In an instant, I thought clearly.

It is impossible for Liu Tianniu to kill people directly...

At least Guo Tianyu can block this move!

"Whew!" In the sound, Fuchen was about to hit Guo Tianyu's heart...

Guo Tianyu slowly raised the copper ruler and slapped Liu Tianniu on the right arm.

Logically, with the speed of the two of them, the whisk should land on Guo Tianyu first!

A strange scene happened.

Liu Tianniu staggered suddenly under his feet, the floor he was stepping on was sunken, his body lost his balance, and Fuchen directly kicked out from the side of Guo Tianyu's arm.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the copper ruler hit the joint of Liu Tianniu's elbow.

It's like Liu Tianniu reached out and let Guo Tianyu beat him.

What made me even more suspicious was that Liu Tianniu's forearm of right hand was hanging down, which caused Guo Tianyu to dislocate it? !

The whisk slipped from Liu Tianniu's hand.

Guo Tianyu put his index finger and middle finger together, and pointed directly at Liu Tianniu's left arm!

I stared intently at the situation of the battle between the two, thinking and judging quickly in my mind.

Guo Tianyu's method was not simple, but he dared to directly attack Liu Tianniu's arm with his fingers?

But Liu Tianniu didn't go to take that finger.

His left arm trembled slightly, a willow-leaf bronze sword slipped into the palm of his left hand, and the point of the sword was aimed directly at Guo Tianyu's finger!

Guo Tianyu's ring finger suddenly flicked "Boom!", and a copper coin flew out!

The copper coin hit Liu Tianniu's left arm faster, and just hit his unhealed wound!

The veins on Liu Tianniu's forehead suddenly bulged, his left hand trembled, and the willow-leaf bronze sword couldn't be held firmly.

Guo Tianyu pointed hard at Liu Tianniu's left wrist with two fingers.

At this time, I finally saw something strange!

Back then when I was cornered by Xu Changlin, I pinched his bones with my hands, and then I knew that this move can also restrain the enemy!

Except for Mr. Yin Yang, no one knows the structure of human bones so well.

The copper ruler that Guo Tianyu dropped, as well as the current two fingers, all attacked the joints.

I'm afraid that if his two fingers hit him, Liu Tianniu's left hand will also be dislocated!

My thoughts were only in the flash of lightning, I took a sudden step forward, pulled out the divination knife, and stabbed directly at Guo Tianyu's arm!

The corner of Guo Tianyu's mouth suddenly curled into a faint smile.

With a flip of his left hand, he actually faced my dagger with the inside of his arm.

I was terrified, is Guo Tianyu crazy? !

I wanted to pierce his arm to stop him, but he aimed at me with the blood vessels in his wrist, and he would die if the knife went down!

But at this moment, my feet slipped strangely.

With a muffled snort, I suddenly lost my balance and fell hard to the ground.

With a sound of "Crack!", the divination knife plunged into the ground, and I fell heavily on the ground.

But my knife obviously delayed Guo Tianyu, Liu Tianniu raised his leg and kicked Guo Tianyu's huge stomach.

With a muffled sound of "Bang!", Guo Tianyu was kicked heavily and flew out, hitting the portrait behind...

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, but he didn't fall, but a lot of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

I quickly got up from the ground, but saw Liu Tianniu was holding down his right forearm with his left hand, and slapped him hard!

In the crisp sound, Liu Tianniu moved his right arm a little, and he has already connected his dislocated joint.

With a flick of his toe, the dust fly on the ground flew up and fell into his right hand again.

He didn't give Guo Tianyu a chance to breathe, he took a sudden step, and he was in front of Guo Tianyu in the blink of an eye!

Liu Tianniu made a fist with his left hand, and hit Guo Tianyu hard on the cheek!

Guo Tianyu's neck shrank, and he used his temple to catch Liu Tianniu's punch again!

"Is he courting death?!" He Zhi's suspicious voice sounded.

Obviously, at this time, He Zhi also saw Guo Tianyu's problem...

My pupils constrict and my eyelids twitch wildly.

How could Guo Tianyu seek death?

The next moment, a strange scene happened again.

The wooden floor that Liu Tianniu was stepping on had a sound of "Crack!", it shattered and sank, Liu Tianniu was a bit shorter, and he hit the portrait on the wall with his fist!

Blood spurts!

Only then did I see clearly that the wall under the portrait was not a wall, but a gap, and in the gap was a gleaming knife point!

Liu Tianniu's fist was pierced by the knife point under the portrait.

Even Liu Tianniu's resolute face could not help but flash the color of pain!

Guo Tianyu smiled strangely, suddenly slammed forward, and his shoulder hit Liu Tianniu's chest!

Pain also flashed across Guo Tianyu's face, he let out a muffled snort, and immediately moved sideways away from Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu's face was blue and red.

At first glance, Guo Tianyu didn't touch Liu Tianniu, he still couldn't bear it, but Liu Tianniu's expression clearly wasn't the result...

Guo Tianyu must have hurt Liu Tianniu's chest bone!

"Liu Daochang, be careful not to let him get close! The yang calculation of Tianyuan Xiangshu is not only divination, he also understands the bones of the whole body!"

"And he's very weird, he always catches your moves with a deadly spot! But he can just dodge!" I took a step forward, growling and reminding Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu moved a step, his face flushed for a while, and he spit out a mouthful of blood mist, but he couldn't move again.

Guo Tianyu stopped just one or two steps away, squinted his only remaining right eye, raised the copper ruler in his hand, and patted Liu Tianniu's head directly!

My complexion changed drastically, his slap hit Liu Tian Niu Xin's door.

If the fontanelle is hit, it will hurt the soul!

Liu Tianniu will definitely be hit hard again!

At the same time as I rushed forward, He Zhi also reacted, and she flicked her hands suddenly!

Amidst the whistling sound, the Guillotine Knife was in front, and the mourning stick was behind, striking at Guo Tianyu at the same time!

Guo Tianyu's expression finally changed.

Seeing that the ghost knife was about to hit Guo Tianyu's head, Guo Tianyu still didn't dodge.

There was a clang sound as the metal spear collided, sparks shot out, and the Guillotine Knife was hit by a heavy object that suddenly fell, and it fell to the ground with a "pop!".

But the mourning stick hit Guo Tianyu's hand holding the copper ruler.

Guo Tianyu groaned in pain, and the copper ruler fell to the ground.

At this time Liu Tianniu finally adjusted his body.

But he didn't attack Guo Tianyu again, but retreated quickly, until he got to our side before stopping.

Guo Tianyu bent over, Pang Shuo's stomach was squeezed into a ball, and he barely picked up the copper ruler.

He Zhi looked up and said in horror: "Madman..."

My mind tightened, and I took advantage of the situation to look up.

My complexion also changed.

Under the roof beams above the main hall, there are still many wooden strips horizontally.

A lot of items were exposed on those wooden bars, including sharp swords, heavy knives, and black lacquered pig iron.

This thing, if you don't pay attention, it will fall down and hit you, it will definitely kill you!

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