Without crutches, the old watchman's movements were obviously much slower.

I forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in my heart, and walked forward to meet him.

I reached the outermost edge of the crowd, and the old watchman squeezed in front of me.

He stared straight at me at first, with a smile on his lips, but in the next moment, his body twitched suddenly, and his eyes seemed to turn round.

A faint tinge of blue lingered on his eyelids, as if he was dying of illness.

Obviously, the old watchman struggled a bit at that moment, but he didn't struggle...

My heart trembled, and I immediately pursed my lips.

The old watchman tremblingly raised his hand, his rough palm, to touch my face.

But when his hand came in front of me, he stopped suddenly.

The "Old Watchman" moved his lips, vaguely, I seemed to hear a strange accent, and the word he spoke seemed to be a "dirty" word...

Then, the "old watchman" turned around again.

In front of the originally crowded courtyard gate, those people with their heads down suddenly raised their heads faintly at this moment.

They moved their bodies numbly and made way in the middle of the courtyard, all eyes were on me.

I can't describe that feeling, people's appearances can't be the same, and people's eyes can't be exactly the same.

However, the expressions in the eyes of these people were full of sadness.

This kind of mourning made me depressed.

After we entered the yard, those people lowered their heads again.

When he got to the pot, the old watchman stopped suddenly.

His body trembled again, and his steps that had been slightly steady a moment ago became staggering again.

The old watchman held the cauldron with one hand, and at the same time held the wooden stick on the edge of the pot with one hand, so as to stabilize his body.

"Go in." The old watchman suddenly said quietly, he glanced at me, and then at the door of the earthen house in the courtyard.

Then he ignored me, just stared straight at the pot, stirring it constantly, but the corners of his mouth curled up, clearly sneering.

That kind of emotion is even more frightening.

I also glanced at the pot, the turbid feeling was like broth, with a strange smell of oil floating.

Stirring... I also seem to see a few thick bones...

Immediately, I felt nauseous, the pores all over my body stood up, and my scalp was so numb that I almost lost consciousness.

I vaguely had a guess, but I didn't dare to think about it, because it was too frightening.

Under the strong pressure of panic, my heart became more urgent and anxious, and I stopped delaying time, and the speed of my feet became faster.

When I got to the door of the earth house, I pushed the door hard.

With a creaking sound, the door was pushed open.

In this house, there is still a person lighting a candle!

That was clearly a ghost woman, he was about forty years old, thin, with a candle wick burning in the middle of his head.

I was so startled that I almost yelled, but I still gritted my teeth and suppressed the fear.

There is a wooden bed on the side, and there is a person lying on the bed...

The moment my eyes fell, my whole body trembled.

What was on my mind most at this time was not fear, but sadness.

Because that woman also gave me a sense of sadness.

Even the whole room is oppressed.

I staggered a lot, and walked to the bed trembling.

I was trembling, I couldn't control the trembling of my body, but it was not because of fear, but because of the pain like a knife in my heart.

The woman lying on the bed looked to be in her twenties at most.

She has an oval face, her eyes are closed, revealing a sense of tranquility, but a small pimple between her brows shows that she is not at peace in her heart.

Dressed in yellowed white clothes, it was obvious that it had been a long time.

The hair was pressed under her body, and the black hair was actually a bit dark blue, and the skin on her face was more blue...

This is completely different from the livid complexion of the dead.

The green has penetrated deep into the skin, and there are even some fluffy lines attached to the skin.

And the position of her chest and abdomen seemed to be rising and falling vaguely...

My head was buzzing at that time.

My mother, don't you also have the breath of a living corpse?

The soreness in his eyes could no longer be endured, and two lines of tears welled up in his eyes.

Her appearance has many similarities with mine, and in the past 22 years, I have seen her in a blur in my dreams, and then I realized that she was a mother demon, and I was rescued by her several times. Didn't see her face so clearly.

The blue on her face represents the fierceness of the corpse!

And the ups and downs of her chest and abdomen were even more unbearable!

She has held back this tone for more than 20 years, and she is still so fierce...

God knows how much pain she suffered before she died?

"Mother..." I knelt down tremblingly on the ground.

I am very regretful at this time, regretting why I was afraid of her before!

When she saw that I was wounded and dying, she turned into such a fierce face that the entire village wanted to avenge me!

She has saved me so many times, followed me for so many years, and even Kanyang Pass did not harm me.

How can I fear her?How can you be afraid of her!Even how did I know what the recipient promised before? !

I slammed, and my head hit the ground heavily!

There was a muffled bang, and the feeling of dizziness almost didn't make me pass out directly.

But I didn't stop, I kowtowed three times!

"Yin Yang, you have a mother. You have been following me, but Yin Yang is not filial and doesn't know the pain in mother's heart."

"The son is even more unfilial, letting the mother suffer from the icy cold of the hanging river, and suffer from this resentment penetrating her body, tormenting her every day."

"Yin Yang, I will definitely set you free!" I raised my head abruptly, and looked at my mother's body on the bed, my eyes were filled with determination.

But at this moment, I still found something wrong.

The few times I saw my mother before, she was always floating underwater.

At that time, she should have moved.

And the living corpse has a breath that can't be swallowed, and this action should be similar to that of a living person.

But why is she motionless now? !

The sound of ticking suddenly appeared next to my ears.

I was too depressed before, so I didn't notice it, but now I saw an enamel bowl on the ground next to the bed.

There was a bloody gash on my mother's wrist.

Drop by drop of blood is flowing into the enamel bowl.

Under the light of faint people lighting candles, the blood bowl was more than half full, and as the blood dripped, the surface formed circle after circle of ripples...

My mother can't wake up, is it because of bloodletting?

I stared fixedly at the blood bowl, wanting to burst into tears.

Just at this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind me.

I turned around and looked behind me!

[The author has something to say]

November has been completely spent, I hope everyone will work hard to cheer up! December will be the last month of this year!

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