Liu Tianniu didn't answer, the rain fell down his slashed cheeks.

After a Taoist priest came, a few more scattered Taoist priests came galloping from different directions and knelt down on one knee around Liu Tianniu.

They also looked terrified.

Boom!There was a loud thunder, and a pale lightning flashed across the sky.

Liu Tianniu just raised his head, his face was calm and cold.

"You four, return to the Qiang tribe immediately and give my order."

"The Qiang people have changed! When the Taoist Temple of Chunyang is sealed off, all disciples under the elders of the Liu family, I have not returned for a day, are not allowed to leave the Taoist temple for half a step, and no one is allowed to enter the Taoist temple, even the first teacher!"

"In addition, there is a secret order to tell the elder. This secret order should be forbidden, and no one except the elder should listen to it, otherwise it will be punished by the Liu family!"

The four people's expressions were suddenly uncertain, and after looking at each other, they bowed down almost at the same time.

"The Great Elder issued an order, and this disciple should swear to die to fulfill the entrustment!" The four Taoist priests of the Liu family said with determination in their voices!

"Qiu Tianyuan is the scourge of the Qiang people. This son secretly learned my Liu family's Taoism, but colluded with soldiers and bandits, intending to shoot me. All the elders should hide and garrison outside the Qiang people. Wait for Qiu Tianyuan to return and kill him! "

"The old teacher is old, bewitched by Qiu Tianyuan, or has plans for the tomb of the first Dao, his words cannot be completely trusted, so hide this matter from the old teacher, and kill Qiu Tianyuan first!"

Liu Tianniu's words were full of spirit and extremely fierce.

But the more I listened, the more horrified I became.

Before that, I was afraid that the Qiang people would change because of this, but what Liu Tianniu said directly cut off Qiu Tianyuan's chance to go back.

If he returns, he will surely die!

If Qiu Tianyuan was executed first, then the former teacher would have nothing else to say.

At the end of Liu Tianniu's words, he was extremely exhausted. He suddenly glanced at me.

This glance is extremely profound!

The next moment, he murmured in a low voice: "The last order is for Sanyuan, let him enter the Hall of Tibetan Talismans and not leave the hall for three years."

"Go away."

The voice gradually fell away, but the four Taoist priests quickly retreated away from each other in different directions...

After a while, it disappeared from our sight.

The Tang suit had already lost its effect of keeping out the rain. Liu Tianniu slowly got up from the ground and walked towards the way we came.

I quickly followed beside Liu Tianniu.

But suddenly he found that Liu Tianniu's back was a bit lumpy.

I was flustered for a while, and I didn't know how to speak.

After a while, we were back inside the walls of the ashram.

Because of the heavy rain and late night, those craftsmen had already disappeared.

Liu Tianniu stood under the eaves of a roof, standing quietly, looking at the rain curtain.

I hesitated for a long time before I said, "Daoist Liu, do we want to go back to the Qiang people?"

Liu Tianniu shook his head, and said: "That prohibition will be completed by the elders, unless Qiu Tianyuan can kill all the elders of my Liu family, otherwise, he will definitely die."

"If all the elders die..."

Liu Tianniu lowered his head suddenly, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't speak for a while.

I don't know if there is sweat on my forehead or if it is mixed with rain.

Liu Tianniu opened his mouth again, and murmured: "Mr. Jiang once said that my life in the Quartet will unite the Qiang people and make the Liu family strong, but I will continue to cause changes in the Qiang people."

"Perhaps, this time is an opportunity."

"You said that Sanyuan has the appearance of a leader, but you also found that Qiu Tianyuan is a vicious person. Maybe...the opportunity for the Qiang people does not lie in Qiu Tianyuan, but in Sanyuan?"

"The probability of Qiu Tianyuan going back is very small. He is a smart man, but also a cowardly man. Otherwise, he would not dare to bet. He knows that if the hexagram confirms him, I will not move him. On the contrary , he will definitely die. That’s why he ran for his life directly.”

"The provincial capital where Xuanhu Town is located, he may go back, or he may go elsewhere."

"The elder is guarding the gate of the clan, and I will be in the four directions. I must kill this son! Cut off the harm!"

Liu Tianniu's words are extremely informative.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him, unable to look away...

While calculating Qiu Tianyuan, did he say his own fate? !

Is that Master's last hexagram? !

Fate is everywhere...

My complexion paled a lot.

There is an afterthought to this sentence, that is, fallen leaves do not return to their roots...

"Daoist Liu...I want to do a fortune telling for you!" I said in a hoarse voice, and directly took off the long wooden box on my shoulder, opened it, and took out the golden abacus!

Liu Tianniu didn't look at me at all, he closed his eyes, his stern face became peaceful, and the knot between his brows loosened...

"Yinyang, I appreciate your kindness, but I've already got Mr. Jiang's last hexagram. Mr. Jiang has no plans, and it's useless to try any more."

"I believe in Mr. Jiang."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tianniu raised his injured left arm, spread his trembling palm, and then the water drops falling from the eaves outside...

His hand was pale and sallow, without blood...

"But..." I still wanted to say something, but I didn't know how to say it.

Time passed bit by bit.

The rain didn't know when it stopped.

There was a fish-belly white in the sky.

The purple air came from the east, and the sky light dispelled the darkness.

"We don't have to stay in Chencang. It's hard to find Qiu Tianyuan for a while. He must be a frightened bird. I'll accompany you to find Guo Tianyu first, and then I'll leave." Liu Tianniu walked out of the eaves at the same time as he spoke.

When we passed the narrow bridge, the water in the canal was turbulent.

When we walked through Chencang City, many vendors were opening their doors, and people were coming and going on the road...

By the time we got back to the compound, it was almost seven o'clock.

He Zhi paced back and forth in the main room and waited.

After we came in, she first had an extremely surprised expression on her face, followed by a look of panic and uneasiness.

"Daoist are..." He Zhi hurried to the courtyard.

Liu Tianniu shook his head and said that it was okay.

I nodded slightly to He Zhi, and said, "Clean up, call Huang Qi, and let's leave Chencang."

He Zhi's complexion was not so good, and he frowned and said: "Huang Qi went out just now and said he bought some food at the side and came back. It's been an hour now and he hasn't come back yet."

I was also puzzled.

Because Liu Tianniu and I walked back, he was in a turbulent mood, and I didn't rush him.

But we didn't see Huang Qi in the shops we passed by on the way.

Even when Huang Qi first arrived, it didn't take more than half an hour to buy food...

"Not right..."

I suddenly felt a little heart palpitations, extremely strong, and a sense of a heartbeat that fell through.

Also, my right eyelid was twitching wildly.

Look at He Zhi again, her ears are blue and black...

There was still a lot of water on the ground, so I immediately lowered my head and looked at the place under my feet.

I also have blue ears and black earballs...

This kind of face, the master is fierce, and prevents old grudges from seeking revenge and life!

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over!Are you all going back to school?It seems that there are quite a few book friends who read books.

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