That hand was clasped firmly on the side of the boat, and the sharp nails were caught in the willow wood. The pale white and the shadowy black of the willow wood formed a stark contrast.

The knuckles of this finger are very large, and the finger is very thick, even where the two fingers connect, it looks a bit like a duck web.

The pulling strength of the waist has increased a lot.

I was holding on to the boat, and even the boat was tilting sideways!

If I don't get on the boat again, my father won't be able to get on the boat!

Without thinking about it, I grabbed the side of the boat with the other hand and jumped up suddenly, half of my body lying on the corpse boat.

But I also saw clearly everything inside the cabin.

A "person" with a particularly strange appearance was lying on the side of the boat, with a round and pale face.

A pair of eyes occupy almost half of the frame of the face, and the bridge of the nose is short.

Its mouth skin is still a little turned out, revealing uneven teeth.

And it's clearly ready to charge.

I leaned on the boat and looked at it, just for a split second, it suddenly jumped towards my face!

Weird big hands, sharp nails exuding endless murderous intent and chill!It was about to stab my head and face!

I had no time to panic, I shrank suddenly, and my body retracted under the hull of the boat, completely submerged in the water.

But I dare not let go of my hands, I am afraid that if I let go, I will be dragged directly to the bottom of the river...

This one just matched the strength of the pull behind me, and I felt that my waist was almost broken.

With a muffled snort, a lot of water poured into my mouth, choking my eyes black for a while!

"Plop!" The sound of splashing water hit my ears at the same time, and I knew it must have been thrown into the water by the thing.

I didn't dare to hesitate at all, and I used my arms again, my eyes were wide open, and my eyes were hot and red. After a loud roar, I used my strength to climb onto the corpse boat!

Immediately afterwards, I turned around suddenly, and at the same time pulled up the corpse-picking pole in the cabin, and looked at the water surface in amazement.

During this period, the rope around his waist was still stretched straight, and the heavy force of pulling it did not weaken at all.

But the water behind me, except for the sparkling water and the bleakly reflected moonlight, there is nothing else...

That thing just now?Don't care about me if I get into the water?

Not like it? !

I pursed my lips tightly, my eyes were extremely vigilant, but I dropped the corpse pole with both hands, and quickly grabbed the rope around my waist.

That thing was clearly going to kill me, but now it disappeared in a flash, it's so weird.

But the most urgent thing is to get my dad out of the water, otherwise there will be no chance!

The green hemp rope soaked in water is not slippery, because the corpse hunter specially made it with a secret method, but it is more comfortable.

I held my breath again with a whoosh, and concentrated all my strength on my hand, pulling it up fiercely!

The veins on my forehead were bulging, and my muscles were exerting force, so that my eyes widened and the burning feeling became stronger.

Inch by inch, I pulled the rope out of the water.

My heart beat faster and faster, pounding, almost popping out of my throat.

At the same time, I was more vigilant, for fear that that thing would suddenly jump out of the water and give me a fatal blow.

Time seemed to pass very slowly.

The falling force under the water seems to have reached a delicate balance with me, it's just a little weaker than me...

I don't know how long I've been pulling it, but there are already two meters of green hemp rope on the boat...

Suddenly at this moment, the moonlight in the sky was blocked by a burst of dark clouds, and the vision became even darker.

With a slight splashing sound, a pale face with livid eyes broke the surface of the water.

Messy and messy hair, deep wrinkles like knife cuts, tightly closed eyes...

My dad was caught!

At that moment, I had goose bumps all over my body, and my heart was even more unspeakably sad.

However, the moment he came out of the water, not only his previous arms, but also fine white fluff instantly grew on his face.

I don't know if I'm blind or what, his eyelids seem to move? !

And the force of the fall suddenly increased!

The corpse boat wobbled and was almost pulled over!

I was shocked, but I reacted instantly.

He roared with great sorrow: "Father, you are cold and hungry in the water, don't stay in the water, I brought you food!"

"Get on the boat and have something to eat, and then we'll go home!" My voice was almost broken, and the roar echoed endlessly on the river.

The corpse boat, which was almost sideways, suddenly stabilized a lot.

My dad's body was still falling into the river.

Suddenly, that force suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, his body floated up strangely... He was facing up, staring blankly at the night sky.

The original drowned corpse should be the male corpse facing down and the female corpse facing upwards. If it was reversed, it would be a murderous corpse with lingering resentment after death.

I stared blankly at the corpse, feeling as if a boulder was blocked in my heart, making it hard to breathe.

Clap, clack sound suddenly hit the hull.

The slightly rippling water surface of the hanging river also stirred up countless small splashes in an instant.

Almost in a moment, it was pouring down with rain!

Suffocating my breath, I yanked on the rope and pulled my father's body onto the corpse boat.

The moment the corpse entered the hull, stiff hands and feet landed in the cabin, making a dull sound.

I quickly pulled him into the cabin of the bamboo shed, barely avoiding a little rain, and then I took out a dirty yellow veil with trembling hands, and wiped the rain on his face.

But for some reason, the rain on his face was wiped clean.

But soon, water began to seep from his face again...

The fine water droplets are caught in the white fluff, which looks extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the hull began to shake slightly again...

When I was startled, I immediately groped around my waist.

Soon I found out the cloth bag containing a hundred rice.

Quickly opened the mouth of the bag, reached in and grabbed a handful of rice, the bag followed me into the water, the rice was soaked wet, and some indescribably cold.

My other hand pinched my father's chin and broke it down hard.

His mouth was also extremely stiff, and the fluff was like barbs. Holding it hard even made my fingers hurt, as if it had been pierced into the flesh.

After he opened his mouth, it was empty and filled with a sense of death.

I quickly stuffed a handful of rice into it, and then groped it down again.

Suddenly the tingling between my fingers got worse, I hissed, took a breath of air and let go.

My father's mouth was tightly shut immediately.

But after eating this mouthful of Baijiami, the boat didn't sway, it was extremely stable.

The sound of splashing rain was ear-piercing, and amidst the sound of rain, there were three sharp whistles!

I turned around in shock and looked at the shore of the pier. The rain was so heavy that I couldn't see clearly at all.

But the whistle must have been blown by the second uncle.

Corpse hunters usually have one person per boat, and it is difficult to communicate on the water surface. Apart from gestures, there are also passwords.

These three whistles represent extreme danger, go ashore quickly!

It's definitely not safe on the water. I don't know why that thing entered the water just now and didn't attack me, but it must still be there.

At this moment, I had a little time to think a little more, and my thoughts became much clearer.

Those things just now are more powerful than the fierce ghosts in the water. Logically, they should be called water monkeys, but most people call them water ghosts.

Water ghouls are mostly active at night. If there is a single fishing boat, they will often touch the boat, kill people and capsize the boat. They eat corpses for a living. If there is no corpse to eat, they will kill people.

In fact, there are rumors that there are water ghosts dragging their feet by the water, and nine out of ten are made by water ghouls. Real drowned corpses are rarely near the shore.

With my thoughts so far, I quickly ran to the tail of the boat, drew up the oars, quickly turned the direction of the corpse boat, and punted towards the shore.

The rain was so heavy that the entire surface of the Xuanhe River was not only rainy, but also foggy.

I kept punting on without any major problems.

However, there is a faint feeling of being watched behind him...

The distance of more than 20 meters seems to have become extraordinarily long.

The feeling of being stared at was so strong that I couldn't hold it back for a while, and cautiously glanced back in the direction of the bow.

The fog was so thick that even the sight on the boat was very bad.

And at the bow of the ship, there was a shadow of a person standing faintly?

That's definitely not the water ghoul just now, it's definitely a person!

I was so frightened that I bit my tongue with a muffled grunt.

The tingling and fear made me sweat all over, and this sweat mixed with the rain, making it extremely sticky.

And why did that person's shadow disappear? !

The bow is empty, where is anyone?

However, I found that the fog seemed to dissipate a little in the direction I looked.

Farther away, where I stopped the boat just now, there seemed to be a female corpse floating.

At this glance, I felt sad and sad in my heart, and tears were about to flow down.

But the tingling still stimulated my consciousness. I shook my head vigorously, not daring to look or think too much, and quickly punted towards the shore.

A moment later, there was a muffled bang, and the corpse boat hit the pier.

At this moment, I can also clearly see the second uncle and the ghost old man on the pier.

The old man squinted his eyes slightly, and now he held the rusty knife pinned to his waist, staring straight at the water.

The second uncle hurriedly jumped onto the corpse boat, his face was anxious, and told me to get on the pier quickly, while he quickly walked to the cabin of the bamboo shed, and then he carried my father's body.

I pursed my lips and didn't say much, and quickly got on the pier.

The next moment, the second uncle also climbed up, and he looked at the old man even more eagerly.

"Go back to avoid the rain first. I'll take a look at his body. If it's okay, I'll see if I can bury it. If I can't now, I have to let you hang it." The old man said suddenly, but his attention was still on the water.

And what he said about hanging up made my complexion change.

This is not a good sign, nor is it a good plan...

My father must not hang his corpse!

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