"Huang Qi...I'm afraid something happened."

"Our appearance is a feud seeking revenge and life..." I lowered my face in the stagnant water and said hoarsely.

At the same time, the first thing that came to mind was Qiu Tianyuan. Could it be that he hasn't left yet?

But soon, I dismissed the idea.

It is impossible for him to know where we live, and it is impossible for him to stay in the warehouse without running away.

We've only just had a feud, far from being feudy.

He Zhi looked even more puzzled, and she said unnaturally: "Chen Cang, we have no enemies, and we have never offended anyone..."

"I'm going out to find Huang Qi." She was about to walk out.

I immediately stopped He Zhi, saying that the situation is unknown now, and we must not be separated again.

He Zhi's eyes were full of anxiety, saying that we can't watch Huang Qi have an accident.

I was deducing rapidly in my mind, originally I wanted to use the gossip method, but Huang Qiming taboo happened to have nothing to do with gossip...

In this way, I have no other means...

And Liu Tianniu used the summoning order last night to send the Taoist priests in Chencang back to the Qiang people. He is seriously injured now, and it is impossible for him to walk the entire Chencang to find Huang Qi.

All of a sudden, there were more beads of sweat on my forehead.

After a long while, I whispered: "You help Daoist Liu take a look at the injury, and then wait in the courtyard. I will go out to find Huang Qi."

He Zhi immediately shook his head, frowned and said, "You are not skilled enough, in case of any danger..."

"Give me your bronze mirror. I will see my face at any time. If someone approaches me, I can see through their face. Knowing myself and the enemy, I can avoid it." I stretched out my hand towards He Zhi.

Liu Tianniu took out one thing first, it was a summoning order he used last night.

"There are no more Taoist priests from the Liu family in Chencang, but if you have something to do, use this to send out a signal, and I will come." Liu Tianniu said.

I was so happy that He Zhi finally felt relieved and gave me her mirror.

Turning around, I walked out of the courtyard.

As soon as I stepped out, I saw a thin and small figure looking at me furtively from the side of the courtyard.

Turning around suddenly, I recognized it immediately.

Isn't this the woman who took us to Lanjia Village, Ji Cui?

When she arrived at the place that day, she got off the carriage and left in a hurry.

The moment I stared at her, Ji Cui obviously panicked.

But the next moment, she hesitated and walked up to me...

"First... sir... I will report to you..."

"At dawn, there were not many people outside. I came out to get medicine for my man, and I saw your driver. He was knocked unconscious and carried away on the road..."

Ji Cui looked flustered, and her tone was also very disturbed.

"What does that person look like, what clothes is he wearing? Where did he go?" I immediately asked.

Ji Cui replied cautiously: "He is tall and big, with a bamboo hat on his head. I took a sneak peek, and half of his face was collapsed. He is a very vicious gangster!"

Immediately following Ji Cui, she immediately lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "My man is still waiting to take his medicine. Sir, I only know so much, so I dare not follow..."

She turned around and hurried to leave.

I called Ji Cui again and gave her a few dollars.

There was joy in Ji Cui's eyes, she took the money, and then whispered: "He seems to be heading out of the city with a few accomplices."

After finishing speaking, Ji Cui left in a hurry.

At this time, He Zhi also followed.

She looked puzzled, and looked at Ji Cui's back in the distance.

He Zhi looked at me puzzled.

I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "She came to report that Huang Qi was taken away, it should be Ma Kuan..."

"The road to the enemy is narrow..."

We met Ma Kuan in the Dujiegui Mountains, and we became enemies outside of Guanshan Town, but we didn't expect that he would come to Chencang in the Three Qin Land from the Linjiang River, and bump into us...

He Zhi was also shocked, she immediately put her hand on the ghost knife at her waist, and said anxiously: "Ma Kuan is a vicious and insidious villain, he has a very small mind, I'm afraid he won't let it go..."

He Zhi's voice paused, before he finished speaking, his eyes were even more worried.

My mind is racing too.

We definitely can't ignore Huang Qi, and Ma Kuan is the one who hates us.

When he caught Huang Qi, he definitely wanted to do something to me and He Zhi.

I can almost guess that if he is sure, he should force Huang Qi to ask where we are.

As long as Huang Qi doesn't say anything...he shouldn't die.

In addition, there are people around Ma Kuan... This is what He Zhi and I need to consider.

Are those people exorcists, or others?

If they are all morticians, we are definitely not opponents. If it is just a Ma Kuan, we should be able to deal with it.

Soon my thoughts settled down, and I also used the gossip method to deduce Ma Kuan again.

I said in a deep voice: "Ma Kuan is in the direction of the Xun hexagram, Xun is a weak tree and belongs to the wind, Ji Cui said that Ma Kuan is going out of the city, so they are in a place with short and lush vegetation outside the city. "

After a short pause, I told He Zhi that Ma Kuan may be more than one person, and it is very likely that a group of corpse exorcists are traveling together.

He Zhi was shocked, but her eyes were still determined.

I glanced at the courtyard, Liu Tianniu was meditating in the main room, resting with his eyes closed.

After a moment of hesitation, I asked He Zhi to pack up, and we went out of the city together.

He Zhi immediately listened to my words and went to pack his bags and get on the carriage.

I entered the courtyard and came to the main room, Liu Tianniu.

Before I could speak, Liu Tianniu said calmly: "I heard what you and that woman said, and I was almost clear about what you said to He Zhi. That Ma Kuan was the time when you told me that you and Jiang Pan entered Dujiegui. people I met."

I nodded immediately and said yes.

Liu Tianniu opened his eyes, but his eyes were still full of fatigue.

"It doesn't matter if you go out of the city, just leave Chencang on the way, and hurry to Linjiang."

"I'm in the car. If you are in danger, I will take action. If there is no danger of death, I will not care about you."

Liu Tianniu glanced at me from the beginning to the end, and he said again: "Mr. Jiang entered the poor mountains and rivers alone, and fought many villains. Not only can he survive, but he can also change Feng Shui and save the lives of the people. If you are always being helped by others , sooner or later, when you encounter real danger and no one saves you, you will die in Huangquan."

I was taken aback for a moment, and immediately clasped my fists in salute.

"Daoist Liu taught you very well." Not long after, He Zhi packed up all the bags and we got into the carriage.

He Zhi was driving the car, Liu Tianniu said something about the north, and continued to meditate on the futon at the back of the car.

Obviously, Liu Tianniu understands Chencang, and the north should be the place that fits the Xun hexagram.

The carriage gradually walked out of the city.

I took out the divination knife at my waist and stared at the blade for a long time.

I actually still have doubts.

Liu Tianniu said, my master Jiang Yihong has traveled so many places, encountered so many dangers, and his skills are poor, so what is he relying on to tide over the difficulties?How to deal with villains?

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