Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 237 I Don't Believe You!

I saw at a glance that the person entering the house turned out to be an old watchman.

He was staggering towards the bed.

I can no longer restrain the hatred in my heart, the blood is rushing to my head!

I got up suddenly, and the old watchman just happened to be in front of me at this moment.

I grabbed his collar suddenly and slammed into the wall next to him!

This time I exhausted all my strength, and the old watchman slammed me against the wall!

"It's you! Let my mother's blood go! I'll kill you!" My eyes were wide open, and I suddenly pulled out the divination knife at my waist, and the blade approached the old watchman's neck in an instant!

The next moment, I can kill him!

The old watchman stared straight at me.

There was a weird sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said quietly: "You, you can't kill me."

"I'm not capable of shedding her blood."

When he said this, there was a hint of murderous intent in the old watchman's eyes, which was very subtle and deeply hidden.

But I still clearly noticed that there was a chill in my heart.

I was so angry that I didn't realize at all a moment ago that the target of my attack was the old watchman!

He is an existence that even the paper figurine Xu and He Guipo can't fight together!

But at this moment, the old watchman was firmly pressed against the wall by me.

He's right, I'm not capable of that...

Killing him is simply impossible with my meager ability.

Obviously the old watchman didn't resist me.

And his last sentence, he has no ability to shed my mother's blood... This is indeed not a lie...

The atmosphere in the room became stagnant in an instant.

But just at this moment, the old watchman's eyes became dizzy.

Suddenly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he tremblingly said: "No... I didn't just... I dare not..." The voice stopped abruptly.

The old watchman's eyes were dull for a while, and he actually raised his arm and slapped himself hard on the face!

This slap was crisp and loud, and a deep slap mark appeared on his wrinkled face.Even the corners of his mouth spilled a few traces of blood.

Immediately afterwards, his other hand was also raised, and it was drawn towards the other half of his face.

This scene was too weird, obviously the old watchman didn't want to do it himself.

I quickly let go and dodged away.

After another clear applause, the old watchman's face trembled, and his dull expression returned, but the faint fear could no longer be concealed.

This fear is for my mother in bed.

He suddenly turned around and faced me, and bowed tremblingly, this bow, his waist almost broke.

Oddly enough, I thought it was the murderous intent that the old watchman saw towards me just now?That's why he was slapped twice?

A warm feeling rose in my heart, but more, I was still uncomfortable.

The next moment the old watchman straightened up, staggered to the side of the bed, took up the bowl of blood, and explained in a weak voice: "The Taoist priest who came in from the village is very vicious. I don't know if you survived. It's still the Taoist who is merciful."

"Firstly, she will kill the Taoist priest to avenge you. Secondly, the Taoist priest will not let it go. Once the sun rises and the sun shrouds, even if it is a living corpse, it may not be the opponent of the Taoist priest."

"She began to think that you were dead, so she had no intention of leaving."

"If there is a common enemy, then two people can be allies. There is a magic technique in Siliubang, which uses the flesh and blood of fierce corpses as ingredients, cooks a pot of corpse water, and then uses the extremely resentful blood of the corpses as a lure. After entering the corpse water and drinking this water, even a living person will gradually die and become a living corpse."

"Everyone in this village has become a living dead. Even at dawn, they are full of resentment. The sun can't shine in, so the Taoist priest has no ability to deal with her!" After explaining these words, the old watchman turned to Go outside.

Although his steps were staggering, the bowl of blood was held very smoothly.

My complexion changed drastically, and my heart was even more chilly.

Watchman, there is such a vicious technique?

But I always feel that it can't be that simple...

He would be so kind to deal with Liu Tianniu with my mother?Didn't he have any calculations?

More importantly, if my mother's bowl of blood goes down, everyone in Hejia Village will die!

This is definitely a sin that will be condemned by God!

Raising my hand suddenly, I grabbed the watchman's wrist.

"No!" I said decisively.

The old watchman's hands were as steady as iron tongs, and he said quietly: "Your son is indecisive, you can't do bad things, otherwise you will be lucky to survive once, and the Taoist won't hold back the second time, I've heard that , Taoist priests will kill when they see Yinshengzi."

The moment his voice fell, the atmosphere in the room seemed to be a lot more suppressed, and the temperature dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Even my hands are stiff...

I gradually had a feeling that I was about to lose control of my consciousness.

My complexion changed, and I said anxiously: " can't..."

His head suddenly buzzed.

At that moment, I felt that my consciousness was blank.

But in the next moment, I heard another chirp, which seemed to be a sound from something on my body.

From being numb and blank, his mind suddenly became clear.

I immediately understood that my mother was going to bump into me, and she was broken!

At that moment, the old watchman's face was extremely stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How is this possible?" He stared at me suspiciously.

I was so focused that I pushed the old watchman's hand hard, but his wrist was still as steady as Mount Tai!

I didn't break it by force, but lifted my leg violently, and pressed my knee against the lower body of the old watchman.

At the same time, my other hand holding the divination knife suddenly stretched out, and directly stabbed the old watchman's right eye!

With this two-pronged approach, if the old watchman wants to keep the blood bowl, he will either be blind or lose his lower body!

His legs are not good, so he has to rely on crutches!

I am also the one who must save the enemy!

With a splash, a bowl of corpse blood was spilled all over the ground!

The old watchman held my knee with one hand, and the two fingers of the other hand clamped the blade of the divination knife!

His eyes widened, and the murderous intent in his eyes almost gushed out!

"Li Yinyang, being indecisive, something big is about to happen!"

"The life of a village is more important, or your mother's life!? I don't even have to do with the watchmen under my command, but you want to use your mother's soul to save people? Taoist priests will not let you go!" The old watchman's tone was even more serious. It was harsh, and even extremely resentful.

I know very well that he didn't use all his strength, otherwise, I think he could crush my knees, obviously my mother is here, he dare not!

The blood bowl fell to the ground, which also made me breathe a sigh of relief.

I stared at the old watchman coldly, narrowed my eyes slightly and said: "I don't believe you, the way you said, it's impossible that you didn't leave yourself behind, who said, my mother must fight the Taoist priest to the death? "

"I'm still alive, and Liu Tianniu is meditating before dawn."

"I came here to find my mother and let her go!"

"You!" Murderous intent appeared again in the old watchman's eyes.

But soon, there was panic in his eyes.

"You can't..." These three words, he has changed his voice in a hurry.

But his expression suddenly became lax again, and with a bang, he fell to his knees heavily...

The hand holding my fortune-telling knife and the other hand holding my knee were also loosened.

Two slaps, the old watchman slapped himself in the face again!

With these two slaps, he almost deformed his face!

With a "click", a yellow tooth fell on the ground...

I pursed my lips, and the veins in my temples were throbbing.

But I also breathed a sigh of relief...

Obviously, it is impossible for my mother to blame me. The old watchman had murderous intent in his eyes, and he was immediately taught a lesson.

He looked down at the blood on the ground, and then at my mother on the bed.

I quickly took out my pocket watch and glanced at the time.

It's almost 04:30 now...

"Mother... It's almost dawn, you go, the Taoist priest doesn't dare to touch me anymore."

"I beg you, please don't kill anyone."

As I spoke, the soreness in my heart couldn't be restrained, and my voice choked again.

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