I struggled desperately for a long time, but I just couldn't wake up, and I felt cold and cold, as if I had been soaked in water, and my whole body was wet.

In the end, I had such a torturous sleep all night.

I don't even know when I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, the sky had already brightened, and the room was full of sunshine.

This time I didn't sleep well at all. I sat up and stared at the front for a long time, completely dazed.

And I was so palpitating that I murmured a word and went ashore...

My heart felt cold, recalling the torment of last night, chills started to run down my spine.

Am I haunted by ghosts?

It was another shock, and I quickly groped my body.

But now the clothes on my body are completely dry, and there is no sign of being wet at all.

My heart beat faster, but I breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I was too nervous and had a dream.

Turning over and getting out of bed, I was about to get out of the room. By the bed, my shoes were neatly placed, with the toes of the shoes facing inwards, facing the bed.

Suddenly, I remembered what my second uncle had said to me.

Don't turn your head when you walk at night, don't turn your shoes toward the bed when you sleep, don't collect money from unknown sources...

But anyone who commits one of the taboos will be haunted by ghosts!

My face suddenly turned pale, but I always remember what my second uncle said, especially this matter, although it is small, but the consequences are not small, I remember it clearly every night when I go to bed, it must be the toe of the shoe facing outwards !

How could the toe of the shoe be facing the bed again?

Wasn't it a dream last night?

Something really climbed into my bed?

Inexplicably, the bits and pieces of words from last night echoed in my ears, she said she wronged me...she went ashore...

who is she?

Could it be Miss Meng's family in the pool of Meng's family?

I didn't dare to think about it anymore, it was such a big deal, I didn't even dare to wear the shoes next to the bed, I just jumped out of bed and ran out of the room barefoot.

In the yard, the second uncle was chatting with Cao Yonggui, the owner of Mipu.

Cao Yonggui was serious, while the second uncle took a sip of wine from time to time and nodded.

The two turned their heads almost at the same time.

Cao Yonggui greeted me kindly with a smile and called me Mr. Li.

The second uncle frowned slightly, and said, "What's the matter with Yin and Yang? Why did you make such a fuss early in the morning?"

My body froze, and I was afraid of scaring Cao Yonggui.

Holding on to the discomfort, he tried his best to calm down, and said, "Second Uncle, come in."

The second uncle was thoughtful, he turned his head to look at Cao Yonggui, and said, "Boss Cao, I have almost figured it out, you go to work and wait until it gets dark, I can easily handle this matter."

Cao Yonggui saw more joy in his eyes, nodded again and again, turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

After Cao Yonggui walked out, my stiff body almost collapsed, and I held on to the door frame.

The scar on the second uncle's face twitched twice, took another sip of wine, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

During the conversation, the second uncle approached me, and I stepped aside to let him into the house.

And I pursed my lips and pointed to the shoes by the bed.

The second uncle only glanced at it, and then cursed.

He looked around the room in amazement, and asked me what was going on?Why do you sleep with the toes of your shoes facing the bed?What else happened last night?

I explained it to my second uncle in a low voice, and told me all about the dream I had last night.

The second uncle's face was extremely ugly, the scar was slightly red, and he raised his hand to touch the bald head several times in a row.

I cautiously asked: "Ms. Meng's family?" The second uncle gave me a look, and he muttered: "Death is fierce, but not so fierce, and there is no pond around you, even though I lost it." Water ghouls are oily, but she can't climb that far when she climbs out, this is troublesome..."

I wanted to ask something else, but suddenly recalled my previous dream...

My mother stood on the edge of the hanging river and watched me, and Luo Yinpo was floating on the water before she was dragged into the water.

And when I was picking up the corpses of the men in the village, the female corpses I saw dazzlingly on the boat...

Immediately my whole body froze.

Could it be that she came ashore and is my mother?

The ghost woman didn't say clearly whether I failed in Yangguan Pass or not, but I have already survived that day...

But my mother came to me like this again, what does she mean?

Still can't let me go, do you want to take me away? !

The second uncle's face changed from ugly to cloudy and uncertain.

After a pause for a while, he said: "Don't panic about this matter, she didn't punish you in the water, there should be something wrong, I'll ask the ghost woman later."

I nodded with difficulty.

The second uncle signaled me to put on my shoes again, barefoot on the ground, the ground is heavy, we still have to be careful in this line of work, and don't wear shoes at all.

I was puzzled and asked my second uncle what this meant, and at the same time I tried my best to put aside my thoughts about my mother.

The second uncle shrugged and said, "Just follow the rules passed down from your ancestors."

After putting on his shoes, he followed his second uncle out of the room. Now that he was exposed to the sun in the yard, he felt a little more comfortable.

Someone came into the yard from the rice shop in front.

This person is not Cao Yonggui, but one of the guys from Mipu last night.

He held a tray in his hand, and it was good wine and food.

The haze on the second uncle's face dissipated a lot, and he took the tray with a smile. After the man said hello, he left in a hurry.

I followed the second uncle into the main room again, eating something, the second uncle poured me another sip of wine, after drinking, my stomach was burning, and the chill was completely dispelled.

There is that sentence in the book, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, I am so cautious, besides being afraid of cowardice, what good can I do?

After a meal, the second uncle also briefly explained the situation to me.

Obviously, he had figured everything out this morning.

Cao Yonggui's wife drowned in Xuanhe about nine months ago. At that time, she was already pregnant with Liujia and was seven months old.

Cao Yonggui was too busy to unload the cargo ship at Mipu that day, so he asked her to help him settle accounts at the pier.

As a result, another fishing boat docked, and the fishermen sold the catch at a low price, including a pair of red carp.

Cao Yonggui's wife wanted to have a son, and the red carp was an auspicious thing, so she went to buy it, hoping to release it for good luck.

As a result, he stumbled and fell by the water's edge. There were so many people on the pier, and the noisy people didn't notice it immediately. When they realized it, there was only one embroidered shoe left on the water.

At that time, many fishermen went down to help catch people, but they found nothing.

The boatman with a lot of experience in launching said that the water is urgent, and he is afraid that he has been washed downstream. The hanging river is so big that it is impossible to find it.

Cao Yonggui almost broke down. He hired people to search for three days in that section of the river, including the downstream, but they couldn't find anyone.

When he had to give up, he heard someone say that he saw a pregnant woman struggling in the water in the middle of the night, like his wife, so he found my father and wanted to help retrieve the body.

My father agreed, but this matter has been delayed until today.

After the second uncle finished speaking, he muttered again, saying that my father is stubborn, and he would not do things that make a lot of money. .

I forced a smile, knowing that the second uncle was just lip service and didn't talk much with him about this matter.

After a short pause, my second uncle told me that he was responsible for collecting the corpses at night.

The corpses of the mother and child seem to be one, but in fact they are one for one.

And there is one more thing to worry about, that is, the belly of the mother's corpse will burst before it lands.If the womb falls into the water, you don't have to wait until the pregnant corpse in October becomes a corpse, it will become a mother and child water evil spirit!

In the past, some corpse hunters encountered mother and son Shui Sha, and in the end even the corpse boat sank, and even the bones of the corpse hunter were not found.

After hearing what he said, I felt a chill in my heart.

Then I really dare not go into the water with my ability to pick up corpses. Now it is almost a practice. This kind of mother and child corpses is not something I can afford.

The second uncle patted me on the shoulder, and said: "Don't be too stressed. There is a second uncle who is going to pick up the corpse. Just settle the matter of receiving the yin. After this ticket is done, our uncle and nephew really have a lot of money." Son, you can hurry up and ask your husband to get your old man down." I nodded solemnly.

Immediately, I stopped chatting with my second uncle, and went to the house to carry out the big black wooden box, and continued to watch the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng.

After studying it carefully in the past few days, I have actually memorized all the content of the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng.

If I can watch people pick up vagina, I should be able to learn it quickly, instead of just figuring it out by myself like now.

It was getting late, and when the evening approached, Cao Yonggui came to deliver our meals by himself. He was obviously very tired after a busy day.

The second uncle called him to take a break, but Cao Yonggui refused, so he sat next to us.

Immediately, the second uncle stopped talking.

I can also see the reason, Cao Yonggui is kind and kind, and he doesn't rush us, but we have made a decision, and he is not willing to delay.

This matter is too important to him.

After the meal, before it got dark, the second uncle twisted his neck, exercised his muscles and bones, and signaled that we could go to the pier.

Immediately, Cao Yonggui became full of energy again, and he was tense and a little cramped.

After leaving the rice shop, he called two rickshaws, and we headed towards the pier.

It took about half an hour, and when we arrived at the pier, it was just getting dark.

While stroking his bald head, the second uncle walked towards the place where the corpse boat was parked.

At this moment, there are still some people standing on the pier, whispering to each other.

When we came over, they looked at us with a little uncomfortable look in their eyes.

The second uncle pushed through the crowd, and naturally Cao Yonggui and I followed closely behind.

And the second uncle's body froze, he stared straight at the bottom of the pier, his face uncertain.

My complexion also changed.

Because the corpse boat...sinks half...

The bottom half of the good-looking boat sank, and the bow part was tied to the pier with a rope. Otherwise, we would not be able to see the boat, and we would all have to sink into the river.

One of the most taboo things for people who eat on water is to dig a boat!

These days, there is only one job to earn a living. To smash someone's job is to make people go to the old and the young without food or drink. This must be a mortal enemy!

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