Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 410 Selfishness and Choice

"" I shook my head in denial.

He Zhi is thoughtful, and the last time I doubted her, she was hurt a lot.

She also resisted Xu Changlin's thoughts on her.

I have no reason to tell her that this matter has something to do with me and her.

At this time, I couldn't help but think of what Master said.

He said that He Zhi's appearance would harm the country and the people, and his fate would be uneven, which would bring about accidents and disasters, so he asked me to send He Zhi away.

In fact, I have never forgotten this sentence. I just said that I have already promised He Ghost to take good care of He Zhi.

The death of Ghost Woman He is also related to our killing Kong Qing and offending the old watchman.

After that, I didn't want my mother's hands to die, and let the old watchman go...

I have always felt sorry for He Zhi and He Guipo about this matter, how could I really send He Zhi away...

Master taught me karma, if I break the karma, not to mention that my state of mind will be broken, I will regret it for the rest of my life, and I can't bear it.

"Yin Yang, why are you acting weird all of a sudden." He Zhi said another sentence, and the doubts in her eyes became more: "Isn't Uncle Xu all right? What are you thinking about, Xu Changlin?" I shook again. Shaking my head, I changed the topic.

"I was thinking, where should we go? Wu Xianchang will not be able to catch him for a while, and he will definitely run away. He said that the upper reaches of Jiuhe County was the place where my mother was sent into the water to sacrifice. This is directly related to my life experience. .”

"Master's last words, he asked me to go to the place where the three provinces meet to find his son Jiang Pan. I don't know if the journey is far away..." During the words, I raised my hand and touched the giant bone behind my ear.

Thinking of this, I felt another pain in my heart.

In fact, finding Jiang Pan is the top priority. I want to modify my fate, which is extremely important to me, and I can't waste Master's painstaking efforts.

But I want to find out about my life experience, and my mother went upstream...

Is she going home?

He Zhi thought for a moment, and said: "Birth experience is important, but the things arranged by Mr. Jiang should be more important. During the time in Dixianglu, you learned how to touch the bones in the room. Mr. Jiang instructed me to learn coffin skills. I I have benefited a lot, and I feel that his eyes seem to see through me completely. We have met Mr. Hou before, and he is insignificant compared to Mr. Jiang."

"It's like... the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue." He Zhi paused, and then said: "Besides, didn't Daoist Liu say that he wanted to bring back Mr. Jiang's son, and you two will bury Mr. Jiang together?"

I nodded, but sighed softly, and said: "That's true, but the master wants me to be a great master of Yin-Yang, and everyone in the Yin-Yang world knows that I can bury him with Jiang Pan only when I am the heir of Geography Kanyu."

He Zhi paused for a moment, then whispered: "Yinyang, maybe I say something, you don't like it very much."

"Grandma He knows Mr. Jiang's name, and so many witches in the He family know that even such a powerful Daoist Liu will do things for Mr. Jiang. The respect of the Gou family in Xuanhu Town, these are not all Jiang. Mister, have you gained fame little by little?"

"In his life, he must have done a lot of great things, and even saved many people. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a great reputation."

"It's not easy for us to survive. I know you want to find out your own life experience, but if you only do this one thing all the time, we stay in Jiuhe County, and keep entangled with villains like Wu Xianchang, what do you do? Can you fulfill your wish?"

"Mr. Jiang has left now, do you have to meet Jiang Pan first and let him know the situation?"

"If you don't it selfish..."

What He Zhi said was extremely serious.

My heart trembled again, what He Zhi said just hit the point...

I couldn't restrain the dodge in my heart, the word "selfishness" echoed in my ears repeatedly, which made my face slightly hot.

He Zhi looked more serious, she said softly: "Auntie will be fine, she will be caught by Wu Xianchang, it must be an accident, Liu Daochang can't keep her this time, even if you find her, I'm afraid you can't do it What, it's better to find Jiang Pan first, finish the business, and then come back to deal with family affairs."

After He Zhi finished speaking, he didn't speak again.

The room fell silent, and a needle could be heard.

After a long time, He Zhi stood up suddenly, told me softly that she was going to buy something to eat, and walked out of the room cautiously.

Seeing He Zhi's slender figure disappear from sight, I looked up at the lights on the roof of the house, and after a long time, I smiled wryly in my heart.

He Zhi and I have many similarities,

The nearest place is that He Zhi also has the blood feud of He Ghost.

Only then did I realize that she never mentioned it.

It is impossible for He Zhi to forget it, the only reason is that she knows how to measure it, and will not mention it until the right time.

Even she understands this truth, but I can't figure it out...

I closed my eyes and made up my mind to go to Honghe to meet Jiang Pan first!

But before that, I still have things to do. Firstly, my father and Luo Yinpo are going to be buried, so we can't let their bodies be damaged any more.

Originally, I wanted to solve the problem of my second uncle's fate.

But this matter is not small, and my father can only be buried, the second uncle may not be in the mood, and it is not suitable.

I simply keep it in my heart and wait until I find the right time to do it later.

Not long after, He Zhi came back. She bought a lot of food, and brought a water bag, and some small things that I hadn't seen before.

After eating, He Zhi asked me to expose my neck, and she wanted to help me treat the wound.

I almost forgot I still had a lot of scrapes on my neck.

I did as He Zhi said, she dipped a white gauze with the black-yellow liquid in a small bottle to help me wipe the wound.

As soon as I touched the wound, there was a burst of burning pain. My head buzzed, and I almost avoided it directly.

While helping me treat the wound, He Zhi told me that she went to the doctor in the hospital and brought some western medicine, and the doctor explained how to use it.

During this period, in order to distract myself and resolve embarrassment, I told He Zhi about my plan to go to Honghe.

After we waited in the hospital for a long time, the paper figurine Xu finally woke up. He looked very tired and stared blankly at the ceiling above, without saying a word.

He was able to wake up, which made me even more relieved. I still couldn't hold back, and asked him if Xu Changlin hurt him?

The paper figurine told me after a while that it was not Xu Changlin who fired the gun, but someone he brought with him.

After I left, he wanted to take Xu Changlin back to the courtyard, but suddenly another person rushed out and shot him in the chest.

Afterwards, the man took Xu Changlin away, and it seemed that Xu Changlin should have accepted his subordinates.

Between the words, the paper figurine Xu Ban lowered his eyelids, his emotions were struggling and tormented.

I hesitated for a while, and told the paper figurine Xu that Liu Tianniu went after Xu Changlin, and I'm afraid he won't let Xu Changlin go.

The paper figurine Xu closed his eyes, but stopped talking.

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