The surface of the water was stirred up by countless fine raindrops, and in the dark night, it looked like a sea of ​​cold black flowers.

The male corpse exuded a sense of desolation and gloom, as if it was staring at us coldly.

I stared intently at his face, my hands clenched into fists.

"Mr. Miao..." I whispered in an extremely hoarse voice.

As Mr. Miao's body got closer and closer to the bow, He Zhi couldn't help covering his mouth, his wide-open eyes were full of extreme fear!

My heart trembled again, because Mr. Miao's body suddenly sank a little and was covered by the water.

This feeling is the same as the shadow feeling on the side of the boat when we set off before.

I had guessed it at the time, but now it seems that Mr. Miao really approached our ship!

It's just that I always thought it was my mother blocking those corpses.

In fact, Mr. Miao who became a living corpse? !

Then my mother... She hasn't appeared since I came back?

This is too abnormal. When I was in danger before, my mother would definitely be by my side.

Is it because she was released with so much blood last time that she hasn't recovered yet? !

At the same time, another guess arose in my mind.

As soon as I thought about it, my eyes turned red, and the strong fear and worry almost swallowed me.

Wu Xianchang planned so much, but suddenly left from Lijiacun...

Could it be that...he took advantage of my mother's weakness to succeed? !

After this idea appeared, it began to breed crazily.

During this period, paper figurine Xu and Xu Changlin both arrived at the bow of the boat.

They also looked down at the water, the paper figurine Xu frowned, and murmured: "It's really Mr. Miao, Yin Yang, have you figured out how to get him up?"

I was silent for a long time, nodded, and shook my head again.

The paper figurine Xu patted me on the shoulder, and said to let me mourn and change. Mr. Miao’s matter is a foregone conclusion. Besides, we have taken care of the affairs of Mr. Miao’s family. There is no need to be confused now, the facts must have to accept.

I shook my head again, and then told the paper figurine Xu, it's not because I can't figure out what happened to Mr. Miao.

However, I dare not tell what happened that night in Hejiacun here.

The paper figurine probably knew part of it, but He Zhi and Liu Tianniu were completely kept in the dark.

If I tell them now that I let the old watchman go, I'm afraid He Zhi won't be able to accept it.

As for Liu Tianniu, even though he wants my first hexagram, I don't want a gap between the two of us now.

So I was silent for a long time before I whispered: "My mother should be in the water. I always thought she was the one who stopped those corpses. It turned out that it was Mr. Miao. My mother didn't show up at all. This is a big problem." .” As soon as I finished speaking, the face of the paper figurine Xu also changed.

Liu Tianniu at the other end looked at me, and after looking at me for a while, he suddenly said: "The yin energy of the hanging river is not the corpse of Mr. Miao you saw just now, nor is it in Lijia Village. Yin Qi is growing in the entire Xuanhe River, and it comes from the upper reaches."

Liu Tianniu's explanation gave me a little chance to breathe.

I still feel that this yin must belong to my mother.

Could it be that she went upstream?

I was extremely anxious, fearing that she had already fallen into the hands of Wu Xianchang.

"Is the county where Wu Xianchang is located upstream?" I immediately asked the paper figurine again.

Xu, the paper man, shook his head, and said, "Lu County is not next to Xuanhe." He pondered for a moment, and then said, "Yin Yang, don't worry too much, it must not be so easy for Wu Xianchang to catch your mother, He has calculated you for so long, just to get through you, maybe your mother is upstream."

I can no longer explain that my mother has become weak at the moment, and I can only hope that she will go upstream for the time being.

"I have to go upstream to have a look, and then go to Lu County to settle accounts with Wu Xianchang." I said hoarsely.

At this time, He Zhi suddenly said in a low voice: "One of the methods used by the ghost woman is called the way of transforming the dead. Returning the soul, I am not good enough, if grandpa is still there, even if I use this technique in the city of Jiuhe County, I can call the soul back."

"Let's go upstream at night? If the distance is close enough, I can also use the way of the dead."

He Zhi is smart enough, obviously, she has already understood my worries from our few words just now.

After saying this, He Zhi stretched out his hand to hold my wrist tightly, and gave me a reassuring look.

I took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Look again at the shadow under the water in front of the bow.

As we sailed, Mr. Miao was always underwater at the front.

Although it has a heavy yin energy, it didn't cause trouble, and even helped us just now.

I have a vague guess that the living corpse formed by Mr. Miao should be under his control, and it has not become a murderous corpse.

Also, I have a plan in my heart. When I get to the place later, I have to fish it up.

But wanting to think this way, time flies, and unconsciously, a white belly appears in the distant sky, and the dawn is broken with a rooster crowing.

As the night dissipated, the Yin Qi exuding from Xuanhe had completely dissipated.

The shadows in front of the bow also disappeared.

With daybreak, Mr. Miao had already sunk underwater.

If you want to salvage it, you have to wait until dark to have a chance.

At this moment, many fishing boats can be seen on the surrounding water, all of them are fishermen who went into the water early to make a living.

When we returned to the dock in Jiuhe County, the sun was rising, and the warm early sun dispelled the coldness of the night.

It was only at this moment that Lao Lu, who had been in a daze, suddenly threw himself on the corpses of his wife and younger brother and cried bitterly.

The mournful cry echoed endlessly on the pier.

There are quite a few fishermen and boatmen on the pier, and many people gathered around to look at our boat.

Some people were talking in low voices, roughly speaking about my identity and the disappearance of Lao Lu's wife and brother a few days ago.

Huang Qi went over and pushed Lao Lu, telling him not to cry all the time, people can't be resurrected after death, can't they live a good life?

Lao Lu really stopped crying. He looked at the dead woman's body wrapped in white cloth on the other side, and ran over without saying a word.

When he got close to the female corpse, Lao Lu stuffed it into the white cloth, and pulled out two gold bracelets and a gold ring in a few moments.

He stuffed those things into his pocket and looked at us nervously and fearfully.

I frowned slightly, there must be some hidden dangers in taking the things of the dead...

But at this time, Liu Tianniu said: "You can take all the gold and silver from her body, after all your wife and brother died in his hands, the paper figurine may want her body, after that she will Don't make trouble, this little gold and silver should be her to make up for your family's exile population."

Lao Lu froze for a moment, then pursed his lips again, and came to the side of the corpse.

This time, he touched the gold and silver jewelry carefully.

While touching, he also shed tears, and the whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

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