Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1056 Extra Story: Escape Chapter 3

Li Dunkong took a step and approached Xu Wei.

He is slow.

But every blow gave Xu Wei great pressure.

Sweat dripped from Xu Wei's forehead. How could he have expected that Li Dunkong, who was in his early 20s and dressed in a Tang suit, was a little gentleman in his daughter's mouth.

There is such a thing as a monster

More than a dozen talismans fixed the dozen or so most capable servants of his Xu family

But so what?

Can scare him Xu Wei?

Xu Wei took two steps backwards.

He rushed into the back door in a panic.

Li Dunkong frowned, instead of chasing him, he hurried to Yunyan's side.

Only resentment and anxiety remained in his eyes.

Quickly helping Yunyan up, he quickly took out a bottle of golden sore medicine from his pocket.

This is the Liu family's gold sore medicine that Liu Zhengdao taught him to make when he left. It has miraculous effects in healing trauma.

The powder was sprinkled on the wound, and then, Li Dunkong took out a small jade bottle, poured out a pale white pill, and fed it into Xu Yunyan's mouth.

Xu Yunyan suddenly snorted softly and opened his eyes tremblingly.

Li Dunkong's eyes were suddenly filled with surprise.

"Yunyan, are you alright?" His voice trembled slightly.

"I" Xu Yunyan was at a loss at first, then her eyes panicked.

"Dunkong, go away, my father has ambushed many people."

Li Dunkong felt even more distressed, he supported Xu Yunyan to stand up.

His eyes scanned the people on the street.

The wind blew on the heads and faces of those people, and the talismans fluttered slightly.

"Yunyan, are you talking about them?" Li Dunkong said softly.

In Xu Yunyan's eyes, only stunned and shocked remained.

There was an extra smile on Li Dunkong's face: "A hundred more of these ordinary people are no match for me. My parents don't allow me to come out in their name, and they don't let me use the name of foster father to show off. , otherwise, the Xu family would not treat you like this, nor would they treat me like this."

"I'll take you to see Brother Zhongliang and Brother Jiugua, let them think of a way, or can they come forward?" Li Dunkong's tone became extraordinarily serious and cautious.

"My parents say I am young, but I know that I am not young. At that time, my mother was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she followed my father through the rivers and lakes. Although I am three or four years younger than my father, I am still younger than my father." He has studied art for many years, you are about the same age as me, and also a few years older than my mother." Xu Yunyan was extremely dazed when he heard these words.

However, she felt that the two names Zhongliang and Jiugua were a little familiar?

But because she has been studying in the south all year round, she doesn't have much time to go home, and for a while, she doesn't remember who they are.

However, Xu Yunyan nodded tenaciously, and said more firmly: "Okay, I'll go back with you." Li Dunkong held Xu Yunyan's slender palm tightly.

He wrapped his arms around her waist with one hand, and was about to jump onto the roof.

Although this was not taught by Liu Zhengdao, he had seen Liu Zhengdao walking on the roof too many times, which was convenient and fast.

But at this moment, the Xu family's back door began to pour in people.

At both ends of the street, dazzling lights began to appear, as well as the harsh sound of horns.

In an instant, both ends of the street were blocked.

There were far more than a hundred people in the field.

Nearly a hundred of the Xu family came out.

There are more than a dozen cars blocking the road at both ends, and people are getting off the cars non-stop.

Xu Wei had simply bandaged his ears, and he walked out of the backyard door.

His entire face was already extremely gloomy.

"Li Dunkong, let me see how many magic tricks you know. All the servants of my Xu family, have you seen the people on the street? I'll call the Lu family, they are from the Lu family!"

"Today, you can't walk out of this street!"

"Yunyan, get the hell out of here!"

Xu Wei's eyes became more severe.

In fact, the moment the person came out, Xu Yunyan's face became extremely pale again.

Xu Wei's words made her body tremble, and she wanted to leave Li Dunkong's arms.

Li Dunkong did not let go.

He hugged Xu Yunyan tightly, his expression still unchanged.

"Uncle Xu, you are blind at such a young age. I feel sorry for the big Xu family." Xu Wei frowned, staring at Li Dunkong's hand, his eyes became more cloudy.

"Li Dunkong, no matter how nonsense you are talking about now, you can't get away." "Call me blind? Wait a minute, I'm going to make you blind your eyes!" He sternly yelled.

"Nonsense? I think you are not only blind, but also dizzy. No one dares to say that I am a toad, and no one dares to say that Li Dunkong's spells are sorcery." Li Dunkong said coldly: " If you know who I am, if these people know who I am, I'm afraid none of them would dare to hold a murder weapon in their hands!"

"Sharp teeth!" Xu Wei yelled in a low voice: "What are you waiting for? Take Li Dunkong immediately! If you hurt the Li family and pay for the soup and medicine, and die, the Li family will give you a [-] reward! "

As soon as Xu Wei said this, the eyes of everyone behind were filled with excitement.

Someone yelled again: "Young master will be here soon, grab this stick and the Lu family will reward you!" Everyone swarmed towards Li Dunkong in the middle of the street!

Xu Yunyan was speechless.

she was completely dumbfounded

She just wanted to push Li Dunkong away and stand in front of him!

There are hundreds of people here, each person with one stick is enough to kill Li Dunkong more than a dozen times.

No matter what his status is, it is impossible to protect himself here!

But Li Dunkong's hug was too tight, she couldn't break free at all!

Li Dunkong frowned, forming a pimple.

He didn't leave immediately.

Because, he wants to teach the Lu family and the Xu family a lesson!

Otherwise, these two families must be like flies attached to the marrow, and there will be no small troubles in the future.

It will also make Xu Yunyan feel uneasy and worried day and night.

He pulled out his right hand and untied a string.

The muscles all over his body tensed up, just as he was about to wave his hand and throw away the talisman.

Suddenly, a soft bang resounded through the entire street, suppressing all the noisy voices.

Immediately afterwards, there was a light drink piercing the night sky.

"It's dry, be careful with candles."

"When the ugly hour arrives, the cock will start to crow!"

"Yuan's yin and yang house delivers documents, gifts to Xu's family, idlers, etc., stay away."

Everyone in the field looked shocked.

The servants who belonged to the Xu family showed ecstasy on their faces. Not only did they retreat, but they also pressed the rest of them to retreat, forcing a way out in the crowded street.

A tall and thin old man, holding a gong and a gong, with a cloth strip wrapped around his head, walked quietly forward.

Behind him, followed by a small paper maker.

Behind the paper maker, followed by a string of paper maker.

The paper-made man carried many wooden boxes.

"Yin Yang House? Immortal Master Yuan Huashao, what did he give the Xu family?" Xu Yunyan's expression was blank, but she was also happy. In this case, maybe Li Dunkong could take the opportunity to leave.

She lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Dunkong, go quickly." Li Dunkong didn't move.

Xu Yunyan was extremely anxious, she looked up at Li Dunkong.

But he found that a smile appeared on Li Dunkong's face.

"Dunkong, how can you still laugh, hurry up!" Xu Yunyan was about to cry.

Li Dunkong said softly: "Don't go, just wait and see." At this time, the joy in his heart was even more.

His parents never agreed with him and Yunyan, so he also wanted to tell his adoptive father, Yuan Huashao.

But in those few days, the adoptive father was retreating again.

He asked Xin Jiazi to tell him.

Originally, he thought that the reactions of his adoptive father and parents were the same.

But now it seems that it is obviously not the case.

At this moment, Xu Wei's face was also full of excitement, and there was even a trace of trembling.

He didn't know why the Xu family was favored by Yuan Huashao, but this did not prevent the Xu family from going against the trend!

Because, this is a gift from Mr. Kai Yangda, I am afraid that tomorrow, the family that wants to cooperate with the Xu family will have to break through the house.

Looking at Li Dunkong again, his eyes became even colder.

At this moment, there is no rush to kill Li Dunkong.

It won't be too late for the people from Yuan's Yin and Yang House to leave!

In a blink of an eye, the tall and thin watchman and the paper maker Xu Ming arrived at the back door of Xu's house.

Xu Wei bowed respectfully and politely.

But the watchman and Xu Ming didn't look at him.

On the contrary, when he got in front of Li Dunkong, he bowed to Li Dunkong, or even knelt down on one knee

"Xu Ming, I have seen the young master." "Kong Bin, I have seen the young master." "The immortal master divination, said that the young master is in trouble, and asked the two of us to come to the Xu family to rescue the young master with gifts and words."

At the same time, everyone on both sides of the street looked blank.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes were filled with only horror.

Xu Wei was also stunned.

The next moment, he slammed and knelt straight on the ground.

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