Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1055 Extra Story: Escape Chapter 2

Kaiyang, west of the city.

The bright and clear moon, swaying the lustrous moonlight, stretched a slender figure extremely long.

Xu Yunyan shrank her shoulders, breathed out again at her almost frozen hands, and rubbed them vigorously.

Under the moonlight, two blushes appeared on her fair cheeks.

Exquisite facial features, a high nose bridge, and huge eyes, are as peaceful as an autumn lake.

A head of slightly curly hair hangs behind her shoulders.

She glanced at the right side of the road, her beautiful lips pursed slightly.

"It's more than half the time." Xu Yunyan's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

It had been almost two hours since she sneaked out.

The appointed time has already passed, but Li Dunkong has not come yet.

She rubbed her palms again, her eyes became more tenacious, and she murmured to herself: "I'll wait until I'm ugly."

At this moment, there was a creaking sound from the back door.

Xu Yunyan's face changed slightly, and she turned her head away.

The door opened.

Stepping out was a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses.

His eyes were extremely severe.

"Wait until the ugly time? I see, you not only want to wait until the ugly time, but also want to run out with that magic stick?!" "Father" Xu Yunyan looked even more flustered.

"You didn't see the young master of the Lu family, and you told me that you wanted to cancel the engagement."

"Even in the middle of the night, if you don't know how to be careful, you wait here for that magic stick. If it gets out, the Xu family's face will be completely humiliated!" Xu Wei's eyes became more serious, and his face became even more angry.

As he walked out of the back door, a dozen servants also rushed out from behind.

These people all had sticks and even long knives in their hands.

They all hid under the eaves, or on the side of the road.

"Father, what do you want to do?" Xu Yunyan didn't have time to defend herself, she watched the actions of those servants in a panic, and her heart became even more flustered.

"What are you doing? I want to see what kind of face that magic stick is. It has deceived you and made you dizzy. You should go back to the house immediately!"

"The engagement, the Lu family and I have advanced it. You will marry in three days!" Xu Wei pointed at the back door and whispered more severely.

"No! You are not allowed to hurt him, and I will not marry either!" Xu Yunyan's body trembled, her eyes were extremely determined.

Xu Wei went right up to her, raised his hand, and slapped Xu Yunyan on the face!


Five bright red fingerprints were left on the fair cheeks.

Xu Yunyan burst into tears immediately.

"Marriage is an important matter, the order of parents, the words of matchmaker. If you don't marry, where will you put your father's face? You still want to be with a charlatan, and where will your Xu family's face be!" Xu Wei raised his hand, I have to smoke again!

But Xu Yunyan tremblingly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve.

Without hesitation, she compared it to her neck.

Xu Wei's complexion changed suddenly, and he stopped abruptly.

"Yunyan! What are you doing?" He was shocked.

Xu Yunyan's body trembled, and the tip of the dagger touched his neck lightly, revealing a trace of blood.

Her voice trembled even more: "Young master of the Lu family, he stayed overnight in Yanliu Lane. There are rumors from the outside world that he is proficient in smoking, drinking, whoring and gambling. Dad, you want to climb up the Lu family and bring business to the family, but you want to use me to do it." exchange."

"My daughter would rather die than obey. If you really want to force me to marry, then there will only be a corpse!"

"If you dare to hurt Dunkong, your daughter will commit suicide in front of you!"

Just a moment ago, Xu Yunyan seemed to be a weak young lady, but at this moment, there was already a desire to die in her resolute eyes!

"You!" Xu Wei's face turned blue and red, and soon, his face turned purple with anger.

Xu Yunyan's face became more determined, and the dagger was gradually pushed in.

Pain appeared between her brows, and the blood formed a small line and flowed down her neck.

"Stop it." Xu Wei's face was only flustered, he tremblingly said: "Father promises you, you put down the dagger first, tomorrow, father will go to dissolve the engagement, and father will not move Li Dunkong."

Xu Yunyan was stunned for a moment, a gleam of joy appeared on her face.

"Really?" Xu Yunyan bit her lip and said.

"How could Dad lie to you?" Xu Wei said again tremblingly.

Xu Yunyan's eyes became more joyful, and she put down the dagger.

But in the next moment, Xu Wei's eyes turned hard, he raised his hand, grabbed the dagger, grabbed Xu Yunyan's hair, and pushed it hard against the wall.

Xu Yunyan groaned, and she fell limply to the ground.

On the forehead, there was a bright red wound.

Xu Wei threw the dagger on the ground, and his expression was extremely gloomy: "It's normal for a daughter to marry for the benefit of the family! How can you threaten to be a father?" "Come on, bring the young lady back immediately." Room, look carefully”

Xu Wei's voice has not yet fallen.

Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind the ear.

There was a soft chirp.

Xu Wei only felt a burning pain in his right ear.

He raised his hand to touch it, and it was already blood red!

Suddenly, Xu Wei turned around.

On the opposite roof stood a tall young man.

A Tang suit was blowing in the wind, and the two strings around his waist trembled slightly.

On Li Dunkong's handsome face, there was no kindness, only frost.

he has come all the way

Unexpectedly, the last thing I saw was the scene where Xu Yunyan's head hit the wall!

"If you weren't Yunyan's father, the piece of tile just now hit your back and killed you!" Li Dunkong's voice was full of murderous intent.

"Fate?" Xu Wei's eyes were equally murderous, he covered his ears with a handkerchief, and said in a low voice, "A charlatan who knows how to practice three-legged cat kung fu, who relies on a magic stick to get by, dares to take my life!" Life?"

"It's just brazen!"

"You have the guts to lie to Yunyan, but do you have the guts to stop?" Xu Wei shouted again in a low voice.

Li Dunkong jumped straight to the middle of the road!

Xu Wei's expression froze, but surprise appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, under the shadows on both sides of the street, more than a dozen servants of the Xu family came out.

Everyone is vicious, maybe they are holding sticks or long knives in their hands!

Li Dunkong's expression did not change at all.

"Is it just these few people? Do you want to call out all the members of your Xu family?"

"Let me take Yunyan away like this, I'm afraid you will still be unwilling." Li Dunkong had a bit of sarcasm on his face.

Xu Wei was taken aback for a moment, and his expression became even more stern.

"With such a big breath, I'm not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue."

"Today, I will let you know that you, a toad, are not qualified to approach Yunyan."

"My Xu family is also considered a famous family, and the young master of the Lu family is Yun Yan's good match!"

"Do it!" Xu Wei raised his hand and gave the order directly.

The dozen or so servants shouted loudly and rushed towards Li Dunkong!

The eyebrows that Li Dunkong frowned suddenly dispersed.

Then, his body suddenly spun!

Amidst the swishing sound, more than a dozen talismans shot out from his body!

Another moment.

There are more than a dozen figures fixed on the street

Those servants maintained various movements and demeanors, but remained rigid and motionless

On their foreheads, they all had a talisman

The street fell silent for a moment.

Xu Wei stared blankly at this scene, and bit the tip of his tongue forcefully.

There was disbelief in his eyes.

Li Dunkong looked at him indifferently, and said again: "A dude who smokes, drinks, whores and gambles, how dare you call him a good match for Yunyan?"

"Your Xu family is a famous family?"

"I, Li Dunkong, am I a toad?"

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