He Zhi and I explained that the dead tree is to guide the death energy, and the death energy of the murderous corpse is even stronger. Digging it out and facing the gate of the villa will get twice the result with half the effort.

He Zhi nodded, but there was a bit of worry in her eyes, and she hesitated to speak.

After a while, the two of us reached the top of the mountain.

I carefully observed the surrounding trees.

It was found that the top of the mountain was bare, mostly rubble and stones, but the trees and vegetation were sparse.

In the middle of the hill, I really saw an old grave, and the weeds on the grave were extremely dense.

I signaled He Zhi to give me the Guillotine Knife. I had no other tools at hand, so I could only use the Guillotine Knife to dig the grave.

He Zhi hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Yin Yang...do you really want to dig the grave directly? You didn't even kill that warlord in the Tang Mansion."

"Here, if you kill him directly, will there be retribution...Mr. Jiang, he..."

He Zhi's words made me silent immediately.

I also know the reason for her worried look just now.

Before I could speak, He Zhi whispered again, she didn't want to stop me from seeking justice for the second uncle and the paper figurine, she also wished to chop off the arms of the warlord and the gentleman who helped the evil, but she was afraid that I would hate Too heavy, in case the problem is too big, it will affect me...

I smiled, and then I replied to He Zhi that there must be trade-offs in things. I have already controlled the speed of the eaves, and it will not be fatal. River County can.

As for this gentleman, I still don't know what his background is. If I don't act decisively, there will be endless troubles, and he won't die so easily.

After a short pause, I said again: "Ma Kuan, Wu Xianchang, and others are all future troubles."

"Now that I have done it, I can't let him escape and become a hidden danger again."

At the end, I explained that if you fight with each other, you are afraid of endless death, and the same is true for the causal relationship.

As for the warlord, I don't want his life. Even if there is some retribution, it won't be too heavy. For the sake of my second uncle, I have to bear this matter.

He Zhi's expression obviously relaxed a lot.

She nodded and handed me the Guillotine Knife.

I used it as a shovel and shoveled away the grave soil one by one.

Of course, digging graves also has taboos.

The graves of good people cannot be dug, and the graves with the effect of suppressing corpses cannot be dug.

At this time, the lonely grave I dug was obviously unoccupied, and the murderous energy leaked out, causing most of the trees on the top of the mountain to die.

Not only does this not have the effect of suppressing corpses, but in time, the trees on the top of the mountain will be completely dead, and if another ordinary person comes, he will definitely be hit.

At that time, the murderous corpse will also come out.

Just like the horse drought, it was so fierce that it bumped into the people of Guanshan Town and wanted to leave the grave.

After a while, I dug most of the grave.

The movements of my hands are more cautious, because I have already seen the straw mat in the mud... wΑp.

After shoveling off some soil, more straw mats were exposed, so I put down the Guillotine Knife and cleaned the soil with my hands instead.

Soon, a dirty straw mat was exposed in sight.

He Zhi's eyelids twitched slightly, and many beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

These days, it is the norm for the poor to be buried in only a straw mat.

It's just that the straw mat is very short, it's not wrapped around an adult...

At the bottom of the straw mat, a pair of skinny little feet were exposed!

"It's a child..." He Zhi couldn't bear the words.

I paused for a moment, and opened the tightly wrapped straw mat.

What was lying on the mat was indeed the corpse of a child.

It was already withered to the point of no flesh and blood, and although its eyes were open, their eyeballs were also shriveled.

On the dry skin, black lines can be vaguely seen, and his abdomen is extremely swollen, which makes him look extraordinarily weird...

"Hungry to death." He Zhi's eyes were full of unbearable, she bit her lower lip tightly.

I took a deep breath, bent down and touched the bottom of the straw mat, and confirmed that the bottom of the straw mat was actually the surface of the rock.

"No wonder it will become a murderous corpse. The most taboo is to bury the grave directly on the ground and pile up the soil. A golden well must be dug out. Otherwise, the surface of the mountain will be entangled with Yin Qi."

"After we borrowed its body, we buried him in a good place."

I let out a mouthful of dirty air, and continued: "With time, his resentment will dissipate, and he will be able to reincarnate."

He Zhi nodded.

I rolled up the grass again and clamped it around my waist.

On the contrary, the child's body was heavy, as if holding a heavy piece of dead wood.

If this period of delay continues, the sky has already reached twilight, and it is almost dark.

After a while, we returned to the foot of the mountain. .Κanδhu5.iá

I placed the straw mat on top of the dead wood, and adjusted the head of the child's corpse to face the gate of the villa.

Looking up at the mountain again, I pondered for a moment and said, "Enough is enough for resentment."

Previously, just using dead wood to shoot at the mountain villa without adding a big fire to the mountain, the resentment was not heavy enough to hurt ordinary people, but it was not so easy to hurt Mr.

Now adding the murderous corpse is naturally enough...

At this time, the twilight is getting darker, and the night is approaching.

He Zhi asked me, what should we do now?

Should I go to the villa to "visit" that gentleman, or just wait here?

I squinted my eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "After dark, when resentment rushes over, ordinary people will definitely be hit. Let's see how capable that person is, whether he can walk out of the villa in a good manner."

"Sir, the fight is always in the dark. If we take the lead, he will only suffer. Even if he finds out that the problem is this mountain after he comes out, it is already too late." Κánδんu5.ζá

"Let's go to the front of the villa. There is a section of dry grass behind the open space and the narrow river where we can hide. If he comes out alone, see if we can catch him."

"If he doesn't come out by midnight, it means he can't come out. Let's go in and look for him."

After finishing speaking, I walked straight forward, and He Zhi followed closely behind me.

Not long after, the two of us arrived at the front of the narrow river.

It was completely dark.

I signaled He Zhi to swim across the three to four meter narrow river.

Unexpectedly, He Zhi picked up a piece of wood on the ground and threw it into the river.

She jumped and stepped on the log just in time.

The wood clattered and pressed down a lot, but with this force, she landed on the opposite bank. He Zhi stomped her feet, but her shoes were only wet.

I don't have this skill, so I can only swim over and get completely soaked.

I quickly twisted the water on my body, and He Zhi also came to help me.

When the water on my body was a little dry, the two of us crawled into the wild grass behind us.

Soon, we got to the edge.

There is an open space ahead, and behind the open space, you can see the gate of the Huo family's villa...

At this moment, the gate was closed tightly, but some lights could be faintly seen from above, and even the sound of drums and singing could be heard.

We just squatted here for a while, and I felt a cool air rushing over from behind, as if it penetrated my body!

He Zhi also shivered, her face showing a bit of uneasiness.

"It's a bit cold... it seems that something has slipped through us..." she said carefully.

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