Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 520 I have nothing to do with them

I let out a sigh and stopped the carriage directly.

He Zhi and Dong Feng still don't know why.

I turned over and got out of the car, and quickly returned to the side of the thatched cottage.

If it was before, I might feel that I was hallucinating, but now, I will not underestimate any clues about anything.

There was still nothing beside the thatched cottage.

It's just that there are mottled water marks on the ground, forming footprints and reflecting light slightly.

My pupils constricted, and I quickly figured out the compass, but the pointer still didn't change.

These footprints are not from a ghoul, but from a normal person?

I looked carefully for a long time, but the watermark was too blurry and there were no pits left, so I couldn't tell how big the feet were.

But someone was staring at us, which made me more vigilant.

After I returned to the carriage, He Zhi cautiously asked me what was wrong?

Dong Feng also looked out, looking very cautious.

"Someone is following us, but it's not a corpse or a ghost." I replied after a pause.

After getting in the car, he drove the horse and left in the direction Dong Feng pointed.

He Zhi looked back from time to time, being extra cautious.

Dong Feng's family lived further downstream, where there was a section of watershed where the water flowed inward and formed a pit, in which the two corpse boats happened to be.

More than ten meters away, it was facing Dong Feng's house.

The earth house in the courtyard was still lit, obviously someone was at home.

When we got to the door, Dong Feng got out of the car and opened the courtyard door to let us in.

At this time, the door of the earthen house in the courtyard opened, and an old woman in her 60s and [-]s came out. She began to look wary, but after seeing Dong Feng, she eased up a little.

"His father? This is?" The old woman walked quickly to Dong Feng with a dry voice.

"This is Mr. Li, he is Mr. Yin and Yang, and this is He Zhi, ghost woman." When introducing He Zhi, Dong Feng obviously glanced at the ghost knife and mourning stick on He Zhi's waist.

The old woman's face was obviously shocked, and she immediately respected me a lot.

"Go get some ginger tea, and then find a set of clean clothes for Mr. Li." Dong Feng ordered immediately.

"I don't need the clothes, just make the ginger tea. I want a room. We brought dry clothes and let Yin and Yang change." He Zhi said immediately, and quickly took down a clean Tang suit from the car.

The old woman immediately made a gesture of invitation.

As for Dong Feng, he walked a little faster and entered another room.

The old woman invited He Zhi and me into a room. Although the room was small, it was extremely clean.

He Zhi handed me the clothes and asked the old woman to arrange an empty room for her.

The old woman was stunned for a moment, and then she whispered: "Miss He, you and Mr. Li are not married?"

I was a little embarrassed, but He Zhi lowered his head and backed away from the door, and closed the door behind him.

After changing my clothes, I twisted the wet clothes and hung them on the chair next to me.

When he opened the door and walked out, He Zhi was sitting at the wooden table in the main room, and the old woman just brought a pot of ginger tea.

As for Dong Feng, he was sitting on a small stool on the other side. There was a brazier between the table and the stool, and the charcoal fire was glowing red.

I sat on the other side and warmed up by the fire, took a sip of ginger tea, and felt much more comfortable.

"It's too late, Mr. Li has a good rest tonight, I have to wait until dawn to inquire about the news." Dong Feng said in a low voice.

I nodded and said a good word.

Not long after, the old woman brought some food, including salted fish, bacon, and porridge.

After we ate, we went back to our rooms to rest.

It's just that I don't feel much sleepy, I lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

I took out the drawn face map, and I looked at its facial features, and I remembered it more and more deeply.

I was also thinking about where my mother would go.

Will she go back to "home"?

I think there is no lack of this possibility. Although I have no idea about the Li family, and I don't want to go, but in order to quickly find out my mother's whereabouts, I still decided that when Dong Feng goes to inquire about the news in the city tomorrow, maybe I can let his wife Take me to Li's house.

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to sleep in order to ensure that I will have plenty of energy tomorrow.

A night without words, also a night without dreams.

When I woke up the next day, I went into the main room.

Just when Dong Feng was about to leave, he whispered a few words to me about his plans and when he would come back.

I told him about going to Li's house, and Dong Feng immediately called out the old woman.

After explaining in a few words, Dong Feng left immediately.

At this time, another ten-year-old child came to the door, brought a lot of fresh vegetables, and called the old woman Zhang Granny.

The child also looked at me, and then hurriedly said to the old woman: "Grandma Zhang, my father asked me to tell you, I have to tell Uncle Dong that someone drowned in the water, let him go and see at night."

Grandma Zhang looked slightly startled, she nodded and said she understood, and gave the child some change.

The kid trots away.

Drowning people in the water is very common. I only went ashore last night. There are almost no ghouls in this watershed, so I don't care about it.

Grandma Zhang didn't even mention it, she made breakfast and served it to the table.

At this time, He Zhi also left the room, obviously she was resting well and full of energy.

While eating, I told He Zhi what we were going to do today.

He Zhi nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

After a meal, Grandma Zhang took us out of the yard and walked towards the village.

Although this is a village, because it is too close to Hongsong County, there are nearly a thousand households in the village, and the whole village is larger than an ordinary town.

Grandma Zhang told us that the Li family is now in ruins.

If they knew that the eldest lady died after giving birth to a child, and she was still a Mr. Yin and Yang, I don't know what the Li family would think.

When she said this, Grandma Zhang's eyes were full of envy, but also sighed.

I frowned, Dong Feng must have said something about me last night.

I basically didn't hesitate, and said directly: "After Dong Feng comes back, Grandma Zhang, please tell him, don't tell anyone who I am again."

"As for the Li family, I have nothing to do with them."

Grandma Zhang didn't dare to say anything else, she nodded cautiously, with even more embarrassment on her face.

After walking for about ten minutes, we arrived in front of a brick house with a fence around it.

This is obviously not the mansion of the Li family as I thought. Granny Zhang told me that when the Li family was in ruins, they moved out of the mansion. The mansion was bought by rich nobles in the county, and it is now abandoned.

There was an old man in the yard doing farm work.

He glanced up at us, his eyes drifted and squinted, and then lowered his head and continued to work.

Grandma Zhang was about to knock on the courtyard door.

I raised my hand to stop her, and after a moment of contemplation, I asked her to go back first.

Grandma Zhang said in a low voice, old man Li is Miss Li's father, so she left in a hurry.

He Zhi and I stood outside the courtyard, and He Zhi was also looking carefully at the courtyard.

Suddenly, He Zhi said: "There is a cloud in this yard, there must be ghosts last night..."

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