Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 515 I personally send her the water!

"If this matter, Master Huo, if you help me, I will help you too. I will protect the wealth and well-being of your Huo family for decades." In the end, my voice was extremely hoarse.

Huo Kunmin's eyes were particularly solemn, and there was also desire and surprise.

He Zhi carefully covered the back of my right hand with his hand, while the second uncle picked up some vegetables for me.

The paper figurine Xu didn't say much.

This meal was over, Huo Kunmin and his subordinates left the courtyard.

My second uncle persuaded me in a low voice, and went to the room to rest with the paper figurine Xu.

He Zhi's eyes were slightly worried: "Yin Yang, are you okay?"

I smiled and said: "I said it's okay, but I still feel uncomfortable. I really want to know who my own father is, why he asked my mother to come out to sacrifice, and also want to know who pushed my mother to come out." Bamboo raft."

He Zhi stood up, she gently held my forehead, and carried me into her arms.

At the same time, her body trembled slightly, but she hugged my neck even harder.

I closed my eyes, didn't resist, just put my arms around He Zhi's waist.

I murmured in a low voice: "I haven't forgotten the old watchman's hatred, we will find him."

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, Yin Yang, you are Mr., we can't be too extreme, promise me, okay?"

I was silent for a while...

The moment of calm, on the contrary, made the thoughts in his mind start to become chaotic.

I remembered what Master said to me before, sir, it takes time to hone it, the older you are, the more proficient you are.

This small year has really changed me a lot, from a corpse-hunter to someone who can save people with Feng Shui, and even harm people...

Because of him, I also had a lot of kind thoughts in my heart, but I found that the fundamental emotions in my heart have not completely changed.

Can I really let go of someone I hate so much?

He Zhi has indeed changed. She was savage and ruthless at the beginning. When we dealt with Kong Qing, she was so decisive. When we cut off Qi Si's body, she was even more merciless.

Up to now, the matter of Tan Mei, her obstruction when I dug the grave, and now let me not be too extreme...

On the contrary, she has more kind thoughts than me.

However, who should decide the justice in this world?

After a long time, until the old chicken jumped down from the old locust tree, staggeringly walked in the yard, pecking at the bugs on the ground.

Only then did He Zhi gently push me away, saying that she was going to clean up the dishes.

I took a chair and sat under the old pagoda tree, and studied the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng.

Not long after, I felt a little sleepy, so I leaned against the old locust tree and closed my eyes for a nap.

The second half of the day passed extremely slowly, and when I even felt a little suffocated, the sun was about to set.

In my heart, I was vaguely looking forward to news from Huo Kunmin.

It's just that I waited until it was dark, but no one came, so I went back to my room and continued to read.

It was almost eight o'clock at night, and finally someone came to the courtyard, and I heard Huo Kunmin's voice.

I got up in a hurry and went into the yard.

Huo Kunmin and I saluted, while the second uncle was blushing a lot, and the paper figurine Xu was also happy.

I asked about Huo Kunmin's news, and Huo Kunmin said in a little embarrassment that the news had not been found out, but the matter of Tang Quan had made progress.

As he was about to say something, I waved my hand.

From the look of the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu, I knew that things must be moving in a good direction, but I didn't want to listen.

I was about to go back to the house, and I raised my hand to close the door.

Huo Kunmin bowed and clasped his fists, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, tomorrow at the latest, I will tell you whether I can find out the news. I have sent many people out, and I have enough money. It was released that year, and there must be results.”

"Yeah." I nodded and closed the door.

I went back to the bed, held the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng again, and looked more sleepy...

Dazed, I fell into a deep sleep.

Before going to bed, I had a thought, and I wanted to have that dream again!

Since the dream gave me a hint, if I find more things in it, it might be a clue...

Maybe this fate in the dark will help me!

Only this time, I fell into a deep, deep sleep...

When I woke up, I didn't have any dreams at all, but my mind was very clear!

There was the sound of old chickens clucking and crowing in the courtyard, and Chu Yang entered the window.

I walked out of the room and washed my face with well water.

Feeling the warmth of the sun reflecting on my body, I sat at the wooden table in the courtyard.

It's still too early, the paper figurines Xu, Second Uncle, and He Zhi haven't woken up yet.

I no longer hesitated, put down the long wooden box, and took out the golden abacus.

Just as I put my hand on the abacus, I was about to do a fortune telling for myself, trying to find some clues from my fortune.

Suddenly, at the junction of the courtyard door and the front shop, people hurried in!

Not only one person came, besides Huo Kunmin, behind him was a thin old man with yellow eyes and a bald head with only a circle of hair left.

The old man had a green linen rope wrapped around his shoulders, but the green linen coat on his body was extremely worn out, and the linen trousers were also covered with patches.

My face immediately changed.

This is a corpse hunter!

"Mr. Li? You woke up so early, it's just after seven o'clock." Huo Kunmin was obviously very surprised.

I took a deep breath and held down the golden abacus without moving.

"Sleep early, wake up early if you have something on your mind." I replied calmly, but my eyes fell on the corpse hunter.

When the two arrived in front of me, Huo Kunmin glanced down at the man who retrieved the corpse, and said in a deep voice, "This is the Mr. Yin Yang I told you about. He wants to know what happened back then. You tell him the truth! The Huo family has a lot of your gold." .”

Afterwards, Huo Kunmin handed over to me, saying that yesterday his subordinates did not find any clues until they went to the watershed eighty miles away.

It's just that what happened back then seemed to have been sealed by someone!

But they found Dong Feng, the corpse hunter in that section of the river, and promised a lot of money. Dong Feng was willing to say something, and his subordinates brought Dong Feng.

At this time, Dong Feng was looking at me. He is not young, but his eyes are still sharp.

My heartbeat almost reached my throat, and I could faintly hear the beating sound in my ears.

"Such a young gentleman? Are you really Mr. Yin Yang?" Dong Feng's voice was dry, as if it had been squeezed through a crack in the door.

Huo Kunmin's complexion darkened, he was displeased at the time, and said: "Mr. Li is from the same line of study and geology, how can it be false? You just say what you know!" Dong Feng shrank his hands, he obviously I don't take it too seriously that I am Mr. Onmyo.

After a while, Dong Feng took out a cigarette, coughed twice, and then said.

"I was going to rot this matter in my stomach, but my grandson is not too young. He needs money to do business in the city, so I said that."

"What you want to know should be the matter of Li Jiahe God's concubine. That's not a trivial matter. Li's Shen is his eldest daughter, Miss!"

"It's a good thing for you to find me, otherwise, you will definitely be deceived by others with fake news."

"I built the bamboo raft with my own hands back then, and sent Miss Li into the water!" Dong Feng took a deep breath of cigarettes, his eyes seemed to be thinking.

My eyes were wide open, and in an instant, my eyes were so hot that they were almost bleeding.

I stood up suddenly and grabbed Dong Feng's neck!

His complexion changed suddenly, and his reaction speed was extremely fast. He pulled out the divination knife from his waist with his backhand, and put his hand on my neck in an instant!

Huo Kunmin was also shocked, but under his ashen complexion, he pulled out a black gun.

The gun was aimed directly at Dong Feng's head!

"Dong Feng! Who gave you the courage, put down the knife quickly!"

[The author has something to say]

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