"Come to the bed." A tired voice came from the bedside.

I walked quickly to the bed.

Jiang Yihong stared at me with blank eyes, and the corner of his mouth curved into a kind smile.

"The golden abacus... is under my pillow, take it out..." At this time, Jiang Yihong was even more tired, and even his speech began to be broken, out of breath.

I lowered my head to search under his pillow, and soon found the golden abacus.

When I touched the beads, I felt a chill in my heart.

I shivered and pulled it out.

The golden abacus is not small, with a total of thirteen pillars, two on top and five on the bottom, and more beads.

And on its edge, there are many simple runes, which seem to write the heavenly stems and earthly branches, and there are eight trigrams and five elements.

If I look at it more, I feel like I'm about to fall into it...

Biting the tip of my tongue, I woke up.

When I looked up, I found that Jiang Yihong was looking at me intently.

His turbid eyes were full of depth and sadness.

His eyes met mine, and he murmured:

"There are a total of [-] beads, including beads and columns, all made of pure gold. If it is damaged, you have to make it up with pure gold."

"It's not difficult for a gentleman to make money, but a gentleman loves money in a proper way. Do you understand what it means to be a teacher?"

Jiang Yihong's eyes fell on the golden abacus, and his tone was full of reluctance.

"Teacher understands." I replied in a low voice, feeling very sad in my heart.

"There are 64 signs in the hexagram, and people have the horoscope of their birthdays. When calculating the hexagrams in gold, they use their birthdays as the foundation and divination with beads..."

"The hexagram heralds fate, its fate, misfortune, power, birth, old age, sickness and death..."

"If..." Jiang Yihong narrated word by word with his eyelids half down.

I listened to every word with all my attention and kept it in my heart.

By the time Jiang Yihong finished speaking, morning light had already shone into the room through the window.

I also keep in mind the fortune-telling method he said.

When Jiang Yihong explained to me to the end, his eyes gradually began to loosen.

He murmured again: "The golden abacus is just a golden calculation, but the iron mouth has another algorithm, which uses the face to determine the hexagram image, and the iron mouth to calculate the hexagram. There are two algorithms, one kind of calculation." The direction of this life is a kind of calculus, as for the Tiekou hexagram, the second half of the bone phase is very detailed."

"If it weren't for the teacher's inheritance, the rest of the people would even get the bones, and it might be difficult to learn the iron mouth."

"Being a teacher until now, and being able to teach you like this, can be regarded as living up to the expectations of the ancestors of the past generations."

Jiang Yihong was already very angry at this time, and it seemed that he would dissipate at any time.

"Master, I..." I was extremely sad in my heart, and my eyes were sore, as if a sharp knife pierced my heart.

"Hush..." With a weak hiss, Jiang Yihong stopped me, barely opened his eyelids, and continued to whisper: "Gold calculation has the first hexagram, and the last hexagram has special effects. The first hexagram can be tampered with." Fate, set things right."

"The divination person needs to bear the backlash. If he endures it, the person whose fate has been changed can be reborn. If he can't, the two will die together."

"The last hexagram can not only set things right, but can also be a prophecy. If you use this hexagram, you will never be able to hold the golden abacus again. If you use this hexagram again, you will lose your life."

"Your first hexagram, use it with caution."

What Jiang Yihong said shocked me!

Especially the ability to tamper with fate and set things right is terrifying to the extreme.

At this time, I finally understood why Liu Tianniu kept making promises, and was even willing to break taboos and help me as an exception!

What he did was tampering with fate!Set things right!

I hesitated for a while, I originally wanted to say the first hexagram, but I promised to give it to Liu Tianniu.

But Jiang Yihong's breathing was even weaker, as if I hadn't finished speaking, I couldn't open my mouth.

"Among Mr. Yin and Yang, geophysics belongs to a single lineage. The next generation lives and the previous generation dies. You have to keep in mind that the person with the yin and yang energy running through is the best confidence. If it is hard to find, you should try to find one with a similar fate. man of."

"Don't teach the yin and yang skills of geography to family members. No one's fate can bear it, and catastrophe is bound to happen..."

"As for all Mr. Yin Yang, there is a secret method passed down by word of mouth."

"The emperor wants to become immortal, sir, you can breathe a sigh of relief, and desperately seek evil." At this point, Jiang Yihong's eyes suddenly became clear again.

This clearness instantly dispelled the turbidity, but his eyeballs seemed to become very thin, as if they would be pierced with a light touch!

Moreover, in the depths of his eyes, grayness has begun to appear!

I'm afraid this is Jiang Yihong's last flashback!

The next moment, his body suddenly sat up straight.

He took the golden abacus from my hand and placed it between his legs.

The eyes that gradually became gray again from clear and bright, stared straight into my eyes.

He whispered: "Originally, I wanted to give you the last hexagram as a teacher, but I have already agreed to the Liu family."

"Before, I did a divination for you, and learned that you still have a life-and-death catastrophe in this life. As a teacher, I have a way to help you get through this catastrophe!"

His tone was extremely dignified and solemn!

After finishing speaking, he suddenly reached out and took out something, which was a thick and simple jade box.

The box is about the size of a palm and is tightly covered!

My mind was even more shocked, and I looked at the jade box intently.

After taking it, I pursed my lips tightly, the soreness in my heart was indescribable.

"Remember every word of the teacher, it is very important to your life, if you don't pay attention, the geography will be cut off in your hands, and your life will be ruined by yourself!"

I was breathing heavily, my chest was heaving up and down, and I was biting my lower lip, almost bleeding, and I managed to calm down.

"Master, tell me, I will remember it in my bones!" I said hoarsely.

"Your bones are almost perfect. However, the moon is full and the moon is weak. After all, there is still a little bit of regret. The change of the giant turtle will shorten your life, and your own intelligence, its loss will also affect it. You will make a wrong decision, which will cause you to lose your life. Come on, disaster is imminent.”

"My teacher's bones are slightly weaker than yours, but fortunately, the giant turtle is still considered perfect. I have asked Taoist Liu to dig out its strange bones."

"You have to find someone, he is the son of the teacher, named Jiang Pan. Now, Jiang Pan should be in the three provinces"

"The bone of the teacher will penetrate into your bone and change your fate!"

Jiang Yihong's eyes became more and more gray, but there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

But this madness is clearly an obsession with my fate, and even a bit unwilling!

"If it was a few years ago, as a teacher, I might be able to see that your bones are full, but unfortunately, my fate has already made me unable to wait. Jiang Panzhai has a kind heart, and it may change your disposition. Although you are good in nature, you His life experience has given you too many hidden dangers."

"Your eyes are focused, the pupil of the left eye is slightly raised to reveal a white, and the pupil of the right eye is slightly shrunk to reveal three whites!"

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