"The Qiang people have something important to do. I should have gone to see Mr. Jiang quickly and then go back. As for your first hexagram, I also wanted to ask Mr. Jiang alone."

"Now, I can wait with you until half a year before going back. Apart from the ten-day journey, there are still more than ten days left, which is enough to find Wu Xianchang. Since you don't want Mr. Jiang to help you decide, then make it yourself. How about Li Yinyang?!"

I opened my eyes wide and fixedly looked at Liu Tianniu.

To be honest, the conditions that Liu Tianniu has always given me are very tempting.

At this time, he mentioned it again, and he didn't give me any reason to refuse...

I really can't wait any longer. If I'm asked to wait, when the time comes, I'll go to Tang Town first.

Every day, my father had no peace, and I also endured that torture all day long.

Wu Xianchang must have another plan, he couldn't just dig out my father's body.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tianniu suddenly said again: "The gossip tiger head mirror belongs to you."

"Li Yinyang, I am sincere."

"Deal..." My chest heaved up and down, and I panted heavily.

Liu Tianniu's eyes also burst out with a bright light, he nodded and said: "Words must be done, and actions must be resolute."

"You catch him, I want his life." I stared at Liu Tianniu.

After a short pause, I continued hoarsely: "I know, you will break the rules, but I also promised you, the master taught me that everything has a cause and effect, this hexagram, I will never break my promise."

"Since it's a deal, there must be a trade-off. You kill him to do justice for the heavens. I kill him to avenge my father."

Liu Tianniu looked at me with deeper eyes, and suddenly he stopped talking.

I just kept looking at him without saying a word.

"You can think about it for a while, sir, or try not to get blood on your hands."

"If you insist on doing this, I will not stop you." Liu Tianniu put his hands behind his back.

The corners of my mouth twitched, but the smile was uglier than crying.

I was not answering the call, but went to lift the lid of the coffin and reseal the coffin.

At this moment, there was a slight splash of water and footsteps from the door.

I turned around abruptly, and what I saw were the paper figurines Xu, He Zhi, and Xu Changlin!

"Yinyang, those corpses outside are a bit weird, they look like they are coming to stop us, but they are just floating on the water, and they are not approaching, as if there is something blocking them." The paper figurine Xu walked in the front, he said explained to me very quickly.

I was stunned and murmured: "It's my mother."

Obviously, Liu Tianniu glanced at me again, and at this moment, he was thoughtful.

During this time, the three of them had already entered the house.

"Are you okay?" He Zhi had a lot of worry in his eyes.

Xu Changlin shouted in astonishment: "Uncle Guishou?"

My second uncle didn't answer Xu Changlin, and now he was leaning against the wall, motionless, and passed out.

The paper figurine Xu's voice was more suspicious: "Where is Mr. Wu Xian? Did you meet him?"

What he said immediately made me depressed again.

The next moment, the paper figurine looked down and saw my father's body.

With a muffled bang, he punched hard on the edge of the coffin.

His face turned livid.

Xu Changlin also hurried to the coffin, cursed in a low voice, and said something very cruel...

He Zhi was about to walk over, but I grabbed He Zhi's wrist by accident, and didn't let her look.

Although He Zhi and my father are not familiar, I know very well that although He Zhi is a bit unruly and willful, but she is kind in nature and soft-hearted, I am afraid she will not be able to bear it.

I shook my head at He Zhi.

Afterwards, I asked the paper figurine Xu to help me put the lid on my father's coffin first.

The paper figurine Xu nodded, and called Xu Changlin and the two to do it together.

During this period, I hurriedly turned around and carried my second uncle on my back.

Not long after, the coffin was also covered.

The paper figurine asked me whether to carry the coffin to the funeral street, or to bury my father?

I shook my head and said that my father's body was incomplete and he couldn't be buried at all, so I had to find a place to store it properly first.

We are going to find Wu Xianchang.

He can't get away!

The paper figurine nodded and said a few words.

Then, he hesitated and said, "Let's think about it first. I think he left the body here because he wanted you to see this scene, and then couldn't resist looking for him. He must have other plans."

I just hummed and didn't say anything else.

The paper figurine Xu sighed softly with a complex expression.

I kept silent and walked out with my second uncle on my back.

When I stepped out of my house, I was still wading under my feet.

The icy water of the Xuanhe River is far less than the icy coldness in my heart at this moment.

However, I didn't lose my mind.

Now go back to Funeral Street and leave my father in the paper man Xu's shop.

Before going to Wu Xianchang, I have to go to see my mother, she must not be able to keep up with me.

Right now she is helping to stop Xuanhe's murderous corpse, I'm afraid she will still follow me and fall into Wu Xianchang's trap.

In front of my house, there is a small boat parked, the bow of the boat stands the paper bundle of He Niangzi, the wind blows harder, and the light rain makes countless splashes on the water surface.

Soon, the paper figurine Xu also came out carrying my father's coffin.

The boat couldn't fit my father's coffin, so Liu Tianniu said that Lao Huang could carry it.

We put the coffin on Lao Huang's back, and then several people boarded the boat and punted to the shore where the road was broken before.

Luo Yinpo's body was safely placed on the ground, with two paper-wrapped men guarding it.

The old chicken was curled up on the big black wooden box next to it. Its state was too depressed. The previous aggressive posture seemed to disappear, as if it was too old to move for a moment.

I asked He Zhi to help me carry the big black wooden box and the old chicken, while I carried Luo Yinpo's body on my back.

A group of people headed back to the pier again.

By the time we got to the front of the pier, it was almost dawn.

As soon as he boarded the boat, Huang Qi went to order Lao Lu to sail.

Lao Lu was dumbfounded, obviously not recovering from the grief of the death of his wife and brother.

The boat was heading towards Jiuhe County. Liu Tianniu sat cross-legged next to the coffin, closing his eyes and meditating.

The paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin were beside the bloody dead woman, and the father and son were discussing matters.

Huang Qi went back and forth on the boat to pick up some sundries.

He Zhi followed me, with a lot of worry in her eyes.

I forced a smile to tell her not to worry too much, I can hold on.

He Zhi suddenly looked at the surface of the Xuanhe River again, and said anxiously: "Those corpses are scattered... Another one is approaching..."

"It seemed to be it just now... blocking other corpses..." He Zhi raised his hand and pointed to the water ahead.

My heart shuddered, my mother leaned over?

I quickly glanced at Liu Tianniu, and immediately looked at the position on the water surface.

What froze my heart was that what I saw was not my mother.

It was a male corpse floating on the water...

He said it was a male corpse, but his chest rose and fell a bit, as if he was half-breathed.

And it's blind in one eye!

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