Ma Kuan also nodded, and he said helplessly: "It's really hard to deal with. The death-seeking dog who died under the curse has become a living corpse, and he can't die. He also has the ability to curse people. Generally, those whose lives are not enough for him will be cursed." die."

After a pause, Ma Kuan said to me cautiously: "Mr. Li, if you meet a beggar, try not to provoke him. Whatever he wants, just give him the unimportant ones. If you mess with this kind of thing, he can follow him." You have been for decades."

I nodded, but I didn't talk about Lijiacun begging for dead dogs.

He had already lost his soul in the hands of Liu Tianniu, and even the things he begged for in this life were handed over to He Zhi by the paper figurine.

This is also his retribution!It's not your own, and you can never keep it.

After that, we have been waiting in the hall.

During this period, the three of us drank a lot of broth.

What Ma Kuan said was true, after eating the broth, his whole body was hot and hot, and his yang energy was simply sufficient.

Time passed extremely quickly, and in a blink of an eye the sun was already westward, and the wind began to blow in the backyard of Yizhuang.

The whimpering wind is like a ghost crying.

Some small winds were also formed on the ground, affecting the broken branches and leaves, as if there were "people" walking in it...

It was getting darker and darker, so the three of us got up and left the main room, walked to the wellhead and waited.

At this moment, the well water sinks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The light of the sun is getting darker and darker, and when the last ray of skylight is absorbed by the night, the water in the well has almost bottomed out, and our naked eyes can only see a little ripple.

Ma Kuan quickly lit a torch in the courtyard, and at the same time pulled out a rope from the main room, and tied the end of the rope to the pillar.

"We can use this rope to go down the well. I will lead the way, and you two will follow me." Ma Kuan said solemnly.

Jiang Pan nodded and said, "You go ahead, between me, after the yin and yang are broken."

Ma Kuan nodded vigorously, he threw the end of the rope directly into the well, and drilled into the well without hesitation!

With his broad body, he could barely fit into the mouth of the well.

Jiang Pan followed him and also climbed down the rope.

The well will be a little wider down the road. I glanced at it and saw that it was about two or three meters down, and then I climbed down.

The hemp rope is almost as thick as a forearm, so I don't worry about it breaking.

The atmosphere inside the well is very cold. I touched the wall of the well a few times, and it felt very slippery, and I couldn't use it at all...

Ma Kuan's muffled hum suddenly came from below, as if something had been opened, and there was a creaking sound.

I looked down, only to see that what Ma Kuan opened was a rusty copper door on the wall of the well!

He stepped on the passage behind the door with one foot, and got in with his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Pan got into it...

I slid down the rope and soon came to the front of the bronze door.

There is a passage about two meters high on the wall of the well, which is really a tomb passage!

Lowering my head, I glanced down. The well water had stopped sinking, and it was about seven or eight meters away from us.

On the inside of the tomb passage, Jiang Pan was waving at me, beckoning me to go in.

I slung one leg to the edge, and then swayed in with my strength. The whole person entered the tomb passage, and the hemp rope was shaking outside...

I hurried in, and when I looked up, I saw Jiang Pan almost standing next to Ma Kuan.

Ma Kuan was very vigilant, he took out the torch tied around his waist, and lit the cloth with kerosene on top with a torch.

The torches were blazing, and our vision became much clearer.

The stone walls on both sides have not been polished, they are very rough and full of edges and corners.

But about five or six meters away, there are many rocks in the tomb passage... clearly showing signs of collapse.

Ma Kuan said in a low voice: "The tomb is in front of it. My grandfather's tomb is very simple, without so many twists and turns, but I already feel the air-conditioning. Be careful, both of you."

I immediately raised the caution of 120 points.

Jiang Pan's ten fingers are full of copper coins!

His eyes were also several times sharper.

With one hand, I took out the Hekui Slaying Corpse Talisman carved on the wooden seal of Thunder Strike, and with the other hand I held the gossip tiger head mirror.

The three of us continued to move forward, and when we reached a place with many rocks ahead, Ma Kuan quickly moved the rocks away without blocking our way.

Two meters further back, he went directly into a stone room. After we followed in, the space suddenly opened up a lot.

The stone chamber with a length and width of seven or eight meters is very simple.

The funerary objects placed in the corner are all bottles and cans, and in the center of the stone chamber, there is a huge coffin!

The coffin is two meters wide, but at least 1.5 meters deep!

The material of the overall coffin is a black ore that looks like jade but not jade. Under the reflection of the fire, there is a feeling of streamer.

Close to the wall behind the coffin, there is a huge mourning hall!

There is also a wooden step in front of the mourning hall, and at the top of the step is the spiritual seat!

Some characters are densely engraved on the blue-black tablet.

The largest line reads: "Lead the corpse, capture the soul and drive away the corpse craftsman, the spirit of Ma Han!"

There are two oil lamps on both sides of the spiritual seat, and the oil lamps are still on at this time, burning with a faint candlelight...

"The closed..." Ma Kuan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice with sweat on his forehead.

My heart skipped a beat, and my eyelids jumped wildly.

Brothers Ma Kuan and Ma Kuan moved the corpse before, and it was obvious that the coffin was opened, but now it is closed... Could it be that Ma Han cheated on the corpse in advance? !

Jiang Pan had already walked to the side of the coffin, he pressed one hand on the edge of the coffin, narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Closed it, opened it, the anger here is decreasing, and the corpse wants to keep it alive. Since the coffin will not be completely opened, he hasn't "woke up" yet."

After pausing for a moment, Jiang Pan said again in a deep voice: "Ma Kuan, you come to open the coffin, Yin Yang, you are guarding by my side, time is running out, open it quickly, and suppress him first before he wakes up!" Jiang Pan's tone was extremely harsh!

I immediately put away the rest of my thoughts, and Ma Kuan nodded heavily.

He walked around to the back of the coffin, took out an iron skewer from his body, inserted it directly into the gap, and with a low growl, he was about to pry off the lid of the coffin!

Ma Kuan's physique was not small, and he was full of strength, but the iron skewer was bent and almost broke in an instant, and the coffin didn't even show the slightest sign of opening!

Ma Kuan let out another muffled snort, his eyes filled with astonishment and bewilderment.

There was a crisp snap, and the iron skewer broke in response!

"This... I'm afraid my grandfather has cheated the corpse... It was easy to pry open the coffin before, but the iron skewer was soaked in black dog blood, and it was actually broken...We..."

A little panic appeared in Ma Kuan's eyes.

Jiang Pan scolded in a low voice: "The coffin hasn't been opened yet, so don't talk nonsense! Yin and Yang, it's because the yin energy inside the coffin is too heavy, and it is attached to the lid of the coffin. Put on a talisman, and then open the coffin with Ma Kuan directly!"

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