I didn't force Dong Feng to follow, but let him wait for me there.

Dong Feng apparently received an amnesty.

We parked the carriage in front of the thatched cottage, and He Zhi and I got out of the carriage one after another.

The hut is not big, about two or three meters long and wide. The door is a wooden door, which I opened.

The whole house is leaking air and light, and the light inside the house is not dim.

On a narrow bed, the quilts are neatly arranged, and the table next to the bed is placed with bowls and chopsticks.

There are several women's commoner clothes hanging on the grass wall, and a pair of embroidered shoes beside the bed.

It's just that these things are not old, but new.

Dong Feng also said just now that the thatched cottage disappeared many years ago, and it only appeared now.

I went to the bed and sat down, looking down at my shoes on the floor.

The toes of the embroidered shoes are facing the bed...

"Mom..." I murmured in a low voice.

My hands clenched into fists subconsciously, but my chest was suffocated.

The existence of this thatched cottage not only means that my mother is back, but also means...she is nostalgic?Miss her time in thatched cottage? !

But for me, it only made me hate that "sir" more!

My mother was just an ordinary, innocent girl back then, he must have lied to her!

Let my mother leave after she becomes pregnant... As a gentleman, who can force him to leave?

I sat by the bed for a long time, He Zhi has been standing quietly by the side, looking around the room from time to time.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the rays of the setting sun shone into the house.

The glow gradually dimmed with time, and finally, night replaced dusk.

I got up and walked out of the thatched cottage, and walked to the river.

Only then did Dong Feng come over, his arm was already wrapped with a cloth to stop the bleeding.

He pointed carefully at the position under my feet, and said in a low voice, "This is it, the bamboo raft that was pushed down."

"It's almost there, the living corpse of Miss Li I saw." Dong Feng looked up and pointed at the center of the river.

"Do you want a boat? My corpse boat is not far away, and I'll be here soon." Dong Feng asked.

"No." I shook my head, then lowered my head to check my things.

I don't worry about the danger of going into the water, and my mother will definitely not hurt me.

The only thing I'm not sure about is whether she won't want to come up?

"Be careful." He Zhi told me cautiously.

I nodded and quickly checked my belongings.

The water surface reflects the moonlight, sparkling.

I leaned down, kicked my hind legs against the shore, and jumped into the water!

The cold river water stimulated my body and made me extra sober.

I swam straight ahead obliquely, and kept approaching the bottom of the water.

The moonlight is very bright tonight, and the underwater visibility is better.

After a while, I swam to the bottom of the water, my feet landed on the sand and stones, holding my breath, I tried to keep my feet steady.

Under the deep water, the visibility is much weaker. At a glance, I didn't see my mother...

All that could be seen were rocks and slightly fluctuating gravel under the water.

I fumbled out the fixed compass and looked down at its needle.

What stunned me was that the pointer of the fixed compass... didn't turn?

The turning I am referring to is the vicious yin energy, the turning needle with vicious corpses and ghosts here!

My brows were furrowed, and my face gradually darkened.

No needle, it means my mother is not here...

But there is a thatched hut on the shore, my mother must be back, she is just not here at this time?Did you go somewhere else?

The fixed compass needle can cover a large position, as long as there is resentment in this section of the watershed, it will fluctuate, and I can use the speed of the needle to approach the position.

It's just that there is no reaction to turning the needle at all, so I can't find it...

Just when I was unwilling to do so and was about to swim around the bottom of the water, I suddenly found that the needle of the compass moved.

I held the compass with small movements and turned it around in a circle.

In the west position, the compass pointer is slightly larger!

I was overjoyed, and immediately moved my body slowly towards the west, and the pointer moved even more!

It's just that it doesn't form a rotating needle, but a enamel needle that swings and doesn't return to the center line...

And the position of the pillow stopped at Xunsi C, moving back and forth.

I frowned, and stopped at the position where the enamel fluttered the most.

Below me is a slightly sunken sandstone pit.

It is recorded in the Eight Methods of Strange Needles that after the appearance of this kind of enamel needles, there must be old-fashioned ancient utensils nine feet below the feet, and if they live there, there must be drunk women, wizards, widows, widows and poor people!

It is impossible to live in the river, so there is only one possibility, there are old-fashioned and ancient artifacts under nine feet...

I hesitated for a while, but did not dig sand and stones.

Although the underwater sand is very loose and not as difficult to dig as soil, but nine feet is three meters deep, and it is impossible for me to dig it.

I took out the pig belly and took a breath, and I swam around the bottom of the water again, but except for the slight change of the needle, there was indeed no needle turning again.

In the end, I took a few breaths, and the gas in the pig's stomach was about to be exhausted. I could only choose to go ashore...

When I swam to the surface, it happened to be where the moonlight gathered most, and I took a big breath of fresh air.

He Zhi on the shore waved at me, I resisted my unwillingness and swam towards the shore.

After landing, He Zhi looked at the water.

As for Dong Feng, he asked very cautiously: "Is there no way to "invite" Missy to come up?"

I was silent for a while, and then said: "My mother is not here."

"This..." Dong Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he said cautiously: "Could it be a mistake, she didn't come back?"

I frowned and looked back at the water.

I thought of one more thing, and my pupils constricted slightly.

Mr. Miao also came in the upstream direction, but he was not there...

I'm sure I can't make a mistake, the upstream situation is still the induction of Liu Tianniu.

There must be something else going on...

Could it be that someone brought them ashore?

Immediately, I thought of Wu Xianchang and Wu Rong who had escaped!

However, I quickly dismissed the idea.

Not to mention that Miao Guangyang is a living corpse, he is still Mr. Yinjutsu!

Even the old watchman couldn't deal with my mother's fierceness. Even if Wu Xianchang came, he would not be able to touch my mother quietly.

Last time, he was also "taking advantage of others' danger".

This means that there must have been other changes during this period of time, so that my mother and Mr. Miao were not in the water.

After my thoughts settled down, I asked Dong Feng, has anything happened in Hongsong County recently?Has anything happened in Xuanhe?

Dong Feng hesitated for a moment, then he shook his head and said, "Nothing happened in Xuanhe, but I really don't know about it in the county."

"Well water doesn't interfere with river water, and the underwater affairs must have nothing to do with the shore. Mr. Li, do you think it is the shore affairs that distracted the eldest lady?"

I told Dong Feng that my mother was different from the underwater corpse he thought.

Then, I asked him to take me and He Zhi back to his house to rest, and then asked him to inquire about the latest things in Hongsong County.

Dong Feng nodded and said a good word.

We got into the carriage and left in the direction Dong Feng pointed out. When we got there, I looked back.

But I found that someone seemed to be peeking at us from the side of the thatched cottage.

When I looked carefully again, I couldn't see anything...

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