I have seen many corpses, even carried them and touched them.

This head is nothing more than a White Sha, far from being so fierce.

Besides, it is even more impossible for Xianglu to become fierce in this place.

However, if it is just holding a head with one hand, it is still a lifelike human head, which still makes people feel frightened.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

To learn bone physiognomy well, one must accept...

When I took over the head, the cold and stiff touch gave me goosebumps all over my body.

I glanced at Jiang Yihong uneasily.

Although I didn't speak, Jiang Yihong smiled kindly and said: "Don't worry about being a teacher, I know, you know the effect of asking the gods. Taoist Liu told me a lot of things."

"As a teacher, I can tell you that although this method of inviting gods is a flashback, it can be used by different people, and the time it can last is different."

"You are by the teacher's side, and you have not learned the bone physiognomy, and you have inherited the local physiognomy. As a teacher, you will not swallow it."

"The qi of yin and yang, the essence of the second five, this spirit is also special, so go and learn it with peace of mind." After speaking, he turned around, walked out of the room, and directly closed the door.

The room suddenly became darker, as if there were countless pairs of eyes behind me, staring straight at me.

There is an indescribable sadness in my heart.

Standing in place for a few seconds, my breathing became more and more rapid and heavy.

Turning around, bowing my head, I squatted on the ground, touching the head with both hands.

I imitated Jiang Yihong's movement of touching my skull, pressing inch by inch, touching every detail of the skull.

At first, it was difficult for me to calm down, because I kept thinking that Jiang Yihong's time was numbered.

After a long time, I managed to suppress the uncomfortable feeling.

Because I can't learn this bone phase well, I failed Jiang Yihong's teaching even more.

For a head, I had to touch it for an hour at the beginning, and I kept slowly recalling the passage Jiang Yihong told me about the position, characteristics, and functions of the nine bones.

A head, if I wasn't careful enough, I wouldn't even be able to touch a piece of bone.

But I know that Jiang Yihong doesn't know how to store ordinary heads, so he is more careful.

After that, I only need a quarter of an hour to touch another head!

During this period, every morning, noon, and dusk, the door will be opened a little.

I could see through the crack of the door that Liu Tianniu was delivering the food, and Jiang Yihong was sitting in the main room, as for what he was doing, I couldn't see.

Time flies, and it is seven days in a blink of an eye!

There are a total of 130 heads in the house.

I have been able to roughly distinguish the existence of Nine Bones.

It took me another seven days to feel the bones of each of these heads more than five times!

During these seven days, I slept very little, I was sleepy and tired, I took a nap for a while, and after I woke up quickly, I continued to touch my bones!

After seven days, another seven days, I can feel the bones familiarly, and can accurately determine the bones of the nine bones!

The pain on my body has already recovered, but I didn't bother to tear off the bandage.

Just when I was excited and ready to report to Jiang Yihong.

The door was pushed open again, and a hand came in.

It was clearly Jiang Yihong's old palm, and he pushed a book in!

On the page of the book is the word "Bone Phase"!

"After the Nine Bones, there is Guanxiang. On its face, there are three stagnations, three talents and six mansions, five mountains and four blasphemy, five stars and six luminaries."

"Four Schools, Eight Schools, Kyushu Bagua positioning, and the image of the Five Elements in people."

"You have seen these skulls and faces, and then compare them with the bones to distinguish the zodiac signs of the face."

"I have done one thing for the teacher during this period of time, so I don't have much time. What I said about the method of bone physiognomy is not complete, only a part. You only have three days. After three days, come to the teacher's room, and I will Teach you gold fortune telling, and most importantly, the first hexagram and the last hexagram!"

"After that, it depends on your own comprehension, and you need to comprehend more." Jiang Yihong's voice was full of exhaustion, far less energetic than when he just used the magic trick a while ago.

When I heard this, my eyes were sour, and my heart was even more depressed.

Because of this exhaustion, I really heard a bit of dead silence.

I was silent, took the bone phase, and said in a low voice: "I would like to obey the teacher's order."

After Jiang Yihong withdrew his hand, the door closed again.

For the next three days, I barely slept.

While looking at the content of the bone phase, at the same time compare and look at the faces of those skulls.

I read very fast, and found that after I know the nine bones, the obstacles to learning this face are even smaller.

It's just that the content in the bone phase is still too obscure and difficult to understand. In three days, I can barely read the parts that Jiang Yihong said.

You can only talk about understanding a little bit, not at all.

The night of the third day passed, my head was dizzy, and finally I couldn't bear it anymore, leaning against the door frame and fell asleep.

Not long after, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew on his face, and the door opened with a "squeak".

"Li Yinyang." The deep voice was somewhat stern and solemn.

I was jolted, barely awake.

Although I still felt top-heavy, but the moment I woke up, I was even more flustered.


I leaned on the door frame and stood up with difficulty.

Standing outside the door was Liu Tianniu, looking at me solemnly.

Obviously he saw me falling asleep and came to remind me.

"Thank you Daoist Liu." I gasped and said in a low voice.

Then I stepped out of the door, and the main room was empty at this time.

I staggered towards Jiang Yihong's room.

When I got to the door, I knocked it lightly, and the door creaked, and it opened right along.

"come in……"

A low, tired voice entered his ears.

I pushed the door anxiously and entered.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Yihong, who was half lying on the thin wooden bed, leaning against the head of the bed.

What made my heart skip a beat was that Jiang Yihong's head was actually wrapped with layers of gauze!

His entire face was completely wrapped under the gauze, only one pair of eyes could still be seen.

At this time, his own clear eyes also became cloudy.

There were traces of blood on the side of the gauze.

I was stunned, and my heart was shocked and angry.

"Master... who hurt you?!" My voice was deep and hoarse, and even more murderous.

At this moment, a calm voice came from outside the house: "No one can hurt Mr. Jiang, but although Mr. Jiang is strong, the divine method will last a short time after all, and he hurt himself again, exhausted a few days earlier. Energized."

The moment the voice fell, the door was tightly shut.

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