I have come to the Tianyuan Ten Dao Temple twice, and I have seen Guo Tianyu standing in this hall.

If you don't know it, it's creepy to know this!

Who would be so calm if there were swords and sharp objects hanging from the beam above his head?

But Guo Tianyu acted like nothing happened...

I looked at a piece of black lacquered iron on the west side of the hall. It was this piece of iron that fell and hit the ghost knife...

This Guo Tianyu's luck is really good.

At this point in my thoughts, beads of sweat suddenly appeared on my forehead.

Because, I thought of one more thing.

That was Hou Qianshu that I met at that time!

When he fights with us, doesn't he have the same luck? !

I think there must be some problems. Is this really luck and coincidence?

"Liu Tianniu, it seems that you are getting older after all, your face can still keep a little youthful, but your body can't."

"The Taoist priests who came out are getting older and weaker, but the Mr. Hei is getting older and more divine. This ashram is my territory, and it is even more impossible for you to beat me here, and it is impossible to accomplish your goals. "Guo Tianyu looked at Liu Tianniu calmly and said

His eyes fell on me again, and the only remaining right eye was extremely deep.

"Li Yinyang, you should know better what fate is. Lao Jiang asked you to find Jiang Pan with a giant turtle bone, and you and Jiang Pan came to me again. It is impossible for me to watch Jiang Pan get in touch with you so deeply that he There is a change in life. I have already ruined that bone."

"This eye is the price I pay."

"It's just that what makes me sad is that the fate that Lao Jiang gave you is too difficult to break. One eye is not enough, ha ha." Guo Tianyu sighed again in his smile.

My heart sank suddenly, and I stared at Guo Tianyu with wide eyes.

My mind is blank and my ears are buzzing!

"You!" Liu Tianniu was shocked, his whole face was full of murderous intent!

"Me?" Guo Tianyu murmured with one-eyed confidence, "I did nothing wrong. Instead, you should be glad that Lao Jiang is no longer here. Otherwise, a disciple, a son, how should he choose?"

"He wants to thank me, I made this decision."

"Li Yinyang, Jiang Pan will help you, he will die! But you may not be able to do so now, Mr. Black Yinyang, who is a geographer, if you have great skills, if your life is hard, you can change your life and get through it. Lao Jiang has already given everything to you. Without you, you don't need to let him take another son."

As Guo Tianyu said, he actually threw the copper ruler in his hand towards me!

Liu Tianniu raised his hand, and with a snap, he caught the ruler.

"Jiang Pan said that you ruined the gossip tiger head mirror, so I will give you the golden ruler for opening the orifices."

"Li Yinyang, you should understand my words. This is the end of the matter. Don't implicate Jiang Pan anymore. He has already returned to Panjiang Honghe with his wife and children."

"Find your own way to change your life." Before Guo Tianyu finished speaking, he was already sitting on the grand teacher's chair in the middle.

He looked up at the wooden bar at the top of the beam, propped his chin on his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

The haze on Liu Tianniu's face did not decrease at all.

But Guo Tianyu's words made me lose my mind for several beats.

I subconsciously helped the long wooden box hanging on my shoulder, and after a long silence, I said in a low and hoarse voice: "Daoist Liu, let's go." After I finished speaking, I cupped my fists and bowed deeply to Guo Tianyu .

"But Yinyang, let's just leave...how do you..."

"Mr. Guo is right, everyone has different ways of dealing with it." I stood up straight and interrupted He Zhi's words.

Before Liu Tianniu moved, I turned around and saluted him again, and said in a low voice: "Daoist Liu, thank you for this trip, let's go." Then Liu Tianniu calmly said: "Guo Tianyu, I'm done. After everything has been done, I will definitely come to you once, and then, I want to see if the Taoist is really old and can't stand you." After speaking, he turned and walked out.

He Zhi and I followed closely behind.

After walking out of the long corridor for a certain distance, Guo Tianyu's faint laughter came from behind.

"I'll try my best to wait until that day, and I hope you, a stubborn old man, can live for a few more years."

"We old things, life is too long."

The voice gradually dissipated in the air...

Not long after, we returned to the dojo gate.

Those former servants and Guo Tianyu's disciples all fell to the ground and were still awake.

Liu Tianniu waved his whisk, and while sweeping over those people, I noticed that they all had silver needles falling from their bodies.

Soon Liu Tianniu walked past everyone and got into the car.

I signaled He Zhi to get in the car too, and finally drove away.

Glancing at the gate of the dojo from the corner of the eye, those people gradually got up from the ground, obviously they were all right.

"Li Yinyang, what can you do?" Liu Tianniu's dull voice came from behind.

I lowered my head and held the whip tightly in my hand. After a while, I shook my head and said, "Not yet."

"Guo Tianyu, old man...go find Jiang Pan again, you two brothers, discuss and discuss, see if there is any room for change." After Liu Tianniu finished speaking, he let out another deep sigh.

"Mr. Guo is right. He is all for Brother Jiang. I know why Brother Jiang left here, and he still brought his wife and children with him."

With a complex expression on my face, I continued after a pause.

"Brother Jiang said before that his wife and children would stay in the dojo because of their fate, but now he took his wife and children away."

"Mr. Guo's first price was the loss of his left eye. The second price is probably that Brother Jiang has turned against him."

"Even the lives of his wife and children are in danger, and he didn't let Mr. Guo take care of them. I really shouldn't go to Brother Jiang again. Since the giant turtle bone has been destroyed, I shouldn't touch his fate anymore."

"Liu Daochang, I plan to go back to Jiuhe County to deal with some matters, so I will go directly to Di Xianglu."

"Master said, my bones are almost perfect, and when the moon is full, it will lose, which will lead to the change of giant fish. Giant turtles make me short-lived, make me make wrong decisions, and lead to catastrophe. This is what I want to encounter. variable."

"I want to fully grasp the geography as soon as possible, and I will have a way to save myself."

After speaking, I concentrated on driving.

Not long after, He Zhi sat beside me, her head rested lightly on my shoulder, and she held my arm.

Liu Tianniu let out a long sigh when we got out of the Fengshui bureau of Tianxin Ten Dao.

"That being the case, let's part ways in Hanwang County. If I kill Qiu Tianyuan, I will come to Xianglu to look for you."

I hummed and continued to drive in the direction of Hanwang County.

At this time, the sky has already entered the night, the stars are shining brightly, and the moonlight is quiet.

The road was quiet, and I asked He Zhi to go back to the carriage to rest.

After driving for a while, I saw an old man with a slouch and his hair was about to fall out by the side of the road.

He walked very slowly.

When we passed each other, the old man raised his trembling arms and blocked our car.

I let out a cry and stopped the horse.

The old man looked at me with cloudy eyes and smiled kindly.

"Little brother, the old man has been on the road for a long time and is very hungry and thirsty. Can you ask for some water and a bowl of rice?"

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