Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 411 The Mountain of Jealousy

He Zhi and I didn't stay in the hospital for too long.

Because after the paper figurine Xu was silent for a while, he asked me to bring Huang Qi to take care of him. He said that he knew that I had business to do, so there was no reason to delay me.

I really couldn't spend too long in the hospital, so I asked He Zhi to take care of her in the hospital first, and I would replace Huang Qi after I found her.

I quickly went to the pier to find Huang Qi, and after explaining to him, I led him to the hospital.

After Huang Qi and paper figurine Xu were settled, He Zhi and I returned to Funeral Street.

As soon as I entered the courtyard of the paper shop, I saw my second uncle. He was pacing back and forth in the courtyard, and looked at my father's room from time to time.

I was overjoyed and called Second Uncle, who immediately made a booing gesture to silence me, and told me in a low voice that the mortician was mending my father's body.

Then the second uncle's expression froze again, he frowned and asked me what happened to me, it was blood and wounds, what happened?

Then he whispered that the paper figurines Xu and Liu Tianniu were not there, it was only a day, what happened?

I briefly said something about Xu Changlin.

After the second uncle heard it, his eyes almost popped out.

"Nail!" He cursed in a low voice.

The second uncle was so angry that his face was shaking.

After a while, he asked me what to do next?

There must be an explanation for Xu Changlin's matter, as well as Wu Xianchang's matter.

These are the top priorities and urgent tasks!

I hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak for a while.

He Zhi said at the right time: "Second Uncle, it is also a last wish for Yinyang to fulfill Mr. Jiang's teacher's order. These things must be put aside. After Yinyang's father and Luo Yinpo are buried, we will leave."

The second uncle's expression changed immediately, he frowned, and put his hands behind his back.

I can naturally see that the second uncle is not happy.

After a long while, the second uncle said: "The enmity between parents is irreconcilable, you..." Before he could say anything, He Zhi whispered again and blocked the second uncle's words, saying that we must leave reason.

The second uncle fell silent immediately, and didn't say anything else for a while.

I didn't know what to say for a while, and the courtyard fell into silence.

It was already dark at this time, and the courtyard was lonely and cold. In the room where my father's coffin was placed, candlelight could be vaguely seen through the window.

After a day and a night of tossing, my body couldn't take it anymore, so I went to wait in the main room.

Without paying attention, he leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

When I was woken up by my second uncle, besides him and He Zhi, there was one more person in the courtyard.

The man was dressed in commoner clothes, with a Chinese character face, unlined eyebrows, and piercing eyes.

A piece of gray cloth was draped over his shoulders, and sections under the gray cloth were bulging.

I shook my head to regain consciousness, and walked quickly to the second uncle and the man.

My second uncle introduced me, saying that the man was Chen Chi, a mortician.

Chen Chi was hearty. He cupped his hands at me, looked me up and down again, and said that he had heard my second uncle praise me before, and that he was young and promising, he would be a gentleman at a young age, and his achievements would be limitless in the future. !

The second uncle said earlier that he knew the mortician. To put it simply, the two of them were indeed old acquaintances.

I also politely bowed my hand in return, but I still couldn't help the urgency in my heart, and turned my head to look at the room where my father's coffin was placed.

Chen Chi let out a long breath, and said: "The body has been sewn up, and the yin and yang are just as you mourn. He is no different from a normal dead person, so he can be buried with dignity."

"However, there are rules and regulations. Since the appearance of the corpse has been tidied up, you can't touch it again. The dead are the worst."

"If you touch it rashly, it will be difficult to close the coffin again."

After finishing speaking, Chen Chi made a gesture of invitation.

As soon as I took a step, I turned to look at my second uncle again.

The second uncle signaled me to enter the room, he has already seen the body.

Immediately, I stopped pausing and went straight into the house.

There are two coffins on both sides of the room, one with the lid closed, which should be Luo Yinpo's coffin, and the other with the lid open and not closed yet.

I went to the open coffin.

In fact, during this process, I was full of hesitation and anxiety.

It wasn't until after I saw my father's dead body that my hanging heart finally settled down.

My father put on a clean and tidy mortuary gown, and the chest no longer collapsed, presumably the stitches had been completed underneath.

Looking at his eyelids, they were not drooping, as if something was filled in the eye sockets.

My father's eyes are still in the hands of Wu Xianchang, and it is impossible for his eyes to be restored.

I hesitated for a moment, but didn't move his eyelids away.

Chen Chi had already mentioned the rules of the seamstress just now, since the second uncle invited him, he must be trustworthy, so naturally I couldn't break it.

After staring blankly at my father's body for a while, I lifted the lid of the coffin and closed it.

At this time, my mood has calmed down, and my hatred for Wu Xianchang is also buried in my bones.

After standing in front of my father's coffin for a long time, I walked out of the room.

The second uncle was talking to He Zhi, and I could roughly understand that he was asking He Zhi to hand over the money to Chen Chi.

He Zhi obeyed obediently.

I greeted my second uncle first, and asked him to come into the main room and tell me something, such as my father's birthday.

After a person dies, there is another saying for the horoscope of his birthday, which is the year of immortal life.

60 years a Jiazi, there is a saying of sixty years of immortal life.

In different years of immortality, the mountains where they are buried are different. There is also a saying that the evil spirits that are forbidden by immortality, and the ones that are forbidden by immortality are sitting on mountains.

The second uncle told me that my father was born in the year of Guimao, the month of Yichou, and the day of Bingchen. The mountain where he should be buried should be the mountain of fire and gold, or the mountain of five elements at the top of the volcano.

In fact, there is a simpler method of burial in Liushixian, which only needs to be divided into six suitable burial mountains and six taboo burial mountains.

The burial method I used for Miao Guangyang's wife at the beginning used the method of six suitable burials and six forbidden burials.

It's just that it's a superficial use of feng shui, the yin art of geography, and the profound thing is that it can be saved from a desperate situation.

My current burial method is to find the mountain of Huaji among the mountains of Jisha and Jisi.

Most of the mountains of taboo will make the dead body murderous after the burial, but this special mountain of Huaji can actually dispel the evil spirits of the dead and become an auspicious burial!

If he was buried shallowly in Yibu Mountain, I'm afraid it would take decades, even hundreds of years for my father's fierce aura to dissipate.

The mountain of Huaji can be dispelled by burial!

If the vitality is enough, it even has the effect of feathering!

After thinking for a long time, I also decided to bury my father in the Fengshui Mountain with the Five Elements on the top of the volcano.

As for Luo Yinpo, I don't know her date of birth, so I can only help her find an acupoint with good Feng Shui when I am looking for my father's burial place.

During this period, my second uncle and He Zhi were waiting for me in the main room, but Chen Chi had already left.

I let out a bad breath, and told my second uncle, He Zhi, about my plan, and said that I would go out to search for mountains, and let them prepare a mourning hall, and bury my father and Luo Yinpo as soon as possible.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly walked in between the yard and the front shop door, isn't that person Liu Tianniu?

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