits can only rely on resentment to keep its body intact, but the longer it takes, the more it will gradually rot.

In the beginning, the living corpses would not know that they were dead, until they watched their bodies fester little by little, and the fear would make them wake up, and finally they became broken corpses.

Even a simple living corpse is extremely difficult to deal with after it becomes a sneaky corpse.

The problem with Hu Guang's wife is that she didn't transform evil spirits!

According to Zhao Tan's words, Hu Guang's wife killed her own mother-in-law, that is, Hu Guang's mother.

The dead who harm others must be transformed into evil spirits!

Hu Guang's wife did no harm, so why did Hu Guang's mother die?

I thought Tang Song came here to deal with a trivial matter, but I didn't expect that there was such a deep mystery in it.

He Zhi also had a thoughtful look on her face, and she said carefully: "The victim is someone else, so can we let her rest in peace first? To save trouble?"

I shook my head and told He Zhi, I'm afraid it's not that easy, I have to name my biological father to enshrine.

He Zhi immediately whispered: "Isn't Hu Guang outside, let him take a name"

I interrupted He Zhi and told her Hu Guang's face.

He Zhi looked stunned, and looked at Hu Guang's wife again, frowning.

The sympathy in her eyes suddenly disappeared a lot, instead it was an indescribable expression, which was extremely complicated after all.

I didn't speak anymore, but turned around and walked into the courtyard. After He Zhi came out, I motioned for her to close the door by the way.

I walked towards the courtyard gate, and the mayor Tang Song looked forward to it.

Hu Guang's eyes were also tense, and he said uneasy: "Mr. Li, my wife, are you okay?"

"Recently she always said that she was not feeling well, and she always fell asleep during the day"

"Wen Po can't take out the stillborn baby, you must have a way." Hu Guang begged for more in his eyes.

For a while, I didn't know how to speak.

Hu Guang was stunned, and he said blankly, "Mr. Li, you can't help either."

I shook my head, and even though it was difficult to speak, I told Hu Guang the truth that his wife had been dead for a long time.

Hu Guang froze, he stared blankly at me motionless.

Tang Song also had an expression of astonishment and bewilderment.

I was about to explain, but Hu Guang suddenly raised his hand and grabbed my neck and clothes!

With a bang, I was pushed to the courtyard wall next to me!

His eyes were wide open, his voice became hoarse, and he cursed, "You fart!"

Tang Song frowned, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Hu Guang, don't be rude to Mr. Li!"

"What Mr. Li, he's ignorant! You're a swindler, a liar!" The veins on Hu Guang's forehead were bulging, and his eyes were bloodshot with anxiety.

"My wife is fine, she can breathe and talk, but her life is not good, the baby was not born, and it was left in the stomach to torture people."

"Now she seems to be on the verge of dying. If he can't save someone, he won't be able to save anyone. He also said that my wife is dead?!" Hu Guang became more and more excited, and his hand on my shoulder became more and more forceful.

He Zhi raised his hand to grab Hu Guang's arm.

I gave He Zhi a look and told her not to touch Hu Guang.

Tang Song also showed uneasiness. He looked at me and then at Hu Guang, hesitatingly said: "Mr. Li, look, did you make a mistake? Could it be the stillborn baby in Hu's wife's stomach who made a fuss?" What kind of moth?"

I also ignored Tang Song, still looked at Hu Guang deeply, and then said: "I understand your pain and despair, your wife had a dystocia, and your mother died, so you should be the only one left in the family, right?"

"My ability is far inferior to that of Master, but I am by no means an ignorant person, otherwise Master would not accept me."

"In addition to my master's ability, I'm still a female nurse. I deal with pregnant women who died and the vaginal fetuses that died in the womb."

"You're still young, and you still have a chance to deal with things and start over."

"But if you really can't figure it out, and you are stubborn, I'm afraid your Hu family will become extinct."

"The palace of prey is dry, which means that the child in your wife's womb is not yours. At least for now, it seems that you have no children."

"Although some people say that your mother was scolded to death by your wife, in fact, there is something strange about her death." The more I said, Hu Guang's eyes widened, and his expression became more excited.

The next moment he suddenly wilted.

He lowered his head, let go of his hand, and whispered a word.

And there was utter disgust in his tone.

"Go, He Zhi." I took a deep breath and signaled Tang Song to leave with me.

After we left the courtyard, Hu Guang slammed the courtyard door shut.

Hu Guang's ugly voice came from the courtyard: "I beg you to help me, I didn't ask you to make trouble. My mother couldn't bear the blow and hanged herself. My wife is dying, but you are so indifferent and say that those people What kind of gentleman are you still talking about?"

"How could Mr. Jiang accept a disciple like you?"

He Zhi turned his head suddenly, his eyes were full of anger.

I stopped her, and she stomped her feet fiercely, and said anxiously: "He said Mr. Jiang he"

The rest of the people outside the courtyard looked at each other in blank dismay, Tang Song looked uneasy, obviously not as firm as before.

"Mayor Tang, I want to trouble you with something very important."

Tang Song arched his hands and said, "Mr. Li, but it's okay to say."

"Starting tonight, no one can come out on the street after nightfall."

Tang Song smiled wryly, and said: "There are very few people who dare to go out at night, and Mr. Li, if you say that Hu Guang's wife is dead, isn't that a haunting? Who dares to go out again?"

"Well. Go home each of you." I said again.

Tang Song's expression changed, and he said anxiously: "Mr. Li, don't you care about this?"

The rest of the townspeople also looked panic-stricken.

I shook my head and said that I didn't care, it's just that Hu Guang couldn't accept the reality.

I can only deal with it in other ways. As for how to deal with it, it is inconvenient to say now.

After a short pause, I told Tang Song that it was inevitable that Hu Guang's wife had an affair with someone, and that Hu Guang's mother was also killed.

I'll check it out!

Otherwise, troublesome things are yet to come!

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