Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1028 Why Do Priests Use Bronze Talismans?

tree coffin torn apart

After the coffin fell, what was exposed was indeed another jade coffin!

However, this jade coffin looked extremely strange.

The coffin is not as white as jade, but blood seems to flow in the white.

The entire coffin is very small, as if wrapping a person!

There are reliefs of human faces, arms, legs and feet on the surface!

The eerie chill is raging around, and there is also a strange wind

Yuan Huashao frowned, and the iron skewer in his hand struck directly towards the top of the jade coffin.

Liu Zhengdao frowned, and he suddenly said: "Jade seals figurines, figurines seal corpses"

"Be careful, don't open the coffin!" He shouted in a low voice, stepped forward, and grabbed Yuan Huashao's shoulder!

Although Liu Zhengdao's reaction was not slow.

But before we slack

When he started, Yuan Huashao had already knocked on the coffin

With a light ding, the iron skewer fell on the surface of the jade coffin.

To be precise, it hit the center of the embossed face.

Only then did Liu Zhengdao grab Yuan Huashao's shoulders

A layer of ice flakes formed on the surface of the coffin in an instant, it was extraordinarily strange!

My pupils constricted, and my face suddenly changed again!

Where are the ice flowers, but the cracks formed by the surface of the jade coffin!


A slight sound came into my ears.

The lid of the jade coffin collapsed into countless fine powders.

Bloodshot in the white, the powder swayed towards Liu Zhengdao and Yuan Huashao!

My face became extremely ugly.

Liu Zhengdao suddenly withdrew his hand, and the whisk turned instantly.

A gust of wind suddenly rose!

With a muffled bang, the coffin fell heavily towards the rear!

Liu Zhengdao flew back towards me!

The moment he settled down and stood firm, he lowered his head and stared at Yuan Huashao's arm.

My eyes fell, and my eyes were also full of surprise.

Liu Zhengdao's reaction speed was already very fast.

The powder did not fall on him, nor did it fall on the rest of Yuan Huashao's body.

Only Yuan Huashao's hand was too close to the jade coffin just now.

His right hand was filled with a lot of jade coffin powder.

The palm of the hand outside the sleeve became extremely red, and even began to swell, and bloodshots formed weird lines on the surface.

"Mr. Yuan, you are too reckless! How could you open the coffin rashly?!" Liu Zhengdao frowned, and his voice sank a lot.

"The traitor is right in front of my eyes, I want to strangle him, clean up the house thoroughly, and my soul is gone." Yuan Huashao's forehead was beaded with sweat, and he whispered again: "I didn't expect that there is still a ghost in the coffin." There was an organ trap that almost capsized the ship in the gutter."

My eyelids twitched again.

Is Yuan Huashao really overturned in the gutter?

Or, we don't seem to be in danger here, and he also thought of it, so he deliberately found a little danger? !

This idea came up completely suddenly, and I don't think it's impossible.

The next moment, Yuan Huashao took out a box of medicine powder, and he asked Liu Zhengdao to help cut off the clothes on the sleeves.

With a wave of Liu Zhengdao's hand, Yuan Huashao's entire cuff fell off.

Half of his arm became red, even spreading toward the upper arm.

"Is this poison?" I couldn't restrain my uneasiness and worry.

If Yuan Huashao did everything he could, and lost an arm instead, then the loss outweighed the gain.

"It's poison, but poison has an antidote."

After saying that, the box of medicinal powder was opened, and Yuan Huashao sprinkled it all on his arm.

The blood-red swelling stopped instantly and was slowly dissipating.

The beads of sweat on Yuan Huashao's forehead were slightly less, and he murmured: "However, the poison is really severe, and this arm is temporarily useless."

"It's okay, as long as you can keep it." Liu Zhengdao let out a foul breath.

The next moment, a faint mist of blood appeared on the other side of the coffin

The mist rose up, completely covering the entire coffin.

I squinted my eyes slightly, looking over there warily.

Yuan Huashao gasped again and said, "This is not any of the three traitors." In fact, Yuan Huashao didn't say anything, but I guessed it.

The feathered corpse is a collection of anger, how could its surface be poisonous? !

Even if it is poison, it will be dissolved by the powerful anger.

"This corpse cannot be exposed here, otherwise it will be too fierce and may affect the peace of one side." Yuan Huashao said again.

The moment his voice fell.

The blood mist trembled a few times suddenly, and several thick shadows flew towards us directly!

That shadow is the fragment of the coffin!

"Living corpse?!" My eyelids twitched wildly.

"It's not just a living corpse." As soon as Liu Zhengdao spoke, he suddenly stepped forward, blocking Yuan Huashao and me.

"Gaiwen! The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law. I will cut it off now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"One cut off the calamity of the sky, the sky will meet the road ghosts, cut off all the devils, and leave home forever!"

With a wave of Liu Zhengdao's long sleeve, the mahogany sword shot all over the place!

Amidst the bang bang, the flying coffin fragments were shattered in mid-air!

Then, Liu Zhengdao waved his long sleeves again.

"Secondly cut off the calamities of the land, the land and households will bring good luck, men and women will return to justice, and when they are cut off, they will perish!"

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, all monsters are hidden away, and all evil things are cut off, and the family members are safe and healthy. I am pardoned by the Jade Emperor's law!"

The pitch-black Maotao sword and the sharp bronze sword shot towards the blood mist!

There was a popping sound, and Liu Zhengdao stepped forward again.

With a twitch of his hand at his waist, the whisk fell into his palm!

With a wave of his hand, the whisk whipped up several gusts of wind, and the blood mist suddenly spread towards the rear!

The field of vision became clear, and the sight I saw made my scalp tingle.

It's not because of fear.

I've seen so many ghouls over the years that nothing scares me.

I feel nauseous and my scalp tingles.

Because beside the stream, there is a man standing

A man completely stripped of his skin.

His bare body was only flesh and blood, his mouth quivered slightly, and his eyes kept moving.

It was as if he wanted to blink, but couldn't close his eyes at all because there were no eyelids.

Part of Liu Zhengdao's Maotao sword, the peach wood sword, was stuck in his body.

But now, those swords have slipped off, and even corroded to varying degrees.

Liu Zhengdao's tone was even colder, and he said in a low voice: "There are records in the Liu family's classics, about when No. 13 Great Elder was in office, he led the members of the Liu family to kill a corpse, and then we will know the origin of this corpse."

"Choose the darkest day, feed with the blood of thousands of people, and in the pool of blood condensed by resentment, flay alchemists who cannibalize alive."

"Alchemists eat corpses, with thick yin energy, skinned without dying, blood essence is abundant, blood feeds and nourishes blood corpses."

"This corpse is bloodthirsty. If it runs out, it will not be able to leave a living person in this area for hundreds of miles."

After saying that, Liu Zhengdao paused.

He seemed to take half a step back.

My complexion changed slightly, Liu Zhengdao is leaving? !

The next moment, I dismissed the idea.

After Liu Zhengdao charged up, he rushed forward suddenly. He jumped up and reached the mid-air directly above the blood corpse!

The next moment, his body suddenly turned upside down, falling from top to bottom.

Moreover, he did not know when there was an extra talisman in his hand!

That talisman is similar to the one used by Dunkong, it is a copper talisman!

Yuan Huashao's complexion changed slightly, and he murmured: "Liu family Taoists are good at using Taoism and Taoism, when did they use copper talismans?!"

"This talisman is strange but familiar"

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