The second uncle's body froze obviously. He blushed and his neck was thick, and he was about to speak.

I was trembling in my heart, but I thought that what the old man said was definitely not lying.

From the time I first met him until now, he has always said that he wants me to retrieve the corpse, so I'm afraid I'm the only one who can do it!

The second uncle has already failed to retrieve the corpse twice, and it is absolutely impossible to let him go the third time!

"Okay, I'll go." I said word by word.

"No..." Second Uncle raised his hand to grab my shoulder.

The old man coughed loudly, and suddenly he reached out and grabbed the second uncle's wrist.

Although the old man looked thin and old, his hands were really strong. A strong man like Second Uncle couldn't move, and there were still big spots of sweat on his forehead.

"After receiving the money, I will do the work. If you drink too much, don't talk too much." The old man spoke again, and his voice became slightly indifferent.

The second uncle's body trembled for a moment, he pursed his lips tightly, and stopped talking.

I stood up straight away, took a deep breath, walked to the edge of the pier, and jumped directly onto Second Uncle's corpse boat.

There was a muffled bang, and I staggered, almost losing my footing.

Quickly holding on to the edge of the boat, I stabilized my body, then I shook the oars and pushed the boat forward.

During this process, I pulled out the Gu jade hanging around my neck and exposed it to the moonlight.

The distance of more than 20 meters is very short, and soon I came to the remains of the corpse boat.

The moonlight became even colder, and the already blackened wood grain fragments became darker in color.

Just looking at it, I feel very depressed and uncomfortable. I used to be on that corpse boat for 20 years, and my father did not know how many corpses were salvaged, but now it looks like this...

I stared at it steadily for several seconds before I managed to expel the discomfort in my heart.

I walked quickly to the cabin of the bamboo shed, and there was a wooden box in the cabin as a table. I opened it, and sure enough, there was a set of outfits for a corpse hunter in it.

Under normal circumstances, the corpse hunter would keep a set of green hemp gowns, and the second uncle was no exception.

I quickly changed into the green linen jacket and linen trousers, and there were ropes in the box, but I didn't have the divination knife that the corpse hunter carried with him.

Those things are passed down from generation to generation, and there is only one corpse hunter in each line, and it is impossible for me to ask my second uncle for him.

There is also an air bag made of pig belly at the bottom of the box. I also take it out and hang it on my waist, and finally hang the rope on my shoulder, and everything is almost ready.

Walking to the side of the boat, I lowered my head and stared at the messy planks on the water, adjusted my breathing, and forced my whole body to calm down.

Recalling the techniques and details my father taught me about scavenging corpses.

When I felt that everything beside my ears was extremely quiet, I leaned forward without hesitation, and got into the water directly!

The moment you enter the water, it is bitingly cold!

All limbs and bones were wrapped in the cold, and my body froze for an instant.

But it was only for a moment. I swayed my body and got rid of this stressful reaction.

I used to learn to swim by going down the river during the day, but today is night, and I have to fish for my father's body, which is hard for me to control.

About three or four meters downstream, my eyes have adapted to the darkness underwater.

The underwater visibility is very low, but the eyes of the corpse hunter are very special, because they can see many things that normal people cannot see after being underwater all year round.

As for me, because of my special fate, I can see more.

My father always sighed before, saying that blessings come from misfortunes. I am born with a yin fate, which is very suitable for eating dead people, and even more suitable for being a corpse collector, but there is my mother in the water...

Thoughts were jumbled, but my vision was all underwater.

The speed downstream is faster, and the pressure felt by the skin gradually increases.

Finally I see the riverbed below...

At this distance, there was very little moonlight penetrating the river.

There are many big rocks in the riverbed, and some old trees have their roots half exposed, and there are many shadows in some rocks. I don't know if there are corpses or something terrible...

I landed on one of the slightly larger rocks. After stabilizing my body, I looked around carefully, looking for my father's body.

First, under a nearby rock, I saw a male corpse, half of his body stuck in the sand of the river.

He was only two or three meters away from me, even though the light was very unclear, I could barely recognize him. This is a villager in our village... In all likelihood, he went into the water to rescue Luo Yinpo the night before, and then drowned people……

But what made my heart skip a beat was that they would drown if they were drowned, at most they would be entangled in tree roots, how could the drowned bodies be buried in the river sand? !

Did my mother bury them there?

Thinking of this, I shudder even more.

And I began to feel as if there were eyes on all sides, watching me...

I pinched my palm with my fingers to dispel unnecessary thoughts and clear my mind.

He picked up the pork belly at his waist and took a breath of the air that smelled like urine.

I didn't immediately fish for that villager, but continued to search.

Scanning around, I didn't find my father's body at the bottom of the river bed, but I found the oars stuck upright in the east direction.

And my dad's corpse picker!

The corpse-picking pole was inserted straight into the rocks, but the position of the top was shaking.

I looked up, and suddenly my body trembled.

A thin corpse was hung on the top of the corpse picking pole, swinging with the surging river...

I pursed my lips, my eyes were hot, there seemed to be a hot flow, tears mixed into the river.

Adjusting my body, I swam towards the east.

No wonder I started looking around and couldn't find my dad.

The underwater visibility is not good, I have been looking at the bottom of the river bed, but the body picking pole is five or six meters long, my father's body is hanging on the top, just missed my line of sight...

Soon, I arrived in front of my father's body.

I struggled to keep swimming, staring blankly at his face.

Thin cheeks, the flesh is almost close to the bone, the high cheekbones are protruding like a knife, and the thick and thick eyebrows are particularly messy.

His eyes were closed tightly, his lips were tightly pursed, his skin was bluish yellow, and he was devoid of life, only dead silence...

On his chest, there is a dagger firmly inserted in the position of the heart.

Just looking at it makes my heart twitch.

There is still a green hemp rope tied around my father's waist, half of which has been broken. This is the rope that my second uncle was hanging on when he was fishing for him yesterday. superior.

I touched the belly of the pig again and took a deep breath.

Then I removed the green hemp rope on the shoulders, wrapped the rope around my father's neck, then wrapped it around his back and cut his arms backwards to tie him tightly.

My father told me that in the past, death-row prisoners who were to be executed in autumn would be tied up in this way, and corpse hunters must also be tied up in this way when they want to recover the third corpse.

Because San Lao's corpse might turn into evil spirits!

During this period, my hand touched my father's skin, and the cold that belongs to the dead made me shiver and shiver non-stop.

Finally tied the rope, I wrapped the other end around my waist, just in case, I wrapped two strands of rope, and tied the cut off to the current rope.

Everything was ready, I held my breath, carried my father on my back, hung his arms crossed in front of my neck, and tied his wrists with a short piece of rope, which was regarded as stabilizing the corpse.

I started to swim upwards.

It's easy when you come down, and it's also easy when you swim alone.

But it is not easy to carry a corpse on your back.

My father looked thin, but his body was dead, as if he was carrying a bag of raw soil.

I swam very hard, and after about half of the distance up, the moonlight shining into the river was much clearer, and the visibility increased a lot.

But the strange thing is, I feel that the position of my neck is tightened?

There was sweat on his forehead, but the sweat melted into the river, making it even colder.

Looking down a little, my father's two arms were originally slightly loose, and they were tied to my rope before hanging on me.

But now his arms have become very close...pressing my neck tightly, making my throat hurt...

What's even more frightening is that on his bluish-yellow dead skin, a faint white fluff grew up...

The moment I saw this white fluff, my scalp was numb.

The position of the shoulder just sank, and there was still a slight pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my father's head pressing on my shoulder, and his chin pressing against my shoulder blade.

A slightly itchy feeling came from his ears.

I can't blow air in the water, but I feel that he is still blowing, which makes the river flow faster, and the touch is more obvious.

Fear grew in my heart, my father...began to melt away...

He was killed underwater, he was too angry, and the white hair is one of the manifestations of transforming evil spirits!

Once the evil spirit is transformed, it will be an extremely vicious corpse!

I suppressed my panic and swam even harder!

It's just that the feeling of deadness is heavier, and my swimming speed is getting slower and slower...

I bit the bullet and continued to insist.

Finally I started to get close to the water surface, and there was a long shadow above, which was clearly a corpse boat!

I was overjoyed and burst out with stronger strength.

But suddenly, my neck was tightly stuck!

I stopped suddenly, and reached out to grab my dad's arm, but I couldn't break it no matter how hard I tried...

I dare not mess up.

Boldness and carefulness are the key to recovering corpses. Once I mess up, something will happen to me!

I tried to bear it, held my breath, and tried to hold on for as long as possible.

Trying again not to be able to break my dad's arm, I lowered my head, looked directly at the position of his wrist, and quickly untied the rope that bound his wrist.

Suddenly, the moment he untied it, his arms immediately let go!

I suddenly felt empty, and he fell towards the water!

No matter what obstacles the corpse hunter encounters in the water, or how the corpse responds, that is a reason, the corpse itself does not want to go ashore.

I let go of the rope, my father let go of his arms, and that's exactly what happened!

But I didn't panic, but my eyes widened, the muscles of my whole body tensed up, I kept the status quo, and I didn't continue to go upstream!

The next moment, there was a sudden force that pulled me down!

The veins on my forehead were bulging, and I tried my best not to be dragged down.

The pulling force only lasted for a moment, and then there was a deadly pulling feeling.

I turned my head and glanced down.

The rope around my waist was stretched straight, and my father's body fell about five or six meters, reaching the limit of the rope.

His body arched forward, his limbs fell towards the back, his eyes were closed tightly, and the dead silence was more intense.

I moved my mouth, a string of bubbles came out, I turned my head, and I desperately continued to swim!

Finally, when I got close to the edge of the corpse boat, I suddenly stretched out my hand, sticking out of the water, and instinctively, I grabbed the corpse boat!

Then, with all my strength, I got out of the water.

But the moment I got out of the water, my scalp twitched, my eyes widened, and my eyes were full of surprise!

On the edge of the corpse boat, there is a hand, which seems to be touching the edge of the boat from the inside out...

That hand was extremely pale, with sharp nails, it didn't look like a human hand at all!

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