Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 29 Embroidered shoes, dead feet

"This..." Cao Yonggui also looked uneasy.

I pursed my lips, and immediately thought of last night, when we came out of Meng's house.

Meng Qiu and his man said that as long as we dare to come to Jiuhe County, he will sink our corpse boat.

This boat, is it his hands and feet?

I was about to speak, but my second uncle spoke first.

"Boss Cao, go and rent a boat. The boat must be stable, and then let the owner sail the boat. Even if my boat in Liu Gui's hand is gouged today, it will be picked up like a corpse. Whoever gouged my boat. Account, go back Calculate."

"The boat that dares to sink the corpse will fall into it if it walks in the water!" Obviously, the second uncle's tone was fierce.

My heart skipped a beat. Did he say it casually, or did he have some basis?

Although it's only been a few days, I have already discovered that I really know too little about the common-sense issues of corpse hunters

Cao Yonggui immediately turned around and went to find fishermen to rent a boat.

The second uncle turned his head and glanced at the back of the pier, which is the location inside the county town.

He squinted his eyes, and his expression became much colder.

"Second uncle... let's..."

The second uncle raised his hand and interrupted me, but he still didn't say a word.

About two quarters of an hour later, Cao Yonggui came back, and he also brought a thin and short fisherman with him.

"Old Man Liu, I'm Wang Guaizi." The fisherman clasped his hands together, obviously a little timid, and called out to his second uncle.

I also found out that the people on the pier, whoever knows the second uncle, call him the old man.

Like people in the city, they call him Mr. Liu.

The second uncle hummed, and said, "Start the boat and go to the pier where the rice is unloaded."

Most of the docks we are staying at at the moment are used by fishermen, or some boats carrying people.

The pier for unloading is still in another place.

On the other side of the pier, I boarded Wang Guaizi's boat. This boat was actually much larger than the corpse boat. It was a small fishing boat with masts and sails.

However, the corpse boat has its special features. The whole hull is made of willow wood, which is very shady, and even has the purpose of raising ghosts. After the corpse is boarded, there are few accidents.

Normal fishing boats are not necessarily the case. Sometimes fishermen unintentionally salvage corpses. If they are dead corpses, they will not be able to get ashore, and the boat will sink halfway.

This time my second uncle and I had no choice. The boat to retrieve the corpses was sunk, so we could only use ordinary fishing boats to retrieve the corpses.

But at least there were two corpse hunters on board, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

The distance between the two piers is not far, and within two quarters of an hour, we reached the waters of another pier.

This pier is much bigger, and there are twenty or thirty ships parked outside, large and small.

The boat did not approach the pier completely, but under Cao Yonggui's signal, it approached a wooden ladder frame on the south side of the pier.

After arriving here, Cao Yonggui felt quite depressed. At some point, he was holding an embroidered shoe in his hand.

I also felt his repressed emotions, and persuaded him to express my condolences.

Cao Yonggui forced a smile, his eyes were red, and he didn't answer.

The second uncle had already changed into his green and linen coat, he was touching the divination knife with one hand, and holding Lao Baigan's bottle with the other, he drank it in one gulp, and threw the bottle into the Xuanhe casually.

"Boss Cao, is this the place where the life was released and fell into the water?" The second uncle pointed to the ladder frame that was half in the water.

"Yes..." Cao Yonggui's voice was trembling.

"I'll go into the water to have a look. I'm not sure if it's here, Yin Yang, and you've got to watch the movement." The second uncle greeted me and jumped into the water.

Amidst the crashing sound, a large wave of spray was splashed on the surface of the water.

However, the water soon fell silent again, and the sparkling river surface reflected mottled moonlight.

I watched the water carefully, scanning.

Nothing unusual was found, everything was normal.

However, just at this moment, Cao Yonggui suddenly leaned out half of his body from the hull, and he almost didn't fall off.

I was startled and quickly grabbed his shoulder.

I wondered what happened to him?

Cao Yonggui didn't look back, his body trembled violently, he pointed to the water and said, "Shoes... my wife's shoes..." I looked down, and there was another embroidered shoe floating on the water about one or two meters away. ? !

At a glance, it really is a pair with Cao Yonggui's.

White ground, red satin, embroidered with peonies.

But this shoe is weird, it looks like there is a foot inside?

The shoe was floating upside down, and if you look closely, you can see clearly that there is indeed a foot inside... broken from the ankle, the flesh is white, and there is no blood at the cut.

"Xiao...Mr. me get...get it up."

Cao Yonggui's expression almost made him cry.

My heart was throbbing, and I was about to speak.

Suddenly there was a soft crash, and from where we were leaning, a bamboo pole protruded out, with a net pocket on the pointed end, and when we poked it into the water, we fished the embroidered shoe in.

"Boss Cao, it's a small matter, I'll fix it for you." Wang Guaizi's voice was flattering.

Cao Yonggui quickly pulled back, his body trembling even more, obviously excited.

My face changed, and I stood up abruptly, staring at Wang Guaizi, and shouted in a deep voice, "Throw it down! You can't get on the boat!"

In fact, my reaction speed is already very fast.

But Wang Guaizi was even faster.

And after the net bag was pulled up, his subconscious action was to turn the net bag over.

With a soft bang, the embroidered shoes fell on the deck.

During the collision, a pale dead foot fell out of the embroidered shoe, the shoe was tilted, and water was flowing out of it.

My face immediately became extremely ugly, and I raised my leg to kick the embroidered shoe and the dead man's foot.

Wang Guaizi was obviously also taken aback.

I don't know if he was scared by me, or by the dead feet falling out of the embroidered shoes.

The moonlight seemed even colder, reflecting on the soles of the feet, and the toenails on them were all black.

" can't throw it away..." Cao Yonggui almost rushed over and grabbed the embroidered shoe into his hand.

I kicked on the sole of the dead man's foot.

Originally, with my strength, I should have kicked it directly into the water, but I didn't kick it up to the height, and kicked it to the edge of the hull with a bang, and it fell directly.

Cao Yonggui immediately rolled to the side and grabbed the dead man's foot into his hands. He tightly held both "things" to his chest, and looked at me with a pleading expression.

"Mr. Li, my wife's shoes, her feet... If they are thrown into the water, Mr. Liu will be dead when he fishes them up later. I'm sorry for her!"

Cao Yonggui really cried, two lines of dirty tears rolled down from his eyes and flowed down his face.

My eyelids twitched violently, and I moved my neck with difficulty.

There is also a rule among the corpse hunters, that is, things floating on the water must not be moved, no matter whether it is wealth or other things, things floating on the water are not unowned things, and it is something that cannot be preserved.

If you pick it up, you have to drop something else in exchange for it...

The dead in the water want the lives of the living!

This is the water ghost looking for a dead ghost!

I tried my best to keep my tone steady, and said word by word: "Boss Cao, you have to throw it away. If you don't throw it away, we will all have trouble. If it is really your wife's foot, she will be looking for a scapegoat... This shoe got on the boat." , the three of us have to go down one..."

As soon as I finished speaking, Cao Yonggui's face was as pale as a piece of paper, and he was obviously shocked.

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