Ma Kuan shuddered, his body stilled.

I took a deep breath, and without hesitation, I slapped the Hekui Corpse Severing Talisman towards the top of the coffin!

There was a crisp bang, and when the talisman fell on the lid of the coffin, there was a puff of white smoke!

Immediately afterwards, I went directly to Ma Kuan's side, grabbed the other half of the iron skewer embedded in the coffin lid, and pressed down hard!

I am far weaker than Ma Kuan in strength, but this time, I pressed down on the iron skewer a little bit, and the coffin lid was pried open a little bit!

"Ma Kuan, do it!" I whispered to Ma Kuan.

Only then did he regain his senses, quickly picked up the upper half of the iron skewer, inserted it directly into the gap in the coffin, and with a low growl, he tilted up!

The lid of the coffin was abruptly lifted by us, let alone the height of a palm!

Ma Kuan let out another low growl, and thrust his other hand into the gap between the coffin and the lid, and then dragged it up with his backhand!

At this moment, the pressure on the iron skewer is reduced.

The lid of the coffin was completely supported by Ma Kuan!

The next moment, Ma Kuan propped his half of the iron skewer directly between the coffin and the lid.

When I saw this, I also took a snapshot to do it!

Jiang Pan, on the other hand, stared at the inside of the coffin with full vigilance!

At the same time, Jiang Pan's hands suddenly slammed into the coffin!

A cold breath came from inside the coffin!

Jiang Pan's hands just happened to slap the head of a fierce and ugly corpse, and he came out following that breath.

With a snap, Jiang Pan's hand hit him directly!

There are a total of eight copper coins, which just happened to appear to be gossip, clinging to that ugly head.

"Brother!" Ma Kuan growled in panic.

This person is his brother Ma Baojin!

Ma Baojin obviously looked like he had been bumped into. He had a horse face and his eyes were long and narrow willow leaves, but it gave the impression that they were like a pair of copper bell eyes.

Jiang Pan's copper coins just made him pause, and he rushed out of the coffin the next moment.

With a bang, he directly hit Jiang Pan's chest.

With a puff, Jiang Pan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was ejected like a cannonball, hitting the stone wall behind him heavily!

"Brother Jiang!"

I was shocked in my heart, I never expected that Jiang Pan's moves were not easy to use!

That Ma Baojin fell to the ground with a "bang". He was extremely tall, but he was very thin, as thin as a skeleton.

He arched his back, turned his head, with a long horse face, staring at me and Ma Kuan with dead eyes.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth seemed to have a hint of a smile on his face.

Ma Kuan gritted his teeth and said, "It's a shock! He smiles just like my grandfather did back then!"

The next moment, Ma Kuan suddenly pulled out two bells from his waist, and shook them violently!

The dull ringtone made my heart tremble.

Ma Baojin's staring eyes suddenly became slack, and seemed to regain his original narrow eyes.

He stood still, and he didn't move when he was about to move forward.

Where can I let go of such an opportunity? !

Stepping forward suddenly, he directly patted the gossip tiger head mirror on top of his head!

In this situation, Ma Baojin was extremely difficult, how could he have time to look inside the coffin? !

The gossip tiger head mirror is the rare treasure of Mr. Yin Yang, and it will definitely break his collision!

Seeing that the bronze mirror was about to hit Ma Baojin's head, the bell in Ma Kuan's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and Ma Kuan screamed in pain, his hands were covered with blood.

Apparently it was the force of the bell's shock that made him hurt his palm.

But Ma Baojin regained his mobility in an instant.

He thrust forward with both hands, and grabbed my neck!

His strength was so great that I felt like my neck was about to break.

I struggled to raise my hand to pat him, but my hand was not long enough and I missed his head.

He gasped heavily, and I wanted to slap his arm with the gossip tiger lens, because my neck was about to break... A strong sense of suffocation suddenly hit me, and I had to get out quickly!

But Ma Baojin's reaction speed was faster, he swung his arms to the side, and I hit the coffin hard.

The excruciating pain made me scream out.

I hit the coffin with my right arm, and the gossip tiger mirror fell to the ground with a bang.

"Brother! Let him go! They are Mr. Yin Yang, come to help us!" Ma Kuan roared anxiously, and rushed forward.

His palm-like hands slapped Ma Baojin's head directly!

"Brother! Wake up! You were hit by grandpa!"

Ma Kuan let out another roar, which made my eardrums hurt.

But Ma Baojin was completely indifferent, he mentioned me again and threw it directly into the coffin!

The strong wind howled in my ears, but I couldn't struggle at all, and was thrown directly into the coffin.

From the corner of the eye, he finally saw Ma Kuan hitting Ma Baojin on the head, and Jiang Pan, who had been knocked into the air just now, struggled to get up from the ground.

Jiang Pan's face was livid, he vomited blood, and felt something, and wanted to rush forward...

The next moment I fell heavily into the coffin, hit a hard object, and felt fragmented.

I feel like the bones in my body are cracked, and there is even something pierced into the skin...

My heart felt even colder, I knew why Ma Baojin threw me in!

He wanted one more "helper" to throw me in, and I was also hit, so we became two against two!

Panting and propping up my body, I saw the scene below me at a glance.

What I was pressing down on was a dead body.

The body was also littered with broken coffin lids.

There is still a coffin inside the coffin, and the lid of this coffin was obviously not crushed by me, it should have been smashed by Ma Baojin before.

The corpse was even more frightening, with cyan skin almost like bronze, a slightly open mouth, and several gold teeth. His eyebrows were so long that they had already dropped below his eyes, his nose bridge was high, and his lips were thin.

A pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes have already opened a gap, and the eyes are even more blue.

Plus, around his neck is a braid of hair!

My scalp is numb, this Ma Han's body is actually a green corpse? !

This official corpse ghost craftsman is such a fierce green corpse!Where are our opponents? !

With a chill in my heart, I raised my hand, grabbed the edge of the coffin, and wanted to escape.

But I didn't stand up.

The even more frightening scene was Ma Han's dead face, the corners of his mouth seemed to be raised, revealing a smile similar to Ma Baojin's just now!

A chill ran up my spine, and my whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

With a muffled snort, I mustered up all my strength to prop up my body, just about to drill out.

But the two iron skewers supporting the edge of the coffin in front made an overwhelmed sound and bounced towards the outside of the coffin.

The next moment, the heavy coffin lid pressed down on top of my head.

My complexion changed drastically, and I withdrew my hand abruptly!

If I don't take it back, my hand will be cut off directly!

There was a muffled bang, and the coffin was tightly covered...

All around, there was only darkness.

There is another kind of quiet and cold that makes me collapse...

Suddenly, the position of the back seemed to be hit hard, I let out a muffled groan, and fell directly to the ground.

The lips hit a hard object, like a row of teeth...

In addition to the pain, I also felt that the skin of my mouth was smashed.

A strange suction seemed to come from there, as if a warm liquid was sucked out of my mouth, it seemed to be blood, but it didn't seem to be...

Immediately, my body was so weak that I could barely struggle!

My complexion suddenly changed, I snorted, and reached out to touch the compass...

This horse drought is sucking away my yang energy!

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