I opened my eyes and looked down at the ground for a long time.

At this time, I also began to struggle in my heart.

When I came back to Jiuhe County, I just wanted to solve my mother's problem, so I couldn't let her stay in Xuanhe all alone, holding that breath.

Similarly, I also want to find out my life experience, and who was the person who sent my mother to sacrifice to the river god!

It was only because the paper figurine had a broken arm and the second uncle was disabled that I did something to Tang Quan and Xie An.

Just halfway through, the dream came with a second omen...

It's only two days...

I'm afraid it's impossible for me to finish one thing at a time.

I have to at least start to inquire about things upstream, and I can't procrastinate any longer. This also requires me to arrange things more carefully, so as not to make mistakes in Tang Quan's affairs.

Taking a few deep breaths, I let my thoughts calm down.

I took out my pocket watch and looked at it, and it was already past noon... I slept until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Get up and push the door out of the house.

In addition to the paper figurine Xu and the second uncle, there is another person in the courtyard!

It was Huo Kunmin!

Apparently, the paper figurine promised to bring back Huo Kunmin.

But today's Huo Kunmin has lost the prestige of that day, and his Chinese face also looks pale and weak.

However, Huo Kunmin looked very excited.

The three of them looked back at me at the same time, and the eyes of the second uncle and the paper man Xu also had a lot of joy. The second uncle quickly waved and said in a low voice: "Yin Yang, come here!"

When I got close, Huo Kunmin stretched out his hand and held my palm tightly. His tone was trembling: "Mr. Li, you have done a great thing! It's a great thing!"

I pressed Huo Kunmin's palm, and I had a lot of doubts in my eyes, and then I asked them what's wrong?

Only then did Huo Kunmin suppress his emotions. After the three of them looked at each other, they explained to me that it was the paper figurine Xu.

He roughly said that although the Huo family was occupied by the mansion and the store on the surface, in fact the hearts of the people still belong to Huo Kunmin. After the lessons of the previous warlords, the Huo family has already hidden part of their assets.

This time Huo Kunmin was lucky enough to save his life, so his family would not really fall into ruin.

What the paper figurine Xu meant was to borrow Huo Kunmin's hand to secretly observe Tang Quan and spread rumors.

In fact, Huo Kunmin sent people to watch "Tang Mansion" at all times long ago. Not long after he followed the paper shop in the morning, someone sent a message saying that the gate of Tang Mansion was closed today, not as usual. Tsuen will swagger through the city.

Ding, the servant in the mansion, found out that when Tang Quan got out of bed last night, the bed frame suddenly fell down!There was a big gap in the head!

I invited a doctor to come to bandage the night, and today I have typhoid fever, and I can't get out of bed!

When the paper figurine Xu said this, he didn't continue, but his eyes fell on Huo Kunmin.

Huo Kunmin squeezed his fist heavily, and he said in a deep voice: "I have already spread rumors that Tang Quan burned, killed, raped and robbed the women of the people. gentlemen!"

"Mister can't see that he is doing all kinds of evil, so he punished him! Tang Quan's retribution is not limited to this, there will be more!"

"Then Xie An has been taken down by Mr. and handed over to the county militia."

"Now everyone in the city who has been bullied by him is cheering, and even young children are spreading nursery rhymes on the road." I was stunned for a moment, then bowed my head in silence.

The second uncle quickly explained, and said, "Yinyang, you don't need to misunderstand."

The excitement and joy on Huo Kunmin's face suddenly turned into a trace of anxiety.

He also immediately said: "Mr. Li, I didn't mean to bring disasters to the east. If you just say that Tang Quan is bad and retribution, the effect is not enough. But if you add a gentleman, the meaning is different! Then Tang Quan is all in his hands." With Xie An and those people, it is so powerful."

"Now that Xie An has been arrested, there is another gentleman who will punish him..."

"Tang Quan doesn't know who you are Mr. Li at first, he will only be afraid. Second, the public will have no other thoughts about you, they will only be grateful..."

I looked up with a kind smile on my face.

"Patriarch Huo, that's not what I meant."

"Let the person spreading the news add one more message."

Huo Kunmin was also stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little more happy, and he asked: "What news?"

"Mr. from Jiuhe County, his teacher is from the same line of geology and geology. His teacher's name is Jiang Yihong." I said in a deep voice, word by word.

Huo Kunmin took a deep breath and nodded cautiously.

The second uncle squinted his eyes slightly, and murmured: "Yin Yang's words are very good. You have learned from Mr. Jiang, but you have never carried this name forward."

"This move can clear up the hidden dangers of Jiuhe County, and the name of this geographer will definitely be spread among the people of Jiuhe County."

"Okay, very good." Huo Kunmin nodded again, and said he would do it later.

Then, Huo Kunmin looked at his second uncle, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, wait until Tang Quan gets seriously ill, and there will be some other retribution. I will order someone to hide Shuangqin girl secretly." The second uncle took a sip of wine in a muffled voice, nodded and said yes.

In the end, Huo Kunmin asked me tentatively, would this feng shui cause death?Will Tang Quan die directly?

I was silent for a moment before I said: "The eaves are not dead, but Tang Quan will be more and more unlucky, and there will be more criminals."

Huo Kunmin hesitated for a moment, and raised his hand to wipe his neck.

Before I could speak, the paper figurine Xu just shook his head and said no.

Then, he signaled Huo Kunmin not to ask any more questions, and when Tang Quan became seriously ill, he would spread rumors and let him come out to obey the law.

Huo Kunmin didn't say much else.

At this time, another person hurried in at the door of the yard and the front shop.

This person is familiar to me, but I can't remember his name. He is Huo Kunmin's confidant, and he even drove the carriage for us.

The man was carrying two full bamboo drawers in his hands, and a wine jug was hanging on his waist.

Huo Kunmin's expression relaxed a lot, he smiled and said to eat first.

I was indeed hungry, so I turned around and knocked on He Zhi's door to wake her up.

During the meal, Huo Kunmin basically said something to me again, that is, I don't want to go out again recently, it's always a little more mysterious, so as not to make Tang Quan retaliate against me.

I nodded in understanding.

Similarly, after thinking about it for a while, I asked Huo Kunmin to find out some news for me.

About 22 Three years ago, in a section of the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River in Jiuhe County, someone sent a pregnant woman on a bamboo raft as a sacrifice to the river god Diannv.

Huo Kunmin's expression froze, he nodded immediately, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, do you want to know who did this? Or the pregnant woman's family?"

I closed my eyes silently, and said in a low voice: "It may not be possible to find out, but Master Huo, you can help me find out as much as possible. Whether it is the pregnant woman's family or the person who led this matter back then, I want to know .”

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