Tang Song nodded again and again, and said: "Wen Po can't help it, she can't get it out, and now the pregnant woman is not allowed to be touched."

"Zhao Tan, come here and make it clear to Mr. Li!" Immediately afterwards, Tang Song waved to a townsman behind him.

The man walked up to me, he was tall and thin, his face was sick and bloodless.

Tang Song said that his name was Zhao Tan, and he was the neighbor of that family. The family was having a funeral today, so he didn't go to inform him, but brought the rest of the people to find me.

I nodded and asked Zhao Tan to tell me something he knew.

Zhao Tan obviously had lingering fears, and he whispered: "At night, the sister-in-law of the Hu family sits in the yard, leaning against the wall and singing. Her house is next door to mine, so let alone how scary her voice is."

"I climbed up the wall to have a look, and guess what?"

"Sister-in-law of the Hu family, she is actually wearing dead black clothes, and she is still eating wax!"

"She took one look at me and I had a high fever for three days and almost died"

At this point, Zhao Tan's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his eyes were wide open.

"Last night, I heard Hu's sister-in-law scolding her mother-in-law, saying that she is a gossip, she is not human, and she just vented all the grievances over the years. When I woke up this morning, her mother-in-law was hanged on the eaves."

After Zhao Tan spoke, I felt that his eyeballs were about to protrude.

His eyes were more bloodshot, and his expression was also frightened.

He Zhi took my hand and gave me a vigilant look.

The rest of the townspeople also looked restless and flustered.

Tang Song explained to me that these people are neighbors of the Hu family who are a little farther away.

You can hear some noises in Hu's house. Strange things have happened to them recently. It's bad luck.

I first gave He Zhi a calm look, and then said: "According to the situation you just said, if a living person brings a stillbirth, there will inevitably be resentment in the courtyard. That is also a haunted house. Depending on the haunted house, it will naturally affect luck."

"I went to deal with the matter of the pregnant woman of the Hu family, and then I'll see if Feng Shui has been affected." Tang Song immediately beamed, the rest of the people heaved a sigh of relief, and Zhao Tan even made a gesture of invitation.

He Zhi and I followed them to the town.

When I was in the middle of the town, I went around a few times and finally came to a quiet street.

The streets here are overall narrow, more than three meters wide, and two or three people in parallel will appear compact.

I paid attention to the overall feng shui layout, and found that its trend is very good, and there is no such thing as door rushing, eaves, and heart piercing that tend to appear in the path.

But this is really normal. Master has lived in Tang Town for a long time, so how could Tang Town have Feng Shui problems?

Soon, we reached the back half of the street.

You can see white silk and white lanterns hanging at the gate of a courtyard.

The gate of the courtyard is narrow, only more than one meter wide, and there is a pungent smell of burning joss sticks and paper money inside.

A choked and mournful cry could be heard in the ear.

Zhao Tan, who was leading the way, stopped and did not dare to move forward. Tang Song and the others also showed fear.

He Zhi and I walked directly through the courtyard gate, only Tang Song dared to follow us into the courtyard.

In the compact courtyard, there was a dark coffin, with a mourning hall in front of it, and there were incense sticks and paper money.

A young man in his 20s was kneeling in front of the coffin, sobbing softly while burning paper.

I swept the courtyard four times, the entrance is from the south, the east, west and north are housing and hall respectively.

The house on the west gave me a slight sense of depression.

Subconsciously, I ran my hand along my waist, but the pocket was empty.

Only then did I realize that the fixed compass was placed on the table by me, and now I can't judge it with the eight needles.

He Zhi also looked at the room to the west, she didn't know when she found a bell, and she poked her hand a little along that side.

There was a light tinkling of the bell, and the bell was shaking slightly.

"It's so yin." He Zhi turned his head, his eyes also showing vigilance.

I motioned her to be calm.

At this moment, Tang Song walked up to the young man, and said in a low voice: "Hu Guang, I have invited Mr. Li, please don't cry, the disaster will be resolved today."

Only then did Hu Guang stop crying and turned around. The moment I looked at his face, my eyelids twitched slightly.

This person's palace of prey is extremely small, almost shriveled and sunken.

The position of the stage horse bone is also like falling, and the eyelids are drooping, looking extremely listless.

The Palace of Prey is the Palace of Children, and if it is shriveled and sunken, it means that it is not destined for children!

This is not weak, but a must word!

That means it is impossible for him to have children, and it is absolutely impossible for his wife to become pregnant!

The fall of the stage horse bone means that the health of the family is completely ruined, and relatives will die!

Inside the coffin was his wife's mother-in-law, his mother.

It's not enough to be dead. He looks like the stage horse bone now. It's clear that the whole family has died, and he is the only one left.

I stared straight at Hu Guang's face, his expression was even more panicked, even his legs were trembling slightly.

It's like he wants to avoid my eyes, but he can't.

My thoughts completely calmed down, and my eyes became extremely complicated.

"Your wife is in that room, right?" I pointed to the west room.

Hu Guang nodded hurriedly, his lips moved a little, but he knelt down in front of me with a bang.

When he looked at me again, he begged extraordinarily, and said in a trembling voice, "Help her, this is the only wife I have."

"Mayor Tang, take him to the gate of the courtyard." I let out a bad breath and gave the order.

Tang Song immediately helped Hu Guang to the gate of the courtyard.

I walked towards the west room, and after reaching the door, I felt the coldness getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that countless hands are pulling at my flesh, trying to get in

He Zhi followed me, and suddenly the bell in her hand fell directly to the ground.

The red string on the top of the bell was broken immediately

"It's not right, in broad daylight, only extremely vicious ghouls will break the soul bell at night." He Zhi showed an uneasy expression.

"The haunted house, the place of the dead, the room is shaded, and the resentment is heavy, even in the daytime, it will be very fierce."

I paused for a moment, then continued: "And the pregnant woman is probably already"

I didn't finish that sentence, and pushed open the door directly.

The room was cramped and dark, and a faint rancid smell could still be smelled in the nostrils.

On the bed on the right, there is a woman lying down.

Her belly was raised high, her head was slightly drooping, and there were faint marks on her side face.

He Zhi covered his nose and let out a groan.

She stared at the ground even more uneasily, and said blankly, "Yin Yang, what is this?"

My eyelids also twitched slightly, and there were many mottled liquids and footprints on the ground.

I shook my head and said that I don't know, this is actually the first time I have seen

With that said, I entered the room and walked to the bed.

He Zhi gave a cautious feed, but the pregnant woman remained motionless.

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