I squinted my eyes slightly and kept staring at the gate of the villa.

"It's the resentment of that mountain, mixed with fierceness, rushing over." After I finished speaking, I made a gesture of silencing He Zhi.

He Zhi immediately kept silent.

I quickly took out a Suppressing Evil Talisman and let He Zhi stick it on his shoulder.

Similarly, I also put a Suppressing Evil Talisman on my body.

The air-conditioning no longer pierced through us, but wisps of white mist, visible to the naked eye, were slowly growing.

As the wind blows, the white mist gradually gathers over the villa.

In feng shui, the aura of this collision will fall on the corresponding position.

So at most, He Zhi and I felt the coldness of resentment.

Now that there is a talisman, the coldness will not come close.

In fact, I can also hold the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler or the fixed compass in my hand, which will have a stronger effect.

But I'm worried that these two things are too effective in suppressing evil spirits, and they will directly dissipate too much resentment and destroy my plan.

Time passed little by little.

The entire villa began to be gradually shrouded in white mist, and everything became silent.

The previous drumming and singing disappeared at some point.

Even the lights in the villa dimmed, but instead there was a faint green light, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

From a distance, this villa looks like a dead house.

This is the dead silence coming from the breath...

A few streaks of sweat appeared on He Zhi's forehead.

"It seems that someone went in... My eyes are dazzled... There is no one outside..."

"No...not right..." I covered He Zhi's mouth with my hand.

On the other side of the road, there were indeed some people who appeared silently, some were in ragged clothes, some were skinny, and some were carrying lanterns, and they followed along to the gate of the villa.

There was only a gap in the door of the villa, and all these people walked in...

I suddenly thought of a similar scene.

Similar "persons" appeared when Ghost Woman He opened the Yin Road, and in front of the yard where Tan Mei was murdered.

These "people" are not simple, and they don't know what kind of ghosts and monsters they are.

After that, there is a long wait...

I hold the pocket watch in my hand and glance down at the time from time to time.

The clothes on my body are already dry, and the pointer has reached eleven o'clock, which is already midnight...

The fog in front of the villa was getting heavier, but there was no sign of anyone coming out.

"I feel that Mr. may not be as powerful as you expected, he didn't come out..."

"If you don't go in, I'm afraid you will die."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, nodded and said: "Go." I quickly got out of the wild grass with He Zhi, and walked towards the gate of the villa.

When we got to the front of the gate, the talisman paper on our shoulders was actually a bit curled.

I seemed to feel a puff of air in my ear, as if someone blew on me from behind.

My pupils constricted suddenly, and I turned around abruptly.

There was nothing behind him, and there was no one, not even a ghost...

But from a distance, I feel that the hills in the distance seem to have become a lot thinner... It's like a squatting person, staring at us! .dfyxs.

I breathed heavily, grunted, and turned my head.

He Zhi has already pushed open the gate of the villa.

Among the flower garden pavilions is a small path that leads directly to the innermost main room.

On both sides of the path, some people wearing servant clothes walked staggeringly as if they had lost their souls.

When we entered the yard, they seemed to be indifferent, and ignored me and He Zhi.

The things in the main room were scattered, and many people fell unconscious on the ground.

Among them are some scantily clad women who are full of wind and dust...

The faint sound of sucking and chewing came into the ears faintly.

I whispered something careful, then walked towards the main room.

Not long after, He Zhi and I walked outside the main room.

He Zhi looked at a place in the corner of the room vigilantly, and suddenly pulled out the ghost knife from his waist. wΑp.

The moment I looked over, my heart tightened.

Under the dim light, there seemed to be a child lying on the base of the wall.

But soon I saw clearly that there was no child there, and it was clearly a middle-aged man in his 40s.

His cheeks were sunken, and there was still black air covering Yintang, cheekbones, and bridge of nose.

A pair of eyes widened, holding a bowl in his hand, which was full of food.

He was still shoving food into his mouth.

Look at his stomach, it is already full and round.

If he eats any more, he will die...

The rest of the people couldn't bear this huge wash of resentment, and most of them were comatose or lost their souls. On the contrary, he was able to hold on and was hit!

"What should I do?" He Zhi squinted his eyes slightly and asked me in a low voice.

I directly pulled out the golden ruler in my arms, and said in a low voice: "It's broken, tie him up."

I strode into the main room, and He Zhi followed closely beside me.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly smashed the bowl in his hand to the ground.

He was originally facing us sideways, but now he suddenly turned his head and stared at me and He Zhi ferociously.

"Get out!" The slightly childish voice was full of ferocity.

I didn't retreat, and shouted in a deep voice: "I will use your fierceness to use it, and I will also bury you well and give you a tribute."

"If you fight against me, not only will the burial fail, but the murderous corpse will not end well!" wǎp.

In a blink of an eye, I was in front of that middle-aged man!

He stood up suddenly, his arms were about to grab my shoulders!

If it was the past, I might avoid it.

But now he has a golden ruler in his hand, which is a treasure that can suppress horse drought, and it is impossible to have any accidents when dealing with a black evil corpse.

While thinking, I raised my hand and slapped the middle-aged man on the head!

His hands grabbed my shoulders almost simultaneously.

The moment the severe pain came, his body twitched crazily, his eyes widened, and he kept foaming at the mouth!

The next moment, he fell straight to the ground and kept vomiting.

I also saw sweat on my forehead, he did not do it lightly, but fortunately the golden ruler is very effective, otherwise it is very likely that his fingers would pierce my shoulder.


He Zhi suddenly let out a soft cry, and the back of her knife suddenly slashed behind me!

I just felt a gust of wind flash by, and when I turned around, I happened to see a servant being thrown flying by He Zhi with the back of his knife.

"You beat that thing out, and it hit someone else... There are a lot of people in this yard, so we have to get it out, otherwise, something will happen." He Zhi spoke very fast, and his face was even more serious.

Immediately afterwards, the servant stood up tremblingly again, staring at me sharply.

I directly threw the golden ruler to He Zhi, and said in a low voice, "Hang it in front of the gate, facing the hill!"

He Zhi quickly took the ruler and rushed towards the gate of the yard!

I took out another talisman carved from lightning strike wood, stepped forward, and patted the servant's head directly with the talisman.

In an instant, He Zhi had reached the gate, she jumped up and inserted the copper ruler upside down into the eaves!

At the same time, I just used the talisman to knock down the servant.

He was foaming at the mouth on the ground and couldn't get up again...

Similarly, no one bumped into the main room anymore...

But there was a voice panting in pain from behind, asking, "Who are you? Are you plotting against me?!"

The feeling of thorns on the back suddenly came from behind.

I turned around abruptly.

The middle-aged man stopped foaming at the mouth just now, his eyes were wide open, and his arms were propped on the ground to get up.

There was more fear in his eyes.

"Brother, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges these days. You can do whatever you want, there is no need to punish me!"

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